사이드바 영역으로 건너뛰기

Sincerity and Authenticity

At the behest of the criterion of authenticity, much that was once thought to make up the very fabric of culture has come to seem of little account, mere fantasy or ritual, or downright falsification. Conversely, much that culture traditionally condemned and sought to exclude is accorded a considerable moral authority by reason of the authenticity claimed for it, for example, disorder, violence, unreason.


Lionel Trilling



그랬군, '왜'인지 좀 더 찾아봐야겠다,

혹, 또, 역사의 간지니 뭐니, 그런 쉽고 맥빠지는 답을 듣게 될까,


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크