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Devil's Empire SAMSUNG/걸리면 10년 음탕 천국, 죽여주는 섹스마법.



Your personal information can be misused for bad purposes by bad people.


To capture my soul, they put me in other’s Sexual ecstasy continuously. It must be cheat people using ether avartar which was made in hell. It is not real fact. The virtual sex which is called sharing other’s sexual experience is a complete invention.


Those unmitigated villains was forbidden me have a sexual relationship for 7 years in order to put me in severe trouble. Also, they want to capture my soul through starve instinct desire more easily. What a mean dirty trick!It is the LEE GUN HEE & LEE MYUNG BAK.


They have special abilities to make slave for targeting human, as a results of their mind controlling, most of women had been refusing my proposal to make romantic relationship or friendship for 7 years. It was a very skillful disturbing tool, but most of people never understand it. But, I know it. You never understand, if you don’t know behind secret world’s truth.



That’s the reason why called animal for human by them. Most of human don’t know the truth due to ignorance. At the Atlantis civilization, most of people know it very well, but nowadays most of people don’t know it. Why? Why? Why?


Do you have question the reason why SAMSUNG Group’s prosperity? Um…ha ha ha ha….the only crime is the ignorance. Sex? Enjoyment? Pleasure? Heaven? Ha ha ha yeott cheo deu si oh. What is worse, human’s soul is ignorance too.


During 7 years, I was attempted to make girlfriend over 2,200 women, but I never make girlfriend. Why? I’m not stupid man. You know it very well. LEE GUN HEE & LEE MYUNG BAK must bego to hell after dead. 


To cheat people related marriage fraud event, the virtual sex or avatar’s sex cheating skill was developed by LEE GUN HEE since 2008. Please trust me.


I suppose that they had been captured so many people’s soul by using cheating tool and make a slave for 7 years. 사형에 처해야 한다. 죽여야 한다는 말이다. They pretty like to play it on a person. They are villains extremely. 대단히 비열한 자들이다. As I know, the same thing was occurred Atlantis civilization’s society by black occults as devil’s power. Please refer to bible’s prediction regards devil’s dragon, SATAN or bad reptilians. It is true. Please believe it. Devil’s power is exist really.


Besides, by using those cheating tools, LEE GUN HEE can be achieved going through USA’s upper classes society by using AVARTAR of mine. It is true! Please investigate it. He is the worst skillful villain in the human’s history. 나를 이용해서 미국상류사회까지 침투해 들어가는데 성공했다. 나는 이러한 메시지를 이미2008년 초에 받았다. 이들은 지금까지와는 전혀 다른 외계행성에서 온 악성 외계종들이라는 것이 내 추정이다. 속지 말라. 절대로 속지 말라. 파충류들이다. 인간으로 위장할 수 있다!


Also, I had been putting the worst poor by them, and so I can’t make a sexual relationship by money. I’m in severe trouble for 7 years. Cheo juk il kae sae ki들이이명박, 이건희입니다. 그러나 오늘 날 이들은 자신들이 가진 권력을 이용해서, 거꾸로 저를 감옥에 보내려 하고, 죽이려 하고 있습니다.


To do snatch soul or spirits from human, they used to unknown ether magic or mind controlling for human. Most of human doesn’t know the facts.


The virtual sex which was developed by LEE GUN HEE is aimed that it is make a slave for targeted human or out do all competitors through snatch the soul or spirits from human. Give the people sexual ecstasy is to capture human’s soul more easily. They must be malignance aliens or devil’s family.




The point is that bad reptilians want to get the human’s soul in order to make a slave. Nowadays, look at the world, LEE GUN HEE who was disguised human form can be achieved the goals by using AVATAR’s SEX.






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