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090407 general meeting.

Jin hong

indymedia broadcasting
original: live broadcasting - simultaneous interpretation(it's easier than making subtitle)
moona: how about two kinds of scripts - broadcasting
jeff: the report/ broadcasting is mainly for korean audiences. it will lack

context. we could prepare brief introduction additionally
moona: i don't get what you want to do. is it something like an experimental

jeff: doyoung should know
moona: we want to make a group specifically for friday?
jeff: me
moona: I am interested in this, but afraid of my broken english.
miwon: I think I can but not too late.
jeff: we need to get more info from doyoung later.

doyoung : among a series of filming, this friday
we will make pilot yongsan news.

1 one speaks korean, the other one speaks in another language on the side.

2 we can film first, then make dubbed film afterwards.
 thu 7pm final meeting, fri 8pm filming the residents and activists
concerning how to make the film-

we do not limit the contents of what people say.

jeff: i'm thinking about making introductory part for the film so that the

audiences will get more background.

jin hong; we can ask for gathering pictures or start for a specific media

project. "large picture project for background" we need to add some more

background with our own project.

jeff: other people would like to know what kind of laws there are in terms

of housing rights.

doyoung: this pilot project is experimental, so imc members are welcomed to

participate in.

moona: radio can be better than tv show. we use our voice, which is easier,

not using visual resources. giraffe can upload his music

screening-argentina/imc global
original: imc introduction/ Korean subtitle
jeff; I asked Dongwon to get the film, but handokhyup's permission is

needed.. which is not understandable but I know someone in handokhyup
moona; you will ask for permission?
jeff: what kind of discussion will be necessary?
discussion about imc korea? open
 discussion? workshops?
lot of korean indymedia activists don't perceive the importance of int'l

indymedia network.

moona: we can introduce imc Korea from 8pm, then screen it from 8:30? it's

necessary to show how we started imc korea.

jeff; adding to the film screening, we need some recruitment strategies...

moona; we have certain
jeff; we have to meet again outside of this meeting.

doyoung: 8:30~ introduction/ projector? film? I will resolve (i, the movie)

distribution rights problem

moona: making an imc screening coordinator? rotating rule?

coordinator: jeff
web poster: kenzzang
movie: jeff
tech: projector: 
facilitator(mc):moona (?)
interpreter: bum
outreach: jeff, ina, ditte, other people

doyoung; what to introduce? candlelight media center(doyoung), imc(moona),

writing group(ina, introduction) as short as possible

writing group

there can be a group of people who would provide articles to imc in many

languages we can make links for multilingual participation.
doyoung and kenzzang warned the procedure

making on-line groups for writing groups.

IMC global

IMC logo; kenzzang!!!


jin hong: every branch of imc has specific topics,

tech meeting is tomorrow

ditte's film -squatting/subtitle (english /korean)
who to translate? ditte will get the english subtitle / find a way to

transcribe the English subtitle - then we look for people who can translate

into korean.

cafe.daum.net/Cmedia- registration is required.
doyoung is in charge or booking

next tuesday at 7:30 for film screening
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