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저자와 출판사에 보내는 편지

Dear Drs (이름 넣으3)
I hope this finds you all well.
I would like to tell you that we've started our job here and ask your help.
After a discussion with a publisher over the technical matters, it was concluded that it would be the best to draw the graphs again for the best quality though the photos and cartoon images could be scanned from the book. Do you still keep the original files with data (maybe in a spreadsheet format such as EXCEL) or the original images of the inserted photos and cartoons? One of the caveats of making the graphs ourselves is that some of the graphs do not have the accompanying figures. If you don't have the source information, we might need to go back to the cited references to find them.
May Day, our representative of the contract, will contact the Common Courage Press sooner or later to discuss copyright.  
Thank you,
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