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게시물에서 찾기2008/03/21

1개의 게시물을 찾았습니다.

  1. 2008/03/21
    My nephew's writing(2)

My nephew's writing

Hi, everyone. It's good to be here.
I'm Si Hyeon Min.
Then, I'll introduce my little doll to you.
Its name is 'Kangeo-Min'.
I named it by putting together
the name 'kangaroo's 'Kanga' and my name 'Hyeon-Min's 'Min'.
It has brown fur, small ears, and a long tail.
And it even has a little baby.
It looks like just a little, poor doll.
but It's much more special than any other things to me.
About 10 years ago, my uncle gave it to me.
After that, I played with it, slept with it.
and spent all the days with it.
However, now I don't sleep with Kangamin,
because I've grown up.
But sometimes I feel sorry for that.
I'm sorry, but you are always my best friend.
Thank you for listening.
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