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게시물에서 찾기korean news/reports

美 대사..vs 평양





Korea Herald(bourgeois S. Korean daily) is writing today:


The United States will continue to suppress North Korea, by taking a hard-line policy against various issues including the North's alleged counterfeiting of U.S. currency and its nuclear program standoff, a Korean public institute said in a report released yesterday...


U.S. Ambassador to Korea Alexander Vershbow also alerted South Koreans yesterday that people should be worried over the North's regime, which "is wasting its resources developing nuclear weapons and counterfeit bills, drug-dealing and money-laundering to survive."...


Read more here: 'Washington will continue to suppress North Korea'


Chosun Ilbo: U.S. Envoy Takes N.Korea Campaign Online




And last but not least 조선중앙통신(KCNA):

KCTU Checks U.S. Ambassador's Round-table Conversation with Journalists

    Pyongyang, January 16 (KCNA) -- The south Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU) checked a round-table conversation with journalists of the U.S. ambassador in Seoul on Jan. 12, according to the south Korean KBS. The U.S. ambassador was scheduled to have a round-table conversation with Internet journalists at the building of the south Korean Internet Journalists' Association.
    The KCTU castigated the U.S. ambassador for making reckless remarks slandering the north as a "criminal regime" and strongly opposed his call on the association.
    He could not appear in the venue owing to the fierce protest of the KCTU and had to give up his schedule.


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...it's just to vomit!



Check out following loathsome stuff:




No comment is necessary, I think...





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反민주노총.. #1

From am8:00 KCTU radio until(at least) am8:30 was broadcasting nationalist stuff(about 'uri minjok'/우리 민족...and so on..). I was complete shocked..


Just yesterday KCNA "reported": 'A New Year gathering was reportedly held in Seoul on Jan. 6 under the sponsorship of the Reunification Solidarity for the Implementation of the June 15 South-North Joint Declaration and Peace of the Korean Peninsula in south Korea. Han Sang Ryol, permanent chairman of the Reunification Solidarity, Jon Jae Hwan, chairman of the Emergency Measure Committee of the south Korean Confederation of Trade Unions ...at the gathering referred to the fact that the might of united workers, peasants and youths and students was demonstrated in the struggle to build a new life and a new system last year..' 

Actually I couldn't believe this "report"... But now...




More about it later...

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朝鮮日報: 최신 뉴스 #2




(unfortunately he is not so lonely...)




Air Force Chief Tests F-15K in Skies Over Dokdo
Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Kim Sung-il gives the thumbs-up after boarding one of Korea’s new F-15K fighters to pilot it in a sortie over Dokdo.
Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Kim Sung-il was in the pilot's seat of one of Korea’s new F-15K fighter jets on Monday afternoon in a symbolic sortie high over Dokdo, the islets in the East Sea that have come to galvanize patriotic sentiment. Gen. Kim took off from a base in Daegu, around 4 p.m. with a squad of two F-15Ks and two KF-16., the first Air Force commander to lead a flight over the islets. Circling for several minutes, Kim maintained communication with the Ulleungdo control unit and the Master Control and Report Center and checked on preparedness.

The F-15Ks, which started arriving in pairs last October, acquitted themselves well in the operation. In an emergency, the aircraft with a top speed of Mach 2.5 could reach Dokdo from base in eight minutes, and while the current core Air Force fighter jet, the KF-16, would be capable of little more than five minutes of air battle if it flew from the central region, the F-15K can carry out fighting operations for up to an hour after taking off from the Daegu base.

The aim of the exercise was to encourage pilots and mark the New Year as well as check the F-15K in operation. Air Force officials said the flight was symbolic of the Air Force’s determination to defend Dokdo. The islets attract an annual trickle of quasi-official territorial claims from Japan. (Chosun Ilbo, 1.03)










(*) Fortunately there are only two Koreas...^^

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朝鮮日報: 최신 뉴스 #1


...please read the last sentences of this stuff!!




New technologies are the engine driving Korea’s economy, and 2006 will see a plethora of them chugging into full gear, from quantum cryptography to roll-up displays. The Chosun Ilbo asked industrial experts and state and private research institutes and discovered what will occupy tech-heads and savvy consumers this year.


Quantum Cryptography

Quantum cryptography prevents eavesdropping, a topic that has occupied people a great deal this year. The technology sends codified digital information in the smallest light unit, photons, and when the codes are attacked by the unauthorized, the light transforms into meaningless patterns, making it impossible to wiretap. A joint research team from the Korea Institute for Advanced Study and the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute has succeeded in sending images that way over a 25 km distance in December last year and plans to demonstrate an upgraded version that is faster and much closer to commercial use.


Korean-Developed Drugs

Korea's own pharmaceutical technologies are expected to make a big leap next year. Dong-A Pharma recently won a patent for homegrown erectile dysfunction drug Zydena, the world's fourth, for the United States, Europe, Asia, and Central and South America. Its affiliate Dong-A Pharmtech will facilitate sales in the U.S. Ilyang Pharm signed a license agreement with U.S.-based TAP Pharmaceutical Products which grants TAP rights and technology transfer for anti-ulcer treatment Ilaprazole. Phase 3 clinical tests are in progress in China and five Southeast Asian countries.

LG Life Sciences entered the Japanese market with its quinolone antibiotic Factive, which was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The company was paid US$2 million and will be paid more for step-by-step technology transfer. It will also receive royalties based on sales performance in the next 10 years. Choongwae Pharma, meanwhile, signed a deal to export its new antibiotic Imipenem to Brazil.


Terrestrial Digital Multimedia Broadcasting

Terrestrial Digital Multimedia Broadcasting (DMB) is another technology that will flourish next year. The service, started here in December, beams broadcasts to hand-held devices on the move. The government expects it will lead to a W4 trillion increase in industrial output and 30,000 new jobs by 2011.

Korean companies are taking the technology abroad next year. Korean-fostered DMB will start in Beijing, China in 2006 with special handsets being exported to China from February. Many companies, from giants Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics to medium and small firms, will be competing in the new market.


WiBro Mobile Internet Access

Korea’s mobile Internet service WiBro will go commercial in April. The country introduced the technology at the APEC Summit in November, allowing international leaders to experience WiBro content at first hand.

WiBro was recently selected as the international standard, a big boost to exports of the technology. Samsung Electronics has already clinched deals to supply WiBro equipment to Venezuela’s Omnivision, Japan’s KDDI, America’s Sprint Nextel, Italy’s T1, British Telecom and Brazil’s TVA.


The Multi-Purpose Utility Satellite Arirang 2

Arirang 2, which will be launched in May, is a symbol of Korean science and technology, though for technical reasons the launch was postponed from December. Korea ranks 20th in the world in the number of satellites it operates with seven, and produces its own.

The multi-purpose utility satellite will be equipped with a 1m-resolution optical camera -- producing images from orbit as detailed as looking down from Mt.Halla -- and will be used for ocean observation. Arirang 5, to be launched in 2008, will be equipped with radar to observe Earth day and night.


Flash Memory

The rise and rise of Flash memory chips, which store data even when the power is out and are so far mostly used in portable devices such as MP3 players and digital cameras, will continue next year.

Flash memory chips are among Korea’s leading products, and demand is so strong that companies cannot make them fast enough, with the shortage expected to continue next year. Samsung Electronics has a firm grip on 60 percent of the international market, and Hynix has a 10 percent share.

Having this year developed more efficient 50-nanometer technology for 16GB NAND Flash, Samsung will next year want to prove “Hwang’s Law,” an update of Moore’s Law named after its president Hwang Chang-kyu which insists that memory capacity doubles every year.


Optical Internet

2006 will be the year of 100-Mbps optical LAN, a high-speed Internet service using a short-distance network.

Powercom, a newcomer in the high-speed Internet business, first introduced the service, followed by KT and Hanaro Telecom. Optical LAN is about 10 times faster than the commonly used ADSL.

When optical LAN becomes the common standard, video via Internet will also gain huge popularity because the 100 Mbps speed means users can watch HD video without buffering. The Samsung Economic Research Institute says remote medical services, remote education and video security and other services will also become popular thanks to optical LAN.


Flexible Displays

Tough competition is expected over flexible displays, and the world’s leading display makers Samsung Electronics, Sony, Sharp and Phillips are staking their future on the product.

Flexible displays, when they become available, can be rolled up like a newspaper and carried around, and that will be a boon for users of laptops and other portable devices. The market is expected to grow to some $10 billion next year alone.

Samsung has already introduced a flexible LCD using a thin panel that does not warp when bent. But there is plenty of scope for development since the display, so far the world’s biggest, measures

only 7 inches.







Finally sooner or later "Prof" Hwang (yeah, the creator of SNUppy) will arrive in Pyeongyang. Here he will clone Kim Il-sung and after the "suddenly" death of Kim jr. for the next 5,000 years (at least) the leadership (aka Kim Il-sung's) of DPRK will survive. Until someone will re-create Tangun... And then everyone (in Korea) will be happy...^^

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...S. KOREA vs USA & N.K. vs S.K.^^



AP wrote today:


Report: North Korea Criticizes U.S. Envoy

North Korea has again criticized the top U.S. envoy to Seoul for making provocative remarks about the communist country, calling him a ``tyrant,'' a news report said Sunday.

U.S. Ambassador to South Korea Alexander Vershbow labeled the North a ``criminal regime'' early this month, citing Pyongyang's alleged arms dealing, money laundering and counterfeiting.

Since the remarks, North Korea has repeatedly called on South Korea to expel Vershbow for slandering the North. Pyongyang has also called Vershbow a ``political rogue'' and his remarks a ``declaration of war.''

``It is clear (Vershbow) is a tyrant wearing the mask of a diplomat,'' the North's Rodong Sinmun newspaper said Sunday in a commentary, according to South Korea's Yonhap news agency.

Vershbow's comments have also drawn rebukes from South Korean officials. Kim Won-wung, a lawmaker of the ruling Uri Party, recently warned he would campaign for the expulsion of Vershbow unless he moderates his criticism of North Korea.

U.S. allegations of the North's involvement in counterfeiting have been a major obstacle to resuming talks on Pyongyang's nuclear arms program. North Korea has dismissed the allegations as a lie and threatened to boycott the talks with the U.S., South Korea, China, Japan and Russia unless Washington lifts the sanctions.

In a separate report on Saturday, the North urged South Korea to apologize for Defense Minister Yoon Kwang-ung's recent remarks that the North poses a military threat, calling them an intolerable insult and mockery.

``The military threat on the Korean Peninsula is not coming from the North but from South Korea where the U.S. troops are stationed,'' said a spokesman for the Committee for the North's Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland, according to the North's Korean Central News Agency.

The unidentified spokesman also described the Korean Peninsula as a touch-and-go situation in

which a war may break out any moment due to war moves of the U.S. and South Korea. It did not say what it meant by war moves.



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香港: 反WTO 투쟁 #8 (FIN!)





HK cops arrested last weekend 

1001 S. Korean protestors...



Now the S. Korean government...



Bourgeois daily Korea Herald, today's headline:

(usually Korea Struggles to Crack Down...)



...and their "strongest political opponents" want to have them back home...

12.19: protest rally in front of Seoul's Ministry of Foreign Affairs..



Meanwhile S. Korean (of course also bourgeois,...complete reactionary) daily JoongAng Ilbo writes (12.20): "Hong Kong police told Seoul yesterday that 12 South Korean protesters would be held for further investigation of their involvement in violent protests against the just-concluded World Trade Organization meeting there. It released the remaining 838 South Koreans in custody yesterday afternoon."


And "our most famous" Chosun Ilbo will write this: 



And KCNA - actually I was a little wondering... - reported nothing. Of course they reported nothing, because it cannot be that ordinary (s.) Korean farmers and workers (the poorest of the poor.., the farmers are starving, the workers: millions of them are just unemployed..) travel around the world (by air plane!!!)... and stage protests (create street battles...) somewhere outside of our "beloved home country"...^^


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10.29 反삼성 FESTIVAL


The message you can read here.

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AI about conscientious objectors

KOREA TIMES wrote today:

Amnesty International Vows to Protect Conscientious Objectors

By Chung Ah-young An international human rights group has vowed to wage a worldwide campaign for conscientious objectors, calling on the Korean government to introduce an alternative to military service. The Korean branch of Amnesty International (AI) said Friday that if two Korean men who were declared ``conscientious objectors’’ and rejected military conscription are imprisoned, it will take the case to the World Wide Appeals, which is designed to mobilize international support for them. Oh Jung-rok, 27, and Koh Dong-ju, 26, known as pacifists, refused to be conscripted for military service on Oct. 4 and Oct. 11, respectively, when they received the notices. AI said that if the two are imprisoned, it will designate them as conscientious prisoners and launch a worldwide campaign for them after reviewing their activities as pacifists. Kim Myeong-sik, a campaign coordinator at AI’s Korean branch, said that it will resort to the World Wide Appeals, in which its members from other countries will send thousands of letters and appeals to the Korean government. ``However, conscientious objectors are supposed to be proven non-violent and refuse military conscription due to their beliefs or faith to receive international support under our organization,’’ he told The Korea Times. ``We will protect conscientious objectors according to the right to freedom of thought, religion and conscience, along with international campaigns,’’ he said. Kim said that AI’s Korean branch might invoke urgent actions if any serious violations on the basic rights of conscientious objectors are reported. ``Alternative service can be a good replacement to military service allowing those who refused their military obligation due to their faith to abide by the duties without sacrificing their rights,’’ he said. Under AI’s campaign for conscientious objectors, Lim Tae-hun, who served one year and four months in prison, was released in June after rejecting his military obligation. Lim received about 3,000 letters from around the world under AI’s campaign. A citizen of one country cannot take part in their own country’s appeal campaigns of AI in that country. However, an official of the Free Citizen’s Alliance of Korea said that the attempt to adopt an alternative service system might be abused by draft dodgers, threatening national security. Since 1939, the country has imprisoned 10,000 conscientious objectors, the largest number of conscientious objectors with 439 in prison as of June 15, 2004. The number of conscientious objectors has been on the rise over the past few years from 683 in 2000 to 804 in 2001 and 734 in 2002, despite growing pressure from the international community on Korea to recognize and uphold the right to freedom of thought, religion and conscience. PS.: "Since 1939..."??
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민주노총 재해... The KCTU Disaster

It is just a shame for us that we were not able to kick out this reformist, corrupt... criminal gang last March, when we all had the possibility... Here the first bourgeois (and be sure they will be happy about it!!!) voice about it in today's Korea Times: Union Leaders to Resign Over Corruption Scandal By Lee Hyo-sik Staff Reporter Lee Soo-ho, right, president of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU), answers a question from lawmakers during the parliamentary inspection on the Ministry of Labor at the National Assembly in Yoido, Tuesday. Lee and other KCTU leaders said that they will step down in January over a series of corruption scandals plaguing the nation’s second largest umbrella labor group. /Yonhap Leaders of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU) Tuesday decided to resign en masse in January over a series of corruption scandals, dealing a serious blow to the nation’s labor movement. South Korea’s second largest umbrella group said during a press conference that its leaders, including president Lee Soo-ho, will step down next year after fixing pending issues by the end of this year. It then plans to hold an election to select a new group of leaders to run the union for the next three years. Lee pledged not to run for any leadership positions, taking responsibility for a bribery scandal surrounding one of its vice presidents. The decision was made at an emergency meeting with representatives of local braches and other high-ranking officials, aimed at mapping out follow-up measures, one day after Lee voluntarily suspended his post. ``I take full responsibility for the bribery scandal as the president and sincerely apologize for it, ’’ Lee said. KCTU vice president Kang Seung-kyu was arrested last Friday for allegedly taking 81 million won ($78,000) in bribes from taxi unions. The prosecution claimed Kang received 51 million won in bribes from Park Bok-gyu, chairman of the National Taxi Transportation Union Association, and other executives of the taxi operators’ group in return for influence peddling. The KCTU also decided to launch an internal investigation into vice president Kang and set up an internal surveillance system to strengthen ethics among high-ranking union officials and monitor changes in their assets. ``While in office, I will make effort to reform the organization by cleaning up past wrongdoings of union representatives,’’ Lee said. He added that the umbrella union plans to launch countermeasures against the government attempt to gain parliamentary approval for a bill on non-regular workers, which it claims will further reduce job security. Since the beginning of the year, many union members have been implicated in corruption cases, dealing a severe blow to the KCTU that boasts 619,200 members from 744 unions. They were accused of embezzling union funds, taking kickbacks from businesses and accepting bribes from jobseekers in return for employment. The nation's largest umbrella labor union, the Federation of Korean Trade Unions (FKTU), has also gotten into the worst crisis in its 59-year history as its former leader was arrested in May for taking kickbacks from a construction firm in a high-profile corruption scandal. A Seoul district court yesterday sentenced FKTU president Lee Nam-soon to 18 months in prison and 220 million won in fines for accepting about 200 million won ($200,000) in kickbacks from a contractor in return for a building project for a union welfare center in Yoido, Seoul. ``A series of corruption scandals resulted from the lack of a transparent internal audit system inside unions to prevent their representatives from conducting illegal practices for personal gains,’’ said Bae Kiu-sik, research fellow at the Korea Labor Institute. Bae added that even though the scandals may have damaged unions, it is a good opportunity to clean up bad practices and make the organization a more democratic one.
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