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게시물에서 찾기2008/04/03

1개의 게시물을 찾았습니다.

  1. 2008/04/03
    I 've lost all the datas... -_ㅠ(2)

I 've lost all the datas... -_ㅠ

My computer has not worked from yesterday.

I guess that is because the old scanner doesn't fit to the window vista.

So I decided to reinstall the windows.

I thought the menu 'reinstall' means 'to overwrite' and not to format all datas.

But after reinstalling I found that all my files has gone. -_ㅠ

I lost all the works which I've been doing.

I lost all 'SKINS' movies.(It's not a big problem because I can download it again)

But the datas that I didn't back up....

Ooooooh... What can I do???

My illusts, my mp3 files, my articles and reports....


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