사이드바 영역으로 건너뛰기

게시물에서 찾기No fun, not at all! Here you'll find a selected collection of articles/reports about our, sometimes a kind of unfriendly, neighbours in the North. Please, don't wonder: I'll use all kind of sources, it includes also the reactionary media, such as ðÈàØìí.., if I'm thinking, that the reports/articles are credible. Of course some times it is only trash. But I think, that we are clever enough to check out what is credible or not.

410개의 게시물을 찾았습니다.

  1. 2015/04/15
    [주체104] '태양절'.. (^^)
    no chr.!
  2. 2015/04/06
    no chr.!
  3. 2015/02/16
    2015(주체104) '광명성절'
    no chr.!
  4. 2015/02/15
    김정은'동지'의' 혁명'할동..
    no chr.!
  5. 2014/12/17
    [12.17]'위대한 김정일~'
    no chr.!
  6. 2014/12/04
    2014년 일반 상식 퀴즈 (^^)
    no chr.!
  7. 2014/11/27
    [11.25] 평양시'군민대회'
    no chr.!
  8. 2014/11/03
    조선노동당-나치 관계 (#3)
    no chr.!
  9. 2014/10/28
    조선노동당-나치 관계 (#2)
    no chr.!
  10. 2014/10/21
    제국주의와 청소년문화(#2)
    no chr.!

드릴 말씀 없습니다..(#38)

사용자 삽입 이미지




사용자 삽입 이미지


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

(北)강제 노동/노예 노동력

사용자 삽입 이미지


AP's more detailed - quite long(!) - report you'll het here:
NKorean workers prep seafood going to US stores, restaurants


사용자 삽입 이미지


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

[추석 2017년]'인사말'(^^)

사용자 삽입 이미지


Chuseok "greetings" from Pyongyang...

사용자 삽입 이미지

(source: Rodong Sinmun, 10.3)



사용자 삽입 이미지


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

로동신문 vs中매체(한국어)

사용자 삽입 이미지


조선의 정당한 자위권행사를 걸고든 미국과 그 추종세력들의 제재압박광증이 극도에 달한 때에 중국의 일부 언론들이 우리의 로선과 체제를 심히 헐뜯으며 위협해나섰다.
최근 《인민일보》와 그 자매지인 《환구시보》, 웨브싸이트들인 인민망, 환구망은 조선의 핵무기보유의 합법성과 국가핵무력강화의 자위적성격을 외면한채 감히 《제손으로 제눈을 찌른 격》, 《자기 목에 걸어놓은 올가미》로 모독한것도 모자라 《서산락일의 운명을 면치 못할것》이라고 망발하였는가 하면 조선핵문제해결을 위한 《국제적단결》이요, 《국제두뇌진연단》의 조직이요 뭐요 하는 주제넘은 《발기》들까지 들고나왔다.

력사의 반동들의 너절한 배설물인 대조선《제재결의》와 관련하여서는 중국이 《조선의 정상적인 인민생활을 겨냥하지 않았다.》느니 뭐니 변명해나서고 《중국을 이웃으로 두고있는것은 조선의 행운》으로 된다는 극히 온당치 못한 소리까지 늘어놓았다.

한마디로 말하여 작은 나라 조선이 핵무기를 가지고 《초대국》과 맞선것으로 해서 자기자신과 국제사회전반을 《위험》에 빠뜨렸으며 《천하를 소란케 하는 장본인》인 조선의 맥을 뽑기 위해 밥량을 좀 줄였다고 해서 그리 노여워할것이 없다는것이다.

이것은 조선반도핵문제의 본질과 조선의 핵보유로 하여 변화된 현 국제정치현실을 제대로 볼줄도 들을줄도 표현할줄도 모르는 눈뜬 소경, 멀쩡한 롱아의 행태로밖에 달리는 볼수 없다.

더우기 일개 보도매체로서 다른 주권국가의 로선을 공공연히 시비하며 푼수없이 노는것을 보면 지난 시기 독선과 편협으로 해서 자국인민들과 국제사회의 신뢰를 어지간히 잃은것도 당연하다는 생각이 든다.

미국에 계속 끌려다녀야만 하는 저들의 궁색한 처지에 대한 변명이라 할지라도 우리 국가, 우리 인민의 존엄을 감히 건드린데 대해서는 스쳐보낼수 없다.

이미 강조되였지만 조선의 핵억제력보유는 세기를 이어 강요되여온 미국의 극악무도한 대조선적대시정책과 핵위협공갈을 근원적으로 청산하기 위한 당과 국가의 전략적결단에 따른것이며 이로 하여 조선은 마침내 지구상의 절대병기인 대륙간탄도로케트장착용 수소탄까지 보유하게 되였다.

이 시각에도 미국은 《북조선의 완전파괴》를 공공연히 떠들며 몇차례의 전쟁을 치르고도 남을 방대한 전략장비들을 조선반도와 지역에 끌어들이고 핵전쟁도발의 흉악한 모략을 꾸미고있으며 위험천만한 비밀전쟁모의까지 해대고있다.

력사와 현실은 자체의 강력한 힘만이 폭제의 핵으로부터 자기를 지킬수 있다는 심각한 교훈을 새겨주고있다.

특히 지난 4월 중국을 비롯한 주변대국들의 면전에서 보란듯이 감행한 수리아에 대한 군사적공격은 트럼프행정부가 떠벌이는 《힘에 의한 평화》가 어떤것인가를 국제사회앞에 실물로 보여주었으며 베이징이 느끼는바도 적지 않았을것이다.

문제는 그렇듯 도도하게 《사회발전의 길에 대한 독립자주》와 《독특한 주권지위》를 주장하던 《인민일보》와 산하보도매체들이 트럼프의 트위터글들도 비웃을 뼈대없는 랑설들을 람발하고있는가 하는것이다.

국제정치사에 대한 안목이나 일가견이 없는 풋내기매문가들이 아니라면 응당 자기부터 알고 남에 대해 론해야 한다.

오늘날 조중국경에서는 미국주도의 대조선《제재결의》후과로 과연 누가 절망에 빠졌는가를 말해주는 반영들이 판이한 대조속에 울려나오고있다.

최근 조중무역에서 빈손을 털고 나앉게 된 한 중국인기업가는 《나는 정치나 외교는 잘 모른다.그러나 한가지만은 명백히 말할수 있다.크지 않은 나라 조선이 미국이라는 초대국과도 당당히 맞서 할 소리를 다하고 할 일을 다하는데 우리 중국은 왜 그 모양인지 모르겠다.동북3성의 많은 중소기업들이 수다한 랑패를 보는데도 무엇이 두려워서 미국에 굽신거리는가 하는것이다.정말 창피하다는 말밖에 나오지 않는다.사람들의 부패보다 국가의 부패가 더 무섭다.》고 했다.

이것이 민심이다.

문자그대로 인민의 대변지로 자처하는 언론이라면 남에 대한 훈시보다 바로 자기 나라의 이 민심을 읽고 대변하기 위해 머리를 쓰는편이 나을것이다.

그리고 밖에 나가 《내정불간섭원칙》의 발기국임을 자부하는 당의 기관지라면 그를 철칙으로 삼을 때라야 세인앞에 의젓할수 있다.

《좋은 이웃》에 대해 론한다면 할 말은 조선이 더 많다.

중국이 1960년대에 진행한 첫 핵시험을 두고 당시 쏘련과 미국은 물론 온 세계가 규탄성명을 낼 때 유독 국가의 정부성명으로 적극 지지해주고 힘을 실어준 좋은 이웃이 바로 조선이였다.

1970년대에 기고만장한 백악관주인이 이 나라 행각에 나섰을 때 닉슨의 중국방문은 승리자의 행진이 아니라 흰기를 든 패배자의 행각이라는 세계적인 명언으로 덩지큰 옆집이 창피를 면하고 체면을 세울수 있게 해준 진정한 이웃에 대해서는 당사자가 더 잘 알것이다.

그런데도 무엇이 모자라 이제는 제스스로 흰기를 들고 미국의 턱밑에까지 기여들어 훌륭한 이웃을 비난 못해 안달인가.

사회주의진영의 망신이라는 력사의 치욕을 뒤집어놓은 조선의 비상한 원칙과 슬기로 하여 심화병에 걸린 닉슨이 사임하는 마지막날까지 《중국과의 전쟁》을 떠들던 행위나 오늘날 《조선핵문제》를 구실로 《세계경제》의 함정에 빠진 베이징을 다불러대는 트럼프의 행위는 너무도 류사하며 그것을 지금 세상사람들모두가 보고있다.

조선이 갈길은 조선이 안다.

중국이 그 누구에게로 갈 때 납작 엎드리고 갔다고 해서 조선도 그래야 한다는 법은 없으며 그걸 배우라고 강요할 필요는 더욱 없다.

력사는 근 한세기를 달음쳐온 조선의 길이 비록 만난을 각오해야 하는 초행길, 전인미답의 길이였지만 제국주의앞에 정신무장해제를 당한 동유럽의 비극도, 딸라의 올가미에 걸려 숨도 제대로 못 쉬는 그 누구의 구차한 처지도 모두 면할수 있게 해준 선견지명이 있고 전도양양한 선택이였음을 증명해주었다.

새 조선의 제도에서 우리 인민은 풍족하진 못해도 단결의 힘과 희열을 알았고 어둠이 깃들어도 동터오는 래일을 내다보는 시야와 도량을 가졌다.

굳이 조선의 행운에 대해 말한다면 우리 인민은 누구처럼 돈이나 점괘로 운을 재는 몽매한 인민이 아니다.

비록 령토의 크기나 인구수는 작아도 어느 나라, 어느 민족도 누리지 못하는 남다른 행운을 지닌 복받은 인민이기에 오히려 덩지는 커도 넋이 없고 금전만 쫓는 이웃을 보면서 추연한 생각을 금치 못하고있다.

세계의 수많은 나라와 인민들도 지난날 힘이 약하여 민족의 강토를 통채로 렬강들의 각축전장으로 빼앗기고 그밑에서 짓밟히기만 하던 조선이 운명의 대전환을 맞이하고 지역과 세계평화수호의 전렬에서 《유일초대국》과도 당당히 맞서나가는 장한 모습을 보면서 나라와 민족의 참다운 행운이 과연 어디에 있는가에 대해 깊이 새겨안고있다.

그와는 반대로 조선을 한갖 강도의 침입을 막는 앞마당, 《완충지대》로나 간주하고 옆집에 강도가 들어도 내 밥그릇만 지키면 그만이라는 정치적식객들의 사고가 참으로 답답하기 그지없다고 말하고있다.

오늘 주체조선의 실체를 애써 외면하면서 음으로 양으로 시비질해나서는것은 다름아닌 미국을 비롯한 불순적대세력들뿐이다.

객관성과 공정성을 생명으로 하는 언론의 사명을 망각하고 내정간섭을 공공연히 일삼는 중국언론의 경솔한 행위는 미국에 추종하여 조중 두 나라, 두 인민들사이에 쐐기를 치는 행위나 다름없다.

력사가 오래다고 하는 사회주의나라 당기관지가 제국주의와 결탁하여 사회주의조선을 그처럼 악의에 차서 비난하는것을 보면 혹시 조중 두 나라 인민을 배신한 이런 너절한 매문실적이라도 있어야 이제 있게 될 당대회장에 들어설수 있는것이 아닌지 의문이 간다.

중국언론은 트럼프행정부의 무지스러운 행위에 추종하느니보다 조선이 적대세력의 오만과 전횡을 어떻게 짓뭉개는가를 옆에서 지켜보기나 하는것이 좋을것이다.

그리고 주제넘게 지시봉을 들고 남에게 삿대질을 할것이 아니라 제코나 씻는것이 낫다.

조선은 이름그대로 해솟는 아침의 나라이며 조선에서 서산락일을 구경하려면 중국쪽으로 머리를 돌려야만 한다.

출처: 로동신문(9.22)



사용자 삽입 이미지


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크


While "An escalating war of words between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-Un ratcheted up a notch on Friday...", on the same day(9.22) - almost unnoticed in the int'l media - N. Korea(via Rodong Simmun, the official newspaper of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea), attacked (for the first time DIRECTLY!!)China(presumed in the West as "NK's only ally"), resp. its state(-controlled) media...


Chinese Media's Shameless and Impudent Acts

Some media of China are seriously hurting the line and social system of the DPRK and threatening the DPRK at a time when the U.S. and its vassal forces have reached the extremes in their frantic moves to impose sanctions and pressure on the DPRK over the DPRK's just exercise of its right to self-defence.


The Chinese People's Daily and its sister paper Huan Qui Shibao and websites People's Network and Huan Qui Network insulted the DPRK, saying "it pricked its own eyes with its own hands" and "it was a noose put around its own neck" while shunning the legitimacy of the DPRK's possession of nuclear weapons and the self-defensive nature of its measure for bolstering the national nuclear force. Not content with this, they said "it would face the fate of sun setting in the western sky" and set forth such presumptuous "initiatives" as "international solidarity" and organization of "forum international think-tank" for settling the nuclear issue of the DPRK.


As for the "sanctions resolution" against the DPRK, the dirty excrement of the reactionaries of history, they spouted such extremely ill-boding words that China "did not target the normal living of the people in the DPRK" and "DPRK is fortunate to have China as its neighbor".


In a word, their comment meant that the small country DPRK put itself and the international community as a whole at a "peril" for standing against "the world's superpower" with the manufacture of nuclear weapons, and that there is nothing to be displeased over the step of decrease of food taken to make the DPRK, "chief culprit rendering the world restless" get exhausted.


This can not be construed otherwise than an act of the blind whose eyes are open and the deaf and dumb who look outwardly normal as they can not understand the essence of the nuclear issue of the Korean peninsula nor can they properly see, hear and express the changed international political situation in the wake of the DPRK's possession of nuclear weapons.


Moreover, the news media openly faulted the line of other sovereign state. This makes one think that it was quite natural for them to lose trust from people of their own country and the international community to not a small measure due to their self-complacence and prejudice.


Even though they can be pretexts to shield their clumsy plight of getting dragged on by the U.S., we can not connive at their acts of daring hurt the dignity of the state and people of the DPRK.


As was already emphasized, the DPRK's access to a nuclear deterrence was pursuant to the strategic decision of the party and state of the DPRK to fundamentally terminate the decades-old U.S. hideous hostile policy toward the DPRK and nuclear threat and blackmail, and this finally led the DPRK to possess H-bomb for ICBM, the absolute weapons on the earth.


Even at this moment, the U.S. hatches sinister scheme of provoking a nuclear war and is holding dangerous secret war confab after introducing to the Korean peninsula and the region huge strategic hardware enough to fight several wars while openly calling for "totally destroying north Korea".


History and reality teach a serious lesson that only powerful strength can defend oneself from the tyrannical nuclear weapons.


The military attack on Syria committed in the eyes of neighboring big powers including China in April last showed the world in practice what the "peace by strength" touted by the Trump administration meant, and Beijing might have felt not a great deal.


What matters is how can The Chinese People's Daily and media under it which had trumpeted about "sovereignty and independence in the road for social progress" and "peculiar sovereign position" spout principle-less nonsense that are mocked even by Trump's twitters.


If they are not novice reptile media devoid of insight and their own view to the international politics, they should be well aware of themselves before commenting on others...


Literally speaking, media styling themselves speaking for the people had better use their heads to read the people's mindset and speak for the people of their own country, rather than admonishing others.


If it is the organ of a party styling itself the initiator of "principle of non-interference" outside, it can stand with dignity before the world people only when it maintains this principle.


As for "good neighbor", the DPRK has much more to say about it. When the Soviet Union and the U.S. and the whole world released denunciation statements over the first nuclear test carried out by China in the 1960s, it was only the DPRK, good neighbor, which actively supported it and encouraged it through government statement.


When high-spirited White House owner set out on his trip to China, its neighbor DPRK released a worldwide aphorism that Nixon's China visit was not a march of victor but a trip of loser with a white flag in his hand, thus helping the big neighbor save shame and maintain its face. China might know this sincere neighbor more than itself.


Then why is it going under the armpit of the U.S. while holding a white flag to blame the good neighbor.


Nixon, suffering from disease from wrath by the unusual principle and resourcefulness of the DPRK which stopped the historical disgrace which could have been a shame on the socialist camp, had called for a "war with China" till the last day of his leave from office. This is quite alike the act of Trump who is teasing Beijing, caught in the trap of "world economy", under the pretext of "nuclear issue of Korea". It is seen by the whole world.


The DPRK knows which way it should follow.


The DPRK does not have to lie on its face just as China did when it visited the U.S. and there is no need for China to force the DPRK to learn it.


History proved that the path covered by the DPRK for nearly one century has been an un-trodden path through thick and thin but it was far-sighted and promising option as this helped the country escape the tragic events witnessed in Eastern Europe which was mentally disarmed in the face of the imperialists, and as this helped others to evade clumsy situation of not breathing properly being caught in the noose of dollars.


The Korean people have learned the might of unity and happiness even though they did not lead a plentiful life and they have the perspective and generosity of looking far into the dawning tomorrow in the darkness.


As for the fortune of the DPRK, its people are not such ignorant people who foresee their fortune by money or divination sign.


Though small in territory and population, the people of the DPRK have such fortune which no other country and nation has and therefore, we feel sorrowful at the neighbor seeking money only without its own soul even though it is big.


Lots of countries and peoples of the world are keenly realizing where lies the genuine fortune of each country and nation while viewing the admirable DPRK greeting the great change in its destiny and standing against the "world's only superpower" while taking the lead of the struggle to defend peace of the region and the world, although it had its territory totally usurped by big powers keen on scramble and was trampled down under them in the past because it was weak in strength.


Truly frustrating is the perspective of the political hangers-on who are just satisfied to have their rice bowl safe even though the neighbor is thieved while considering Korea just as a front yard and "buffer zone" for holding back the invasion by robber.


It is the U.S. and other dishonest and hostile forces who are taking issue this or that way while doggedly shunning the reality of Juche Korea.


The light act of China's media openly resorting to interference in the internal affairs of other country, being oblivious of the mission of media which should regard objectivity and impartiality as their lifeline, would be little short of driving a wedge between the two countries and the two peoples, pursuant to the U.S.


The party organ of the socialist country bragging long history denounced socialist Korea so maliciously in collusion with the imperialists. This leaves us think whether they can be entitled to enter the coming party conference hall only when they register the dirty reptile records of betraying the peoples of the two countries.


The Chinese media had better watch how the DPRK smashes the hostile forces' arrogance and high-handed practices, rather than kowtowing to the ignorant acts of the Trump administration.


They had better mind their own businesses, before impudently pointing an accusing finger at others. Korea is a land of rising sun as its name implies and one has to turn one's head toward China to watch the sun setting in the western sky in Korea.


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

전쟁 대신 김치를 하자(#7)

Yesterday's Hankyoreh headlined the following: "North Korea offers message of peace at China-Northeast Asia Expo"...

And today, just one day later...


사용자 삽입 이미지


The nuclear test will create maximum embarrassment for Xi Jinping, the Chinese president... [Because]Xi was only hours from opening the summit of the BRICS nations – the association of five major emerging national economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – when news of the test emerged...(source: Guardian, 9.03)


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PS. For the audience in N. Korea's neighborhood, particularly China's north-eastern counties(*): Kim Jong-un promissed "The Nuclear Weapons Institute of the DPRK gave the following statement in connection with the perfect success in the test of a hydrogen bomb for ICBM... did it have any adverse impact on the surrounding ecological environment."(source: KCNA, 9.03)

* No comment...

The test was widely felt in north-east China and rocked some cities for as long as eight seconds, according to reports and accounts on social media. It was felt as far away as the city of Changchun, about 250 miles (400km north-west of North Korea’s test site at Punggye-ri, according to state broadcaster CCTV...(source: Guardian, 9.03)



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드릴 말씀 없습니다..(#32)

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진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

언론출판의 자유(반대한다)

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DPRK Central Court Sentences S. Korean Provokers to Death

A spokesman for the Central Court of the DPRK issued the following statement Thursday: The hostile forces, dumbfounded by the independent spirit and tremendous capabilities of Songun Korea demonstrating its might as a nuclear power of Juche and a world-level military power, are more persistently resorting to sordid smear campaign against the DPRK.

Taking the lead in the campaign are a group of conservatives in south Korea going helter-skelter, being unaware of their impending death.

Gentries of Dong-A Ilbo and Chosun Ilbo, newspapers speaking for the conservatives, committed a hideous crime of seriously insulting the dignity of the DPRK with the use of dishonest contents carried by "North Korea Confidential", a propaganda book authored by two British journalists.


The book was written by Daniel Tudor and James Pierson, correspondents of the British news weekly Economist and the Reuters to south Korea, two years ago. As a collection of words uttered by the riff-raffs including defectors from the north, it viciously slandered the reality of the DPRK with such sophism that "life of the north's citizens is capitalistic 100 percent".

The paid writers of the two newspapers of south Korea introduced the book as "a guide interesting to those wishing to know about the north", reeling off such sophism that "the north is a country where money has greater influence than in capitalist countries", "youngsters without mobile phones are treated losers", "army is unpaid labor unit" and that "those with money can get married to those of high positions in society any time".

They had the temerity of carrying a photo in which the red star, symbolic of the brilliant revolutionary traditions of anti-Japanese war engraved on the upper part of the national emblem of the DPRK, was replaced by $ symbol and the name of the "Democratic People's Republic of Korea" was replaced by the "Capitalist Republic of Korea". They even committed such shuddering acts of replacing the title of the book called "North Korea Confidential" with "Capitalist Republic of Korea".


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Dong-A Ilbo, Chosun Ilbo and other conservative media in south Korea have so far committed smear campaign against the DPRK nonstop, adding to crimes already committed. Whenever there were such things, we seriously warned that that they will be made to pay a high price for their wild acts of escalating confrontation with the north.

However, those conservative media, defying this warning, have persisted in smear campaign against the DPRK. Now they have reached the state of slandering and insulting even the inviolable name of our country and its national emblem.

Not content with viciously slandering our socialist system, the most advantageous system centered on the popular masses which can not be found in any other parts of the world, they seriously insulted the name and emblem, symbols of the inviolable dignity of the DPRK. This is a never-to-be-pardoned high treason.

It is needless to say that this is a hideous act manipulated by the group of wicked conservatives who are breathing their last after being reduced into a group of living corpses in the face of stern punishment by history and the people's mindset.

Article 60 of the DPRK Criminal Code stipulates that those who insulted the dignity of the DPRK from the anti-state purpose shall be sentenced even to maximum punishment including death, depending on the severity of the perpetration.

The Central Court of the DPRK declares that Dong-A Ilbo journalist Son Hyo Rim and Director General Kim Jae Ho and Chosun Ilbo journalist Yang Ji Ho and Director General Pang Sang Hun will be sentenced to capital punishment under the DPRK Criminal Code.

The criminals hold no right to appeal and the execution will be carried out any moment and at any place without going through any additional procedures as soon as the objects are confirmed.

We will track down to the end those who masterminded and manipulated hideous provocations of slandering and insulting the dignity of the DPRK and mete out death to them.

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Related stuff in the S. Korean media:
British author sheds light on N. Korea’s transition to capitalism... (Hankyoreh, 8.20)
A Review of “North Korea Confidential” (DailyNK, 2015.3.11)



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진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

드릴 말씀 없습니다..(#31)

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진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

[정권교체] 美+中 vs.北???

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Is the Trump administration seriously contemplating changing the regime in North Korea? Frankly, the signals are mixed...(38North, 8.02)

[...]concerns have been growing in South Korea that it could be bypassed in global efforts to denuclearize the North amid speculations that the U.S. and China might be considering a regime change in the reclusive country and that there could be a "big deal" between the two powers on the issue with the Seoul government possibly sidelined in the process...(Yonhap, 8.04)



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