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437개의 게시물을 찾았습니다.

  1. 2006/04/02
    필리핀 뉴스...
    no chr.!
  2. 2006/04/02
    프랑스, 反CPE ...
    no chr.!
  3. 2006/04/01
    3.31 팔레스티나..
    no chr.!
  4. 2006/04/01
    터키.쿠르드.North Kurdistan...
    no chr.!
  5. 2006/03/31
    3.30, 프랑스, 反CPE 투쟁, ...
    no chr.!
  6. 2006/03/31
    네팔뉴스 #14
    no chr.!
  7. 2006/03/31
    3.30 팔레스티나..
    no chr.!
  8. 2006/03/30
    프랑스, 反CPE 투쟁, 뉴스, 사진(3)
    no chr.!
  9. 2006/03/30
    no chr.!
  10. 2006/03/29
    네팔뉴스 #13
    no chr.!

네팔 혁명?.. #5



..the U.S. ambassador in Nepal described the current situation in the country.

Harrharr... of course he is fearing a, how he said, an increasing of the revolutionary movement..


So, according to CNN, he and the ambassadors of India and China urge Gyanendra, a.k.a. the king, to give up some democratic stuff to the SPA, otherwise... HAha, perhaps, or better hopefully, it is already to late!! Because the protesters, now the majority on the streets, are demanding from Gyanendra to hand over the power and to leave the country..




Here are the latest news...




Day 12 general strike; pro-democracy stir continues; 1 protester killed in Bara

The seven-party alliance (SPA) called pro-democracy demonstrations and general strike Monday entered the twelfth day, with thousands once again participating.

At least one protestor was killed and 12 others injured when security forces opened fire at a peaceful protest demonstration of nearly two thousand people in Nijgadh of Bara district today.

Hiralal Gautam, 25, of Nijgadh died while being rushed to a hospital in Birgunj, reported our correspondent Shankar Acharya.

With Gautam’s death, the number of people who have lost their lives in the ongoing movement for democracy has reached six.

Similarly, four protestors were injured when Royal Nepalese Army soldiers opened fire at a group of protestors in Chitwan district this afternoon.

According to reports, the soldiers opened fire as a group of protestors tried to stop a truck carrying goods. The soldiers were escorting the truck.

Two protestors were injured when police fired rubber bullets at a demonstration in Chabahil of Kathmandu today.

Pro-democracy protesters in the capital today defied the government prohibitory orders and demonstrated in the restricted areas.

Protests continued for several hours at Gongabu, Chabahil and Balkhu.

Meanwhile, civil servants today demonstrated inside the Singha Durbar premises.

Women from Sankhamul and Buddhanagar today took to the streets drumming dinner plates as a symbolic support to the SPA demonstrations. Similar rallies of women were taken out at Anamnagar and Maitidevi.

In Patan, the SPA took out rallies appealing to the city dwellers to join the pro-democracy demonstrations. The rally passed through Patandhoka, Lagankhel, Natole and Pulchowk.

Police arrested at least a dozen women who took out a rally demanding democracy and end to autocracy at Bhotahity. They have been kept at Mahendra Police Club.

Employees of Education Department hold sit-in

Meanwhile, employees of the Higher Secondary Education Council and Department of Education today halted office work to stage a sit-in protest showing solidarity with the ongoing pro-democracy movement.

Supporting the ongoing SPA agitation, employees of the Higher Secondary Education Council, Education Human Resource Development Center and Formal Education Center and CTEVT staged a sit-in demonstration in front of the Education Department. 

In the meantime, a protest gathering of University Teachers’ Association of Central Campus, Kirtipur, appealed to the security personnel to back the SPA-launched movement.

Employees of the Vice Chancellor’s Office of Tribhuvan University and the Office of the Controller of Examinations also locked up their offices to express solidarity with the ongoing movement.

SC employees join movement

Employees of the Supreme Court (SC) also held demonstrations in support of the ongoing mass movement. Binding black arm bands, the SC employees staged a sit-in protest in the premises of the Court for an hour this afternoon. The protest was also observed by joint secretary-level officials.

Similar pro-democracy demonstrations were held by employees of the Agricultural Development Bank and Transport Management Office.



UML activist shot dead in Bara during demonstration



Of course the enemy, the intenational bourgeois media, here IHT, is trying to fight back..

Ordinary Nepalese run out of patience


Al Jazeera..

Nepal reels under anti-monarch strike






Actually today I wanted to upload here some of my thoughts about the current situation in Nepal, but because I forgot my disc at home ... still I have to use PC bang ... I will do it later, as soon as possible.. Mi anh hae yo..


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

네팔 혁명?.. #4


..with new measures of the struggle against the regime


Perhaps you remember that in the beginning the general strike was limited to 4 days, but now... 11 days!!


CNN said yesterday: "Demonstrations are now the way of life in Nepal."


Yesterday the SPA called to all Nepalese people, including the migrant workers in the Middle East, India and the so-called developed countries, to stop to pay taxes and other finiancial support for the government/regime of Gyanendra.


BBC World reported today, if I understood it right, that now also the employees of the Ministry of Tourism are supporting the general strike.


Another very important development: when you watch the pictures in the TV, for example in BBC World yesterday, you find out that the pictures are now more comparably with pictures of the Intifada (the first, in my opinion the only, 1987 - 1993) in Palestine against the occupation. Simply said it seems that the general strike is turning into a kind of UPRISING!!


No power against..

..the power of the people!


And according to CNN more and more demonstrators - the "ordinary" people, workers, shop keepers, street vendors... are becoming now the majority of the protests - are demanding that Gyanendra should leave the country immediately.


Actually all this news are sounding very good... but I'm also a little sceptically... Harrharr I am sceptically with everything.....
About the future of the movement, because now more and more the daily life for the "ordinary" people is getting harder. The prices for the daily goods are increasing, some of the daily notwendigen it is hard to get...


So in my opinion the SPA and the "ordinary" people must react and organize the daily life on a complete new level. But about this thoughts I'll write tomorrow.


Anyway, here are the latest, 4.16, news by the international, unfortunately, bourgeois media..


eKantipur, Nepal...


Parties announce fresh stir; 18 injured in army-police firing in Arghakhanchi, Balkhu

The agitating seven-party alliance (SPA) on Sunday announced fresh rounds of protest programmes to intensify the ongoing pro-democracy demonstrations.

A meeting of the Joint Movement Central Coordination Committee (JMCCC) held in the capital today decided, among other issues, not to pay tax to the royal government.

Stating that the SPA-called nationwide protest demonstrations have gained new height, the JMCCC said it will stage a 'huge demonstration' in the capital on April 20.

The parties called on all "to boycott any products and services of those businesses and industries belonging to the royal family and its family members."

The SPA also appealed to all Nepalis abroad in foreign employment not to send remittances during the pro-democracy protest period.

Appealing for the continuous support for the ongoing agitation, the seven parties requested friendly countries, donors and the international community not to lend any financial aid to the "unconstitutional royal regime."

In the meantime, former prime minister and president of Nepali Congress-Democratic Sher Bahadur Deuba today appealed on all not to pay any tax to the government in defiance of the "unconstitutional decision imposed by the autocratic regime."

Meanwhile, anti-government demonstration has intensified in the Kathmandu Valley with massive public participation.

Police opened fire at Balkhu in the capital and in Arghakhanchi district today injuring more than one and half dozen demonstrators.

At least six pro-democracy protesters were injured in the police shooting at Balkhu while 12 sustained injuries in Arghakhanchi. Five of the injured in Arghakhanchi are in serious condition.

Massive demonstrations were staged at various parts of the valley including at Gongabu, Chabahil, Sat Dobato, Bhaktapur.

In Patan, an anti-government rally that began from Mangal bazaar passed through major corners of the city before converging into a mass gathering at Patan Dhoka. Demonstrations were also held at Bhimsenthan, Tangal, Lanagkhel, Mahapal, Gabahal, demanding restoration of democracy and the release of all the political detainees.

In Gongabu, peaceful demonstrations began from early in the morning. The rally passed through major parts of the area, demanding establishment of complete democracy in the country.

Similar rallies were taken out at Bashundhara, Suryabinayak and Kausaltar in Bhaktapur.

Demonstrators in Kalanki organized a pro-democracy cultural programme from early this morning. The demonstrators sang pro-democracy songs and recited poems.




Demonstrations continue nationwide, thousands take to streets


Tens of thousands of people participated in the pro-democracy rallies and demonstrations across the country on the eleventh consecutive day of the nationwide indefinite general strike called by the agitating seven-party alliance (SPA) on Sunday.

SPA activists, students, government employees, people affiliated to different professional organisations, women, farmers and the business community hit the streets across the country chanting slogans against autocracy and demanding the restoration of Loktantra.

In Dang, demanding a democratic republic, the Joint Students’ Struggle Committee organized an anti-government rally at Ghorahi, the headquarters of Dang district this morning.

Starting from Bhanuchowk, the students passed through Traffic Chowk, Hospital Road, Naya Bazaar, Bank Road, Damodar Chowk, Martyr Umesh Street and returned to Bhanuchowk where they organized a corner meet.

More than five thousand people participated in the rally. The students chanted anti-monarchy slogans.

Transportation, markets, educational institutions remained closed, affecting the normal life.

In Palpa, agitated students locked the campuses affiliated to Tribhuvan University today.

Our Palpa correspondent Madhva Aryal reports that the students evicted the campus chiefs and employees and locked the campuses.

The students also locked other different government offices in Tansen bazaar.    

In Bhairahawa, the Siddharthanagar Federation of Commerce and Industries staged a massive demonstration in support of complete democracy. The protesters also set ablaze a police beat at Buddhachowk and furniture belonging to two government offices. Clashes which erupted between the protesters and the security personnel lasted for nearly an hour resulting in a tense situation.

As the rally taken out by Siddharthanagar FNCCI marched through New Road, Devkota Chowk, Bank Road, Prahari Tole, Narayansthan and turned into a corner meet on reaching Buddha Chok, the rally of the students from Bhairahawa Multiple Campus and Paklihawa multiple campus joined in and set the police beat on fire.

The mass became infuriated after a policeman threw a bicycle belonging to a protester into the burning police beat. The infuriated demonstrators then brought the furniture of the District Education Office and Agriculture Development Bank and set fire.

Different organizations and individuals continuously helped the demonstrators with water and juice during the protests.

Following the SPA announcement, Janakpur was closed again today. The people's movement coordination committee suspended all the protest programmes yesterday in order to celebrate Judsita, one of the biggest festivals in the Mithila region. All the commercial institutions, industries and schools remained closed. Early in the morning, demonstrators forced to close the Janakpur Cigarette Factory. The factory workers joined in the daytime demonstrations with the protesters.

Meanwhile, big rallies were staged in major rural areas in Dhanusha and Yadukaha, Sabaila, Mahendranagar, Dhalkebar and Nagarain.


Ploy to defame protesters

The United People's Movement Committee today blamed the Greater Janakpur Region Development Council of trying to defame the protesters with false allegations.

A computer and a printer, which the council alleged the protesters had stolen, were found in a sac outside the gate of the council. "The council hid the goods themselves and alleged the protesters. It was a premeditated conspiracy to defame the movement," said Yog Narayan Yadav, district secretary of the CPN-UML.

Infuriated protesters had destroyed the council's office last Thursday. Immediately, ex-Panchayat minister Bhojraj Ghimire and others had alleged the protesters of stealing goods worth Rs. 300,000. The protesters claim that the officials themselves hid those goods.

The SPA united movement committee is to decide about this false allegation tomorrow.

Money collection for the treatment of those injured during the pro-democracy demonstrations in the capital has begun in Janakpur too. According to Brij Kumar Yadav, editor of Janakpur Today, More than 15 people have already contributed after his paper initiated the donation campaign.

A famous orthopaedic doctor in Janakpur, Dr. Ramkewal Sah today announced free treatment to the injured pro-democracy protesters.


Huge women's rallies in Udaypur, Palpa

Thousands of women singing pro-democracy songs and carrying musical instruments today took out a pro-democracy rally from Sangam Chok in Gaighat, the headquarters of Udayapur district.

The protest rally, which began early in the morning, was joined in by the rally of the seven parties. The rally, with more than five thousands protesters, renamed Sangam Tole as Loktantrik Tole. The protestors marched throughout Gaighat and burnt effigies of regression.

Meanwhile, the Teacher's Union in Udaypur decided to close all private and government schools “until government suppression is ended.”

A huge women’s rally was also taken out in Tansen, the headquarters of Palpa district. Thousands of women from the villages surrounding Tansen joined in the rally which saw significant participation from the local Newar women as well.

Marching through the Tansen bazaar, the rally which was later joined in by students, teachers, journalists, government employees and different professional organisations, converged into a mass meet at Batasedanda.


Police obstruct main street in Dailekh

In Dailekh, in order to curb and prevent the everyday pro-democracy protests, the District Police Office today obstructed the busiest road in Devkota chowk in the headquarters.

For security reasons the street used to be blocked using barbed wires after 7 pm, but today the police put barbed wires on the street early in the morning.


Massive rally in Lahan

Our correspondent reports the SPA staged a massive rally in Lahan this afternoon.

Thousands of people from the nearby villages attended the rally.

The Progressive Cultural Organization staged a democratic street play called "Mukti ka laagi ek bhai jutau" (let us unite for freedom). Starting from Mahendra chowk, the massive rally marched through Lahan in the late afternoon and concluded with a mass-meeting.

The protesters also announced to hold bigger rallies until the restoration of complete democracy.




Guardian, Uk..

King of Nepal crushes white-collar street protests
Kathmandu under a strict military curfew.




Al Jazeera..

Kathmandu facing food shortages


IHt, AFP, AP..

Food and supplies are scarce as strike paralyzes Katmandu



Btw, I think if the situation in Nepal is increasing we will get more reports like that...



Meanwhile GEFONT, the General Federation of Nepalese Trade Unions


reported this..


Trade Unions urge Bankers to Halt business

A Trade Union Delegation consisting of high level leadership of GEFONT, NTUC, DECONT and CoNEP visited various Private and Joint Venture banks. The delegation discussed with the management on contemporry situation and requested them to support institutionally the on going popular democratic movement. The unions urged them to halt activites respecting the public opinion & sentiments of people being reflected in the mass movement.

Considering the increasing pressure in favour of general strike and the trade unions, the bankers have shown their positive concern. The delegation requested the bankers and Nepal Bankers Association to clear their position as soon as possible on the issue of restoring democracy. The bankers have been found convinced that without democracy, economy and financila sector cannot survive.

The president of the Nepal Bankers Association Mr. Radhesh Pant has assured that he will call the meeting of Nepal Bankers Association tomorrow on April 16 and that the outcome will be made public just after the meeting.

In addition to the meeting with Bankers' President, the delegation talked with CEOs and executive officers of  Kumari Bank, NIC Bank,  NI Bank, SBI Bank, Himalaya Bank, Everest Bank, Nabil Bank and Bank of Kathmandu today.

There are a number of private and joint vneture banks & finacila institutions functioning in Nepal. Remainings will be visited continuously.




진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

네팔 혁명?.. #3



..and perhaps a new kind of democracy

in Asia is beginning..


But at first... yesterday I met on the street one of the main active maoist persons in Berlin... they organized in January a forum about the situation in Nepal. I wrote about it here



I asked him about his opinion about the current developments there... and he had no idea, not at all... He was not really informed what is going on there in the last days.. he just knew about what was written in German newspapers...... and this is just a little of the reality...



Yesterday in the CNN program Chitra Tiwari, a political analyst about Nepal by the Washington Post, said: "It is very likely that the days of King Gyanendra are counted."



Well, here are coming the latest news about the current situation in Napal..


eKantipur, 4.15...


Thousands take to streets in capital; dozens including ex-minister injured in police action

While thousands of pro-democracy protesters demonstrated across the country Saturday, dozens of protesters including a former minister were injured in police firing at a massive rally in the capital.

Rallies taken out from various parts of the capital passed through Chabahil, Gongabu and converged into a mass gathering at Kalanki, where security personnel intervened. Despite the security personnel’s intervention, the seven-party alliance (SPA) managed to stage a mass-meeting.

Defying the government ban on public gatherings and rallies, protesters from Balkhu marched towards Teku. Police indiscriminately opened fire at demonstrations at Kalopul, Sanepa, where ex-minister Sabitri Bogati, UML leaders Mohan Chandra Bogati and Lal Bahadur BK were among a dozen injured.  

The injured are undergoing treatment at Kathmandu Model Hospital.

The protesters shouting "We want democracy," and "Give back our rights" walked 8 kilometres along the Ring Road before converging into a mass gathering at Kalanki, one of the main entry points to the capital.

As the protesters move forward large numbers of onlookers cheered and clapped in support while some joined the procession.

Clashes between the protesters and security personnel at Kalopul lasted for a number of hours. Police also fired teargas and baton charged protesters.

The protestors burnt a police sentry post in the area.

Separately, rallies were taken out from seven VDCs in the western Kathmandu.

Protest demonstrations were staged at Gongabu, Kalanki, Kirtipur, Chabahil, Baneshwor, Koteshwor, Patan, Lubhu of Lalitpur, and Suryabinayak of Bhaktapur starting out this morning.

At least seven activists including Bhim KC, vice-president of UML aligned youth organization, Prajatantrik Rastriya Yuva Sangathan, were arrested from demonstrations at Ratna Park, while dozens of activists including Nepali Congress-democratic leader Mohan Bahadur Basnet, Min Bahadur Basnet of Nepali Congress were arrested from Sita Paila.

In Kirtipur, hundreds of women activists took to the streets demanding the restoration of democracy. The rally which went through Panga, Dobato and Ngaun, converged into a mass gathering at Naya Bazaar.

Similarly, thousands of pro-democracy demonstrators took out an anti-government rally in Lalitpur. A rally taken out from Satdobato was checked by the police at Jawalakhel.






A women was shot yesterday by a tear gas grenade



GEFONT, General Federation of Nepalese Trade Unions..


Tenth Day of General Strike: More GEFONT people arrested


Early morning of the tenth day of the seven-party alliance (SPA) called nation-wide general strike, more than 30 unionists including GEFONT NEC member Danish Kumar Rai are arrested. Com. Rai about to start his day, was welcomed by Armed police and military personals. They rounded up his house and nabbed him from the bed without giving a single chance for a cup of tea. Later he was handed over 90-days detention order. Along with Com. Rai, GEFONT unionists Kul Bahadur Pandit and Amritlal Shrestha also arrested and detained from Bara- central South of Nepal.

Police intervention, baton charge, tear gas shells and opened fire at the protestors in peaceful rally are the regular routine work of the autocratic regime in Nepal. Reciprocating to the government's brutal repression on peaceful movement, Pro-democracy demonstrations have been gaining momentum with large public participation across the country.

The tenth day of the SPA called nation wide general strike also saw peaceful demonstrations staged throughout the country. Expressing solidarity with the ongoing popular movement, various sectors including workers, civil servants, lawyers, artists, teachers, doctors, business entrepreneurs, and disabled persons, among others, have joined this movement.

The workers of hotels and casinos displayed black banners in front of the hotels, and went to work wearing black-band from today, as part of their protest programs to support the stir.
Today over 20,000 people, including professionals, trade union members and ordinary people, marched in the streets of far-western town of Dhangadhi expressing their solidarity. The rally has ben jointly organized by GEFONT and other two recognized trade union centres.

All factories and enterprises in Nepal have been closed down since last ten days by workers and trade unions in support of the general strike. Likewise, Employees working at government banks and telecommunications, electricity offices and various public enterprises have also joined the general strike by halting all their work challenging the essential service act imposed by the royal regime.
More Story:  Over 20,000 march in Dhangadhi, Over 100 arrested in Hetauda




4.15 crackdown of the rally of

the journalists



Thousands take part in protests in Kathmandu




BBC News - Nepal police attack journalists



The Times of India..

Protests rock Himalayan kingdom



Al Jazeera..

Protesters reject Nepal king's overture



Nepal: Police attack media protest





Well, once again I am really sorry that I am no able to find independent news about the current sitution there.. Finaly we only can guess, what is going on there... what will be the future...  Even Gefont is using the Nepalese bourgeois media... For me it is really unpleasantly.. Believe it!

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

네팔 혁명?.. #2

"We will burn the crown"

Gyanendra's(a.k.a. the king) "Offer"- To Little, To Late!


According to CNN's reports from y'day: representaives of the Seven Parties Alliance(SPA)
said that the king's "offer" is nothing new and will have no effect to decrease the
current situation in Nepal.

Meanwhile political analysts said that in the coming days the "violence will increasing".
And also: that "it is just a matter of time, that the maoists(CPN-M) will soon take over the complete power in Nepal".

The CNN correspondent: "There will be no compromise between the king and the maoists(CPN-M)
and between the king and the political parties(SPA)."

Meanwhile the SPA rejected Gyanendra's "offer", demanded real democracy and promissed to
continue the struggle until the king is meeting their demands or just give up his position completely.



Anyway... here are the latest news from Nepalese and intl. media..


The Nepalese eKantipur ,4.14..


SPA leaders reject king's talks offer


Leaders of the Seven Party Allaince (SPA) Friday vowed to continue with their peaceful protest and rejected the king's offer for dailogue with political parties.

"The king's message is just the formality and it has not addressed the burning problems plaguing the nation at present. The peaceful agitation will continue," said K.P.Oli, senior leader of the Communist Party of Nepal-Unified Marxist Leninist.

In a new year message the king today renewed his call for talks with all political parties and said that general elections should be conducted without any delay.

"We believe that there is no alternative to multiparty democracy in the 21st century and the verdict of the ballot alone is legitimate, the King said, adding, "... we, therefore, call upon all political parties to join in a dialogue, which we have always advocated, to bear the responsibility of and contribute towards activating the multiparty democratic polity," the king said.

"There is so much violence and bloodshed going on and people are protesting all over the country demanding restoration of people's sovereignty but he is acting as if nothing has happened," Oli said.

Thousands of people have come into the streets demanding restoration of democracy across the country over the past week as the alliance intensified its protests to pressurize the king to give up power.

At least four people have died, hundreds arrested and many others injured as the protestors and the security forces were engaged in violent clashes during demonstrations nationwide.

"No one should have confusion in what the king is trying to do. It is very clear that the king is firm in his own roadmap and he doesn't want to talk with open mind," said Minendra Risal, spokesman of the Nepali Congress-Democratic Party.

On Thursday, United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan through a statement issued by his spokesman in New York said that he "is more than ever concerned about the deteriorating situation."

Annan also reiterated his call for an inclusive national dialogue of all Nepalese political forces and for King Gyanendra to take "courageous steps" to find a way avoid further bloodshed.

"It is quite clear that the Nepalese people want a swift end to the conflict and instability and the immediate restoration of democracy. The loss of life and denial of legitimate rights should end without delay," Annan said.

International pressure has been mounting on king to reach out to the political parties as the United States, India, European Union and Japan expressed concern over the deteiorating political situation in Nepal last week.

The US embassy in Kathmandu closed down its visa section and reduced staffing in its mission citing security reasons. The move came after a wave of violent protests in the country.

US State Department spokesman Sean McCormack earlier this week said that King Gyanendra's failure to bring the parties back into a process to restore democracy has compounded the problem.

"As a friend of Nepal, we must state that King Gyanendra's decision fourteen months ago to impose direct palace rule in Nepal has failed in every regard. The demonstrations, deaths, arrests, and Maoist attacks in the past few days have shown there is more insecurity, not less," said Sean McCormack in a statement.

"He has failed to recognize the spirit of people's sentiment who have taken to the streets to get back their sovereignty. We will continue our movement unless complete democracy is restored," said Krishna Prasad Sitaula, spokesman of the Nepali Congress party.

Meanwhile, CPN-Maoist Chairman Prachanda today said the king's address has shown "feudal stubbornness" by ignoring the burning issues of the country and people.

“Now it is clear that the Nepali people's wish for democracy and peace will be fulfilled only after taking the ongoing movement to the pinnacle of success,” Prachanda said.

The Maoist leader also reiterated his commitment to work as per the understanding reached with the seven parties and develop common programmes.



Pro-democracy demonstrations continue


Pro-democracy demonstrations were held across the country on the ninth consecutive day of the indefinite nationwide general strike called by the seven-party alliance, on Friday.

A huge pro-democracy rally was taken out in the Biratnagar Sub-Metropolis organized by the Federation of Nepalese Journalists (FNJ), Morang branch. Doctors, engineers, lawyers, civil society leaders and other professionals participated in the rally.

In Urlabari, Morang, the SPA activists organized a cycle rally. Demonstrations also were held in Babiyabirta and Jante of the district.

Reports from Rajbiraj said thousands of people participated in an anti-government demonstrations

Meanwhile, security personnel arrested more than 100 demonstrators, including 53 women and 14 journalists, from a peaceful rally at Baglung bazaar, the district headquarters Baglung today. The authorities, however, released all of them in the evening.

In Arghakhanchi, normal life was crippled throughout the day as vehicular movement remained disrupted, industries and other organizations remained closed due to the general strike. Thousands of villagers took out anti-government rally at the district headquarters Sandhikharka.

Reports coming in said similar pro-democracy rallies were organized in Dhankuta, Ilam, Sindhupalchowk, Janakpur, Panchthar, Kaski, Jhapa, Taplejung, Dhading, Dhangadhi, Parbat and other districts.

14 NGO activists arrested

Police intervened in a peaceful demonstration organized by various NGOs in the capital on Friday morning and arrested 14 NGO activists.

Police intercepted in the demonstration that began from Naya Baneshwar and was headed for Purano Baneshwar this morning.

Bhagawati Nepal, Sharmila Karki, Dr Netra Timsina, Shanti Adhikari, Bhola Bhattarai, Rajendra Lamichhane, among others were arrested by the security personnel today.

Issuing a statement, the NGO federation has condemned the police intervention in a peaceful demonstration. It has also demanded immediate release of all the political detainees arrested during the ongoing protests. 


BBC News - Nepal parties reject king's offer





Nepal's youths see a future, but will it work?
The Nepalese New Year dawned Friday, with Nepal's young lashing furiously at the past.

"We will not ask the king to leave the throne - we will go and take the throne and put it on display," Gagan Thapa, 29, the political symbol of young Nepal, told a crowd of thousands on the outskirts of the capital on Thursday. The vast majority, dressed in baseball caps and jeans and looking well below the age of 30, roared in approval.

A brassy anti-monarchy call-and-response echoed through the warren of terraced lanes.

"We will burn the crown," Thapa shouted.

"Burn the crown, burn the crown!" the crowd hollered back.

The irrepressible protests that have gripped Nepal over the last several days demanding the end of palace rule and the reinstatement of Parliament are in large measure a function of demography and its discontent.

Young Nepal has been at the forefront of the recent rambunctious, often violent pro-democracy protests that have left four people dead.

Whether Nepal descends into further tumult or sees the dawning of a new political age in the Nepalese calendar year of 2063 will depend on whether they can be appeased.

With his country's crisis mounting by the day, King Gyanendra seemed to make the slightest of nods in that direction. In a brief statement read on state- owned television shortly before midnight, he called for general elections "with the active participation of all political parties committed to peace and democracy."

But the king said nothing about when elections would be held nor, more importantly, whether he would consent to elections to review the Constitution, something the country's coalition of political parties and the Maoist rebels insist on.

[The political parties rejected the king's call on Friday and vowed instead to continue with their protests, The Associated Press reported from Katmandu. "The king has failed to address the protests and the movement for democracy. He is only using the offer for dialogue to try prolong his rule," said Krishna Sitaula of the Nepali Congress party, the largest party in Nepal.]

Nearly 60 percent of Nepal's 23 million citizens are under 24. They came of age after democracy came to Nepal in April 1990, and they have tasted the fruits and failures of electoral politics. They have seen a Maoist rebellion put much of the countryside through the wringer.

In February 2005, they saw their king suspend Parliament and install prime ministers of his own choosing in a bid, as he said, to defeat a bruising Maoist insurgency. For 14 months, they have lived under the king's direct rule.

This past week, he banned protests in the capital and for six days imposed a daytime curfew.

That order has not stopped young people from defiantly pouring out into the streets. They have been taking the lion's share of police beatings: On just one day this past week, of the 59 people admitted to Katmandu's main teaching hospital for treatment of their injuries, only 13 were over the age of 30.

Consider the verdict of Shashi Sigdel, a 22-year-old medical student, on the shift in attitudes toward the king.

"My grandfather used to think he is a God," Sigdel said. "My parents used to think he stands between God and the devil. Me, I think he's the devil. That's the generation gap."

On Thursday, the government restored cellphone service, snipped for nearly a week, and lifted curfew in the capital. The ban on protests in Katmandu and several other cities continued - as did the protests.

The Royal Nepalese Army has been dispatched to some of the demonstrations. But so far, they have largely refrained from open confrontation with the demonstrators. Of the four people killed in the demonstrations, at least two died by army fire.

Pro-democracy demonstrations have been commonplace since the royal takeover of February 2005, but none have been as intense, sustained or violent as the ones unfolding over the past week. The Maoists have given their blessings to the protests, having signed a peace deal of sorts last fall with a coalition of Nepal's seven largest political parties.

Thousands of ordinary Nepalese, including lawyers, journalists and other professionals, with no explicit links to political parties, have been arrested over the past week. The palace has accused Maoists of infiltrating the ranks of the protesters.

The young people who have been on the front lines of these protests are the children of parliamentary politics in Nepal. Democracy brought more than elections to this Himalayan kingdom. It ushered in new schools and colleges. Roads were built connecting the countryside to the capital. A feisty independent news media was born.

Many of those who joined the recent demonstrations, if they even had any memory of the pro-democracy movement of 1990, had never joined a political protest before.

Ila Sharma, 39, remembered watching her neighbors light torches and march in the street in the spring of 1990. Last Saturday, she joined a protest march. The same day, she watched television videotape of the police beating protesters. She has not been able to stop protesting since.

Sharma said she had lost what little faith she once had in the king. "We are amply disillusioned," Sharma said.

The young Nepalese are a thorn in not only the king's side, but also the sides of the politicians who gave the call for these protests and saw them spreading well beyond expectations over the course of the last week.

In interview after interview, protesters said they would not allow their politicians to strike any power-sharing deals with the palace.

At the close of his speech, Thapa climbed down from his stoop and said he hoped the politicians who head his party, the Nepali Congress, would heed the message of the young.

He was quickly buttonholed by his fans. "Our destination is a republic," Rajesh Sapkota, 21, a college student demanded. "You have to convey this message to the leaders. We want to be clear about democracy."

Thapa assured the protesters their wishes would not be sidelined.

"We thought years ago that a republic was unthinkable," he told them. "Now it's possible."
Al Jazeera..

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네팔 혁명?.. #1






Yesterday, 4.13, the US adminstration, according to BBC World, was ordering all not neccessary staff of the embassy and other US citizens to leave Nepal immediately. Perhaps other countries may follow this step soon, so BBC.


Meanwhile Ian Martin, the main representative of the UN Human Right Commission in Nepal accused the Nepalese "security" forces, RNA and the police, to use excessive violence against the pro-democrcy protestors.

Please read also this..


Yesterday the "security" forces attacked a peaceful demonstration of Nepalese lawers, who demanded democracy for their country. Many people were injured, two were shot in the head. Also yesterday the police attacked a rally from disabled activists, who wanted collect money for pro-democracy demonstrators who were injured in the last 8 days of protests.





4.13, the rally of the lawers, attacked by the repression forces


The Nepalese bourgeois eKantipur reported from yesterday following..


Peaceful rallies taken out across Nepal


The eighth day of the seven-party alliance (SPA) called nation wide general strike saw peaceful demonstrations staged throughout the country today.

Pro-democracy demonstrations launched by the agitating SPA have been gaining momentum with large public participation across the country.

Expressing solidarity with the ongoing pro-democracy movement, various sectors including civil servants, lawyers, artists, teachers, doctors, business entrepreneurs, and disabled persons, among others, have joined the SPA’s mass movement.

As the authorities continued to arrest demonstrators today, security personnel opened fire at protesters in Kathmandu and Itahari.

Tens of thousands of people took to the streets defying curfew orders in Chitwan today.

The SPA has said that the movement would not stop unless “autocratic monarchy” is brought to an end and complete democracy is restored in the country.

A meeting of the Mass Movement Central Coordination Committee of the SPA held in the capital today called on national and international organizations to begin a search for those who went missing during the SPA demonstrations.

Asking for pardon over the inconvenience due to the general strike, the SPA also requested the general public to encourage the movement. 

Thousands attend peaceful gathering at Gongabu

Meanwhile, thousands of people participated in the SPA’s peaceful gathering at Gongabu, the area which had remained tense for the last few days due to the brutal crackdown by the police.

Leaders of the SPA addressed the gathering which was peaceful compared to the previous days. The leaders expressed their commitment to take action against those security personnel who used excessive force to quell the demonstrations at Gongabu.

Addressing the gathering, Nepali Congress leader Ram Sharan Mahat said that the SPA would not make any compromise with anyone unless people’s sovereignty is restored.

Nepali Congress-Democratic leader Prakash Man Singh said that the mass movement, “which has gained new height,” will not be stopped unless “autocratic monarchy” is brought to an end.

Thousands of people following the meeting took to a peaceful rally which went through Samakhushi, Bashundhara, and Balaju defying the government prohibitory orders.

In Kirtipur, protesters, throughout the day, organized pro-democracy demonstrations. The protesters brought traffic along the major roads to a halt by putting up obstacles. Rallies were taken out from various corners of the town this afternoon and converged into a mass gathering at Naya Bazaar.

Curfew lifted, mobile phones resume

The government lifted the night curfew imposed within the Ring Road over the last few days, with effect from tonight.

The government also resumed mobile phone services halted for the last few days to quell the SPA-called general strike and political showdown that began from April 6.

Demonstrations in Pokhara

Thousands of activists participated in peaceful pro-democracy demonstrations in Pokhara today. The rally, which began early in the morning, went through major thoroughfares and converged at Mahendrapul, where Bhimsen Dahal, a pro-democracy protester was shot dead by police during demonstrations on April 8.

The SPA also renamed the area as Bhimsen Chowk.

Activists from nearby villages gathered in Pokhara after the authorities lifted the curfew imposed for the last four days.





IHT, AP reported this..

Nepalese police open fire on protesters, wounding three



Nepal police 'fire on lawyers'



Police arrest over 200 development workers


BBC News - Police open fire on Nepal lawyers


The Hong Kong based magazine Asia Times published following article yesterday..

King Gyanendra, it's time to bow down




Even eKantipur is a kind of bourgeois media in Nepal, but..


Govt pressurises cable operators to black out Kantipur TV


In a shameless attack on the free media, the royal government has pressurised all cable TV operators in the Kathmandu Valley to black out Kantipur Television from their network.

Cable operators have informed that State Minister for Information and Communications and government spokesman Shris Shumshere Rana has warned them to drop the transmission of Kantipur TV by 5:00 p.m. Thursday.

It has been learnt that Rana called all cable TV operators in his office today and warned them of “dire consequences” if they do not stop Kantipur TV’s transmission by the deadline given to them.

Earlier, the government had not provided Kantipur TV the curfew pass in a clear bid to prevent it from covering news during the imposition of curfew in the valley.

Kantipur Television has requested the valley residents to contact its telephone number 4466500 if they cannot watch Kantipur Television

KATHMANDU: Under sustained pressure from mainstream political parties and Maoists to restore democracy, Nepal's King Gyanendra tonight called for general elections.

"It is... our desire that with the active participation of all political parties committed to peace and democracy, a meaningful exercise in multi-party democracy be initiated through an exemplary democratic exercise like the general elections," the king said in his Nepali New Year broadcast.
진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

네팔 민주주의 혁명




..a demonstrator said yesterday on a banned rally in Kathmandu, according to the German daily Berliner Zeitung.



Despide the government lifted the curfew, but all pro democratic demos and rallies were banned. But thousands of demonstrators resisted... And the repression forces killed at least one person and injured dozens other all across the country. Alone in Kathmandu, according to BBC World, more than 100 activists were arrested yesterday.


WHY THIS MOVEMENT IS GETTING NO SUPPORT::: It, if it could be victoriously, could be the first liberation in the 21st century.



Anyway, here are the latest news..


eKantipur reported following..


Police continue to intervene in demonstrations, 1 killed in Nawalparasi, dozens arrested


Despite the lifting of the daytime curfew, security personnel on Wednesday intervened in peaceful rallies in various parts of the Kathmandu Valley, that were to converge into a mass gathering to be organized at Khulla Manch, to pay tributes to those killed in the ongoing movement for the restoration of democracy.

At least a protester was killed and more tham two-dozen others injured when the police shoot at peaceful demonstrations in Nawalparasi district today.

According to our correspondent Narayan Sharma, six of the injured are in serious condition.

The deceased has been identified as local resident Bishnu Pandey.

In Kathmandu, dozens of activists were injured and several others arrested in the police action.

The agitating seven-party alliance (SPA) was scheduled to organize a peaceful mourning ceremony at Khulla Manch, also known as Sahid Manch, to mark the martyrdom of Umesh Chandra Thapa, Tulasi Chhetri, Darshan Lal Yadav and Shiva Hari Kunwar who were shot dead by security men during the pro-democracy demonstrations.

Though the government authorities lifted daytime curfew imposed in the valley from today, the prohibitory orders, which bans from holding public gatherings, remains still in place.

The policemen arrested more than half dozen activists including Nepali Congress’ Shashank Koirala and UML's Prakash Jwala from a rally at Thamel. The rally was taken out from Gongabu, wherein over 100 protesters were injured, some critically, in police action on Tuesday.

Over a dozen demonstrators were arrested from Maha Bouddha.

Protest demonstrations were organized at Kirtipur, Ghattekulo, Kalanki, Chabahil, and Patan since this morning.

The protesters torched two government motorcycles at Ghattekulo on the seventh day of the SPA-called indefinite general strike today.

Student leaders Bimal Pun and Anil Thapa were arrested from Bhaktapur this afternoon.

Similarly, policemen intervened in a rally at Tinkune and arrested more than 30 protesters including UML leaders Pradip Gyawali and Suresh Karki, NC's Padhma Narayan Chaudhari, and Samyukta Bam Morcha's Prabhu Narayan Chaudhari.

The policemen arrested Tek Bahadur Chokhyal of NC-D and Bishweshwora Dahal of UML and several others at Naya Baneshwor, while some one dozen demonstrators were arrested from Ratna Park.

In Bhaktapur, the Nepal Majdoor Kisan Party today staged a mass gathering protesting against the excessive use of force by the government on the peaceful demonstrations.

Meanwhile, the government authorities today barred some 103 political activists, who have been detained at the Women's Training Centre, Jawalakhel, from organizing a blood donation programme for the injured pro-democracy demonstrators.

The authorities stopped the activists from organizing the programme citing "orders from above."

Police open fire at artistes’ rally

Police opened fire to quell peaceful anti-government protest demonstrations by cinema artists and litterateur at Purano Baneswor today.

Police charged baton and resorted to blank firing when more than 200 demonstrations came out of the Gurukul theatre centre and assembled at Purano Baneshwor to express solidarity with the ongoing movement in the country.

The protests started from Gurukul in the afternoon where senior comedians Madan Krishna Shrestha and Hari Bansha Acharya staged their 1991 hit historic "Panchyat ko Shraddha" in mockery of the Nepalese authorities.

Nikil Upretti, Kiran Manandhar, Dr. Tulsi Bhattrai, Hari Govinda Luitel, Dr. Durga Prasad Bhandari, Desh Bhakta Khanal, Raamesh Shrestha, Satya Mohan Joshi and Dr. Manjil Upretti were among others participated in the programme.

Police arrested ten people from the demonstrations.

Pro-democracy activists continued to hold anti-government demonstrations across the country today.

In Gaighat, the district headquarters of Udaypur, dozens of demonstrators were injured in police baton-charge. Government employees also halted their works and joined the SPA demonstrations in the district.

In the far western district of Kanchanpur, a large number of people participated in a pro-democracy rally.

Anti-government rallies organized by various transport entrepreneurs, FNCCI, hotel entrepreneurs, civil society members and professionals were taken out also in Mahendranagar.





One demonstrator shot dead in Nawalparasi, over 50 injured



Police open fire on protesters in Nepal


Al Jazeera..

Nepal protester killed in police firing




Here you can see more pictures from the latest protests..




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네팔 전국총파업 #6



..and according to CNN and BBC World the government, despide the police and army is using excessive violence, is losing the control.. More and more people demand that the king should leave the country immediately.



CNN yesterday called it the 'Final struggle'!





The Nepalese news agency eKandipur reported following..


Pro-democracy demonstrations continue, hundreds injured in police action; 9 tourists arrested

Despite the excessive use of force by security personnel to crackdown on protests, pro-democracy activists have intensified their demonstrations across the country.

Security personnel continued to use rubber bullets, teargas shells and batons to quell the demonstrations organized by the agitating seven-party alliance (SPA) in various parts of the country including in the capital on Tuesday.

Reports of several injuries and arrests are coming in from across the country.

On the sixth day of the SPA-called nationwide indefinite general strike, political activists today continued to take out protest rallies defying curfew orders.

In the Kathmandu Valley, the SPA activists staged demonstrations at Koteshwor, Bashundhara, Gongabu, Chabahil, Kapan, Jorpati, Bashundhara Chowk, Mahankal, Thamel, Chhetrapati, Ason, New Road, Bangemuda, Kalanki, Sita Paila, Lalitpur, Bhaktapur and Madhyapur Thimi, among other places, by defying curfew orders since this morning.

Over a dozen demonstrators sustained head injuries when policemen baton charged a peaceful rally at Panga, Kirtipur. Thousands of activists participated in the rally.

More than two dozen activists were injured in police firing at Gongabu. 65-year-old Toya Nath Poudel and former Gongabu VDC chairman Prakash Adhikari were among those injured.

A medical staff at the Emergency Ward of Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital, Maharajgunj told ekantipur over the phone that over 150 injured protestors were brought there today. 59 of them have been admitted.

“Five of them are in the operation theatre now (8:45 pm) and four others who are in very critical condition are under regular observation,” a doctor told ekantipur over the phone.

Tension in Gongabu

Policemen fired several rounds of rubber bullets at protesters from the house of a security man at Gongabu injuring dozens of activists.

The police beat up the protesters even after arresting them. The security personnel also fired dozens of teargas shells to disperse the protesters.

In yet another incident, policemen severely beat a child Aftahab after entering a motor garage at Banashthali.

In Bhaktapur, Nepali Congress aligned-Nepal Students Union’s Resham Dangol, Rajendra Wagle of UML aligned ANNFSU, were among six injured during scuffles with police. Nine activists were arrested.

The protesters vandalized the Land Survey Office and Land Revenue Office at Surya Binayak, Bhaktapur.

The local residents of Thecho, Lalitpur chased away the security personnel after the latter opened fire at the protesters.

A rally taken out from Patan went through Sundhara, Mangalbazaar, Gwarko, Dhaugal, and Chysal before converging into a mass gathering at Purna Chandi. Two taxis were torched and a trolley bus smashed by the activists at Shantinagar, Baneshwor this morning.

More than one dozen protesters including Nepal Tarun Dal’s Gokarna KC were injured during demonstrations at Chabahil, while a dozen others were injured in scuffles with policemen at Chakrapath Chowk.

Four protesters were injured and arrested later by the police at Sita Paila.

Police fire at a protest rally in Pokhara

Police indiscriminately opened fired at a rally taken out by thousands of protesters in Pokhara today. Two women Parbati Poudel and Bishnu Bhattarai were injured in the shooting.

The police opened fire after tear gas failed to bring the demonstrations under control.

The rallies were taken out from Shrijana Chowk, Sabha Griha Chwok and Prithvi Chowk.

Separately, 24 academics were arrested by the police from a protest rally at Lamachaur.

In Dharan, police fired three rounds of bullets at a protest rally.

A large pro-democracy rally was taken out at Narayanghat, Chitwan this afternoon. The rally defied the curfew orders in the town.

Police in Nawalparasi opened six rounds of fire into the air to disperse the agitating demonstrators, injuring six of them. Several rounds of teargas shells were also fired.

In Banke, almost all the employees of Teaching Hospital, Agricultural Development Bank, Nepal Bank Limited, Banijya Bank, Rural Development Bank, Electricity Authority and Nepal Telecom, halted their work and joined the SPA-called protest demonstrations.

In Biratnagar, protest demonstrations were staged by burning tyres on the roads since early morning.

Protest rallies taken out from Bargathi, Bus Park, Devkota Chowk and Pokhariya went through major parts of the town.

Similarly, All the doctors in Biratnagar stopped their work and joined the SPA’s protest demonstrations.

9 tourists arrested

Meanwhile many tourists held a protest demonstration in Thamel, a major tourist hub in Kathmandu, requesting the government, parties and Maoists to start dialogue immediate dialogue for peaceful solution to the ongoing conflict.

They also requested the government to lift curfew and begin talks with the parties. 

police arrested nine tourists from Thamel for supporting and chanting slogans demanding early restoration of democracy in Nepal.

“Only the restoration of democracy in Nepal at the earliest can restore peace here. And we can enjoy our stay here only if peace is restored,” a tourist said before being arrested by the police. 




BBC News - Dozens injured in Nepal clashes



Protesters in Nepal fired on





Nepal defies shoot-on-sight curfew


Al Jazeera..

Troops fire on Nepal protesters 





진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

네팔 전국총파업 #5




..CNN said in a report some hours ago.


Actually, according to the plan of the SPA, the nationwide general strike should be over yesterday. But because of the massive repression of the regime against the democratic movement they decided to to extent the strike. In a interview with BBC World one of the leading representatives of the SPA said that the strike will continue unlimited and more aggressively.


The forces of the government in the last 24 hours were acting more and more brutal against thousands of protestors who refused to accept the curfew. You just should watch BBC World or even CNN. Even young children were beaten bloody by the army. 


But it seems that the strike is turning into a kind of mass, popular uprising....


Reuters, IHT published this yesterday, 3.10..

Curfews fail to curb demonstrations in Nepal




eKantipur reported this...


Demonstrations continue; scores arrested, injured

Pro-democracy agitators defied the government-clamped curfew in various parts of the country including the capital and staged anti-government demonstrations.

Security personnel used excessive force to quell the demonstrations, firing rubber bullets and baton-charging the protesters. Scores of protesters were injured today.

In the capital, the protestors staged demonstrations defying curfew orders at Kirtipur, Koteshwor, Gongabu, Jorpati, Bashundharachowk, Buddhanagar, Thamel, Chhetrapati, Banashthali, Ason, New Road, Bangemuda, Kalanki, Sita Paila this morning. Demonstrators in Bhaktapur, Madhyapur Thimi and Lalitpur also defied the curfew.

In many places, security personnel entered private houses and indiscriminately charged batons injuring dozens.

Dozens of injured protesters were taken to TU Teaching Hospital and Bir Hospital. One of the injured protestors was hit by four rubber bullets.

The agitating seven-party alliance (SPA) which yesterday said that the ongoing mass movement against “unconstitutional autocratic monarchy” wouldn’t be stopped unless complete democracy was restored in the country, gave continuity to its nationwide general strike today.

At Kapan, thousands of people participated in a rally blowing conch shells. They also torched an effigy of “regression.”

Mass gatherings were organized at Naya Bazaar, Kirtipur since this morning.

Police opened indiscriminate fire at a protest rally taken out by the Engineers’ Association, Pulchowk. The policemen also fired several rounds of teargas shells at the boys’ and girls’ hostels injuring nine students.

The police arrested local residents Suman Adhikari and Sunil Adhikari from their house at Balaju, dozens of activists including NC’s Ramchandra Tiwari from Kalanki, NC leader Jhalaknath Wagle from Bashundhara and Rohit Rai of NC-D, among others.

Thousands of activists marched towards Chabahil and defied the curfew before staging a mass gathering. More than one dozen activists were injured in scuffle with the policemen at Patan.

Student leaders Nil Kamal Bhattarai and Rabichandra Upreti were among those injured in Gahanapokhari clash.

Dozens of protestors including NC-D’s Gangaram Kutu and Bishwo Raj Thapa were arrested from protest demonstrations in Bhaktapur.

According to Insec, a human rights watchdog, at least 46 political activists including former mayor of Bhaktapur, Madan Krishna Shrestha were arrested.







And if I understood it well, it was just once reported on BBC World, the Peoples Militia, the Popular Resistance Committees and the CPN.M will now take a more active part in the uprising... if it is a uprising..

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

네팔 전국총파업 #4


...but the game is not over, definetely!!



If I understood the latest news by CNN well, the Seven Parties Alliance, SPA, together with the CPN.M, decided to extend the strike.


Yesterday and before yesterday, according to Western news agencies, tens of thousands, so BBC World, of pro democracy protestors resisted the two days ago imposed curfew and clashed with the troops of the regime. Western observers are saying that the regime is getting more and more weak. If you watch the reports about the clashes you also can see that the government troops are losing more and more the control about the protesting masses.



Nepalese news agencies reported that over a million people demonstrate in favour of democracy and against the royal regime over the last two days


In India thens of thousands were demonstrating yesterday against the monarchy in Nepal.


AP just a few hours ago reported following..


Nepalese Forces Fire on Protesters, Kill 1

Security forces fired at anti-monarchy demonstrators in eastern Nepal on Sunday, killing at least one man, as the main opposition parties said a nationwide general strike and protests would continue indefinitely.

The death in Banepa, 20 miles east of the capital, was the third in ongoing demonstrations to pressure King Gyanendra to give up absolute rule. The shooting occurred as a large crowd of protesters shouted slogans and hurled stones at security forces, a local official said on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media.


Read the full story here..





NYT published 4.9 this..

2 killings spark more violence in Katmandu


Nepalese eKantipur reported yesterday from the 4th day of general strike following..


Demonstrators continue to defy curfew, 1 killed in Banepa; dozens injured in clashes; parties to continue strike

The Seven-party alliance (SPA) continued to defy the government-clamped curfew at various places in the Kathmandu Valley on the second consecutive day today.

The protesters assembled at various places like Naya Baneshower, Maitidevi, Kalanki, Gongabu, Samakushi, Chucchepati, Chabahil, Kirtipur, Patan and different places in Bhaktapur defying the curfew order and chanted slogans against monarchy and in favor of complete democracy.

In Banepa, a protestor was killed and three others seriously injured in police firing.

Shiva Hari Kunwar, 22, resident of Walting was killed in the indiscriminate firing by the police. Mukesh Kayashtha, Bikram Kapali and Purna Bahadur Shrestha were injured in the incident. All of them have been brought to Kathmandu for treatment.

Hundreds of protesters took out a rally at Gongabu on Sunday morning; police intervened in the rally as it reached Balaju Chowk from Gongabu, charging the demonstrators with batons, firing several rounds of tear gas shells. Over 100 protesters including UML activities JP Nepal and Lal Bahadur Tamang and Nepali Congress activities Sudarsan Acharya were injured.

Several bystanders including Asmita Lama, Radha Chapagain, Subash Lama, Jagat Basnet, Sagar lamichhane and Susmita Gurung were seriously injured in police indiscriminate baton charges. Police also opened fire at the protesters at Gongabu.

The protesters and police clashed at Chucchepati near Chabahil. Three activists were injured in police firing at Chabahil while three policemen including an inspector were injured during clashes with the agitating protestors. Police arrested 11 demonstrators including Nepali Congress leader Lokehs Dhakal.

The protesters set ablaze a police post at Chabahil and torched a government motorcycle this morning.

Likewise, Jiwan Bhattarai of UML aligned All Nepal National Free Students’ Union, was injured in police firing at Ghattekulo.

There are reports of police-protesters clashes in Kirtipur, Pulchowk and different areas of Bhaktapur.

Meanwhile, Tribhuvan University has cancelled the exams of BA 3rd year and I Ed 2nd year scheduled for today due to the curfew.

Reports from Janakpur said, nearly 1 thousand workers of Janakpur Cigarette Factory halted their work and joined in the SPA-called general strike and protests.

Reports coming in from Butwal say nearly 10,000 protesters took out a rally against autocracy and in favour of democracy defying curfew orders. Activists staged demonstrations at Puspa Lal Park. Two activists were injured in police firing there.

Nearly three dozens protesters are reported injured in clashes with police in Chitwan.

Protest demonstrations were also held in Nawalparasi. In Parasi, the headquarters of Nawalparasi, bank, telecommunications, electricity and other government employees halted their work to express solidarity with the SPA’s general strike.

Thousands defy curfew in Chitwan

At least three protestors were injured when police opened fire at demonstrators in Bharatpur of Chitwan district Sunday afternoon.Two people were injured in Gaidkot while one was injured in Narayangadh.

Thousands of protestors are taking out rallies in Shahid Chowk, Pulchok, Lions Chowk, Paras Buspark and other areas defying the curfew order.

Over a dozen have been arrested while a further two dozen were injured in clashes with police.

Those who were arrested were also badly beaten. Some protesters took out rallies on elephants in Rantanagar Municipality.

Protestors in Ratnanagar also vandalized the municipality building, Nepal Electricity building and Rantangar Indusry and Commerce building.

Reports reaching here said the SPA, defying the government imposed curfew orders, staged protest demonstrations across the country.

Police opened fire at demonstrators in Shyangja and Pokhara.

Two demonstrators were injured when the army opened fire at protestors at Lakeside, Pokhara. The injured were identified as Rudra Raj Pahadi and Shanti Pahadi.

Likewise, seven political activists were injured in Lekhnath, Kaski.

Protest demonstrations were staged in several other cities including Bhairahawa, Dailekh, Biratnagar and Sunsari.

Parties to continue general strike

The agitating seven-party alliance (SPA) has extended its nationwide protest demonstrations and general strike for indefinite period.

In a statement issued on Sunday, the last day of the four-day general strike, the SPA said it would continue its protests against the “unconstitutional autocratic royal regime” unless complete democracy is restored in the country.

The decision to this effect was taken by a meeting of the Joint Mass Movement Central Coordination Committee this evening.

The alliance has also directed its local-level party units to come up with additional protests.

The SPA has also requested the residents of the Kathmandu Valley to observe blackout from 8:15 to 8:30 pm. today.


Tear gas attack against residential areas in Kathmandu, 4.9


Protests rocks Pokhara

Protestors in Pokhara set on fire two ward offices as they took out rallies defying government imposed daylong curfew on Sunday.

Security men opened fire at the protestors injuring two of them who were heading towards Hallanchowk in Lakeside.

Among the injured where Shanta Pahari and Rudranath Pahari.

In another protest, three people were injured in a police baton charge in Simapni near Bagar area.

The protestors have placed various barriers in the streets making it difficult for the security men to move around in the vehicle who later returned without removing the barriers.

They also set on fire Ward no 17 and Ward no 3 offices of Pokhara Municipality.

Security men opened blank fires in Nareshwor Chowk, KI singh Pul and Naya Bazaar to bring the situation under control.

Local authority in Pokhara suddenly clamped the 9am-9pm curfew as people were not aware about it. Pedestrains were seen walking on the street saying that they did not know about the curfew being imposed.

"The curfew has been enforced to prevent the terrorist and unruly activities," the district adminsitration said in the statement.

Meanewhile, the security men took the body of Bhimsen Dahal from Western Regional Hospital without informing doctors and relatives of Dahal.

Dahal was shot dead by soldiers during a demonstration on Saturday.

The parties had planned a funeral procession in Pokhara today for late Dahal.

The soldiers took Dahal's body at his ancestral home in Kavre while her wife and daughter is still in Pokhara.
Al Jazeera..
진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

네팔 전국총파업 #3





..BBC World yesterday said.



Especially on BBC yesterday the news about the current situation in Nepal were the top strory.



According to BBC World after the government imposed a all day curfew in Nepal in the city of Pokhara at least one person was killed by police or army snipers and several others were injured. The Seven Parties Alliance, SPA, called off a mass rally for yesterday, because of the fear of massacres... The regime is threatening that everyone will be shoot if he, or she ignore the curfew.. But according to BBC World the democratic opposition is planning for today a massive protest against the ruling kingdom... Thats what I understood..


IHT, NYT wrote yesterday following..

Defying ban, Nepalese rally for democracy



Al Jazeera reported this..

Nepal troops fire on protesters



“Day of reckoning” in Nepal, tens of thousands protest against the royal regime


19 killed in Rupandehi, Kapilvastu clashes; several govt offices destroyed


Thousands take out protest rally in Pokhara, a demonstrator shot dead

Curfew yesterday in Kathmandu..


eKantipur reported this..


Protestor killed in Pokhara firing; curfew in Surkhet

A protestor was killed and two others were injured when security men opened fire at seven-party alliance (SPA) protestors here in Pokhara on Saturday, the third day of the nationwide general strike called by the SPA.

Bhimsen Dahal, who was running a cyber in Hotel Anandban at Prithivichowk was shot by security men. Dahal was rushed to the Western Regional Hospital in an army van soon after he was hit by a bullet. His body is still at the hospital. He is a permanent resident of Kavre district.

Two other protestors who were injured in the firing were taken away by army personnel in a van, human rights activists said.

Eyewitnesses said a soldier guarding the Nepal Telecom Office at Mahendrapul fired the shots killing Dahal and injuring the other two.

SPA activists have been taking out protest rallies and staging demonstrations at several places in Pokhara from the morning. Major thoroughfares like Sabhagriha chowk, New Road, Chipledhunga and Mahendrapul remain tense.

Police fired over a dozen teargas shells at protest rallies at Chipledhunga and New Road.

Hundreds of demonstrators chanted anti-monarchy slogans at various places.

Senior citizens in the city took out a protest rally from the famous Vindhyabasini temple, protesting against monarchy and in favour of republicanism. The rally chanting anti-monarchy and pro-democracy slogans passed through different places before it converted into a corner mass meet at Zero Kimi.

The police tried to intervene the rally at Mahedrapul and Sabhagriha chowk but eventually let it go. “Even we elderly people could not bear with the lack of democracy in the country and decided to take to the streets,” said 80-yr-old Netrapani Gautam.

Subhadra Koirala, 50, said the elderly had joined the street protests to restore the people’s rights, adding, “We will continue with the agitation until the people’s rights are restored.”

Police atrocity to clear way for royal motorcade

Security personnel used excessive force “to clear the road for royal motorcade” in Pokhara Saturday afternoon.

Over an hour before the royal motorcade, the police intervened in a peaceful rally taken out by locals and SPA activists to protest the killing of Dahal. The police charged the protestors with batons, fired a number of shots into the air and dozens of teargas shells at Prithvi Chowk, Pokhara.

A number of children and pedestrians had fallen on the road due to the indiscriminate firing of tear gas shells.

While entire Pokhara remained tense due to clashes between the protestors and security men and due to the killing, the king had gone to No. 3 Battalion of the RNA at Lekhnath Marg at around 11 in the morning and returned to the Ratna Mandir Palace at around 3 in the afternoon

Curfew clamped in Birendranagar

Authorities have imposed a curfew in Birendranagar, the headquarters of the Mid-western Region, from 2 pm to 7 pm on Saturday.

The District Administration Office, Surkhet, issued the curfew order only at 1:30 pm, just half an hour before a protest demonstration by the agitating seven-party alliance.

This is the first time that a day curfew has been imposed in Surkhet.

The curfew which has been imposed in Birendranagar municipality and a few surrounding villages at a very short notice has left thousands stranded.




Demonstrators defy curfew, stage demos; Daylong curfew in Kathmandu, Lalitpur on Sunday

Defying the government imposed daytime curfew, pro-democracy agitators Saturday continued their protest demonstrations in the Kathmandu Valley.

Dozens of representatives from various professional organizations took out a protest rally against the "autocratic monarchy" in Maharajgunj this afternoon. More than two-dozen activists were arrested from the demonstrations there.

Former justice of the Supreme Court, Laxman Prasad Aryal, former Speaker of the House of Represetnatives, Daman Nath Dhungana, human rights activists Padma Ratna Tuladhar, Malla K Sundar, Charan Prasain, Kapil Shrestha and journalist Kanak Mani Dixit were among those arrested from Maharajgunj.

In Kirtipur, one of the most affected areas of the seven-party alliance (SPA) agitation, local residents, political activists and students staged protest demonstrations this morning. Security was beefed up in Kirtipur on the third day today of the SPA-called nationwide four-day general strike.

Political activists from the SPA burnt tyres and obstructed the road to disrupt security personnel vehicles from entering the area. The activists also organized a corner meeting following a huge rally which passed though major corners including Naya Bazaar and Changyala Phanta.

Earlier this morning, the protesters vandalized the house belonging to the deputy mayor of Kirtipur Municipality.

Various political leaders including Rabin Sharma of the NC-D, Bipedra Shrestha of Jana Morcha Nepal and Bhupendra Nemwang were injured in a rally taken out at Patan this morning minutes after the curfew was in place, the SPA sources said.

Similarly, some half a dozen activists who defied the curfew orders were injured by security personnel at Gongabu this morning. Janak Thapaliya was injured by rubber bullets while Devi Prasad Phuyal was injured by teargas shells.

At least three students including Free Students' Union, Pulchowk Campus president Janak Raj Joshi were injured when police fired teargas at the agitating students.

Police arrested nine student leaders including president of UML aligned All Nepal National Free Students' Union, Khim Lal Bhattarai and general secretary Thakur Gaire, from Bagbazaar for defying the curfew orders.

NC aligned Nepal Students' Unions' (NSU) Omkar Adhikari, Dilli Sharma and Ram Kumar Karki were seriously injured when policemen severely beat them up at Kapan. Policemen also arrested NSU leader Madhav Bhattarai after severely beating him at Chuchepati, Chabahil. Security personnel also opened fire into the air to disperse the demonstrators there.

Clashes between the security personnel and demonstrators erupted several times at Sorhakhutte, Min Bhawan, Naya Baneshwor, Buddhanagar, Sankhamul and Tinkune. Some two-dozen people were injured in clashes with security personnel at Sankhamul while ten were arrested.

In Kalanki, clashes between policemen and protesters lasted for nearly three hours today. Police opened several rounds of fire into the air. UML leader Modnath Prashrit and Pushpa Raj Kandel and NC leaders Gauri Prasad Dawadi and Hari Adhikari were arrested from Kalanki today morning.

About four dozen activists were injured in clashes with the police at Maitidevi. The police fired several rounds of teargas and fired rubber bullets at the demonstrators. According to UML sources, fifteen activists were arrested there.

Kiran Pokhrel of NSU was injured when police fired teargas at the protesters at Patandhoka, Lalitpur. Some six activists including Govinda Maharjan of Jana Morcha Nepal, Lalitpur district, were arrested by the police.

Political activist Prajwal Mahato and female activist Mire Sen were injured when the army beat them up at Bhotebahal this afternoon.

Similar rallies were taken out at Gatthaghar, Kaushaltar and Lokanthali in Bhaktapur. 

The government imposed an 11 hour daylight curfew within the Ring Road areas in the valley and in some parts of Bhaktapur to foil the planned showdown of the SPA at Bashantapur today.

Parties' showdown postponed for Sunday

Meanwhile, the SPA has said that they postponed their planned showdown for tomorrow.

The parties' planned to stage demonstrations at the same venue at Bashantapur on Sunday afternoon after the government imposed a daylight curfew in the valley today.

Daylong curfew in Kathmandu, Lalitpur on Sunday

Meanwhile, the district administration offices of Kathmandu and Lalitpur have imposed a daylong curfew within the Ring Road area from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Sunday.

The extension of the curfew period by two hours tomorrow comes in the wake of the intensified anti-government protests by the seven-party alliance in the Kathmandu valley.

The government, in a bid to foil today’s political showdown, imposed a daytime curfew in the valley and in some parts of Bhaktapur.







For my understanding the current devolopments in Nepal are very important for the international left movement. So or so, what ever comes out, we can, we must, learn more about their struggle. And of course we should, must, support this struggle!!! 

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