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동유럽 노동자들의 벗 -헝가리 Gondolkodo 서점에 연대를

  • 분류
  • 등록일
    2011/07/15 07:30
  • 수정일
    2011/07/15 07:30
  • 글쓴이
    자유로운 영혼
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사용자 삽입 이미지



Solidarity appeal for the renovation of Gondolkodo Autonom Antikvarium (Gondolkodo Autonomous Bookshop)


동유럽의 헝가리에도 한국의 [그날이 오면],   [풀무질] 같은 노동자계급과 혁명적 사회주의자들의 만남의 장소, 소통의 공간이 있다고 합니다.  낡고 열악한 환경을 개선하려는데 약간의 도움이 필요하다고 합니다.


누구든 아래내용을 각자의 언어로 번역하여 홍보해주시고, 여력이 되시면 소액이라도 송금을 !!!


(우리는 구 사노련 재판투쟁시에 여러 국제주의조직들이 보여준 뜨거운 연대를 기억하고 있습니다) 





The Gondolkodo Autonomous Bookshop is the only distribution place of the workers’ movement, bookshop and meeting-place in the East Central European region (namely in Hungary) which has been functioning continuously for many years (now for 18 years). Now this place must be renovated because the walls are wet and mouldy, the mortar has been falling, the sets of shelves are rickety, the drainpipe is often clogged up etc. The condition of the bookshop has been worsening gradually and also the distribution of publications is harder under these circumstances. Since we can not pay for all the costs of the general renovation we ask for your financial help in order that we could do the renovation during the summer.


Please support this aim according to your possibilities (if you can send 10 Euros then do it, but if you have more money you can send bigger amount).


Comrades, activists and sympathisers, please spread our solidarity appeal and support us!


Thanks for your help in the name of internationalist proletarian solidarity!


The money should be sent to this bank account:

Banki Laszlo

HU23 1040 3301 8675 5557 8750 1003

Swift code: OKHBHUHB



Gondolkodo Autonom Antikvarium



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