외국 민중가요 - 2008/02/16 17:51




Kurt Weill/ Bertold Brecht


(1) Und weil der Mensch ein Mensch ist,
Drum braucht er was zum Essen, bitte sehr !
Es macht ihn ein Geschwütz nicht satt,
Das schafft kein Essen her.


  Drum links, zwei, drei (bis)
  Wo dein Platz, genosse, ist
  Reih’dich ein die Arbeiter-Einheitsfront,
  Weil du auch ein Arbeiter bist !


(2) Und weil der Mensch ein Mensch ist,
Drum braurt er auch noch Kleirder und Schuh !
Es macht ihn ein Geschwätz nicht warm
Und auchkein Trommeln dazu.


(3) Und weil der Mensch ein Mensch ist,
Drum hat er Stiefel im Gesicht nicht gern.
Er will unter sich keinen Sklaven sehn
Und über sich keinen Herrn.


(4) Und weil der Mensch ein Mensch ist,
Drum wird ihn kein anderer befrein,
Es kann die Befreiung der arbeiter nur
Das Werk der Arbeiter sein.



* 영어


1. As man is only human, He must eat before he can think. Fine words are only empty air And not his meat and drink.



Then, Left! Right! Left! Then, Left! Right! Left! There`s a place, Comrade for you, March with us in the workers` united front; For you are a worker too.


2 As man is only human, He`d rather not have boots in face. He wants no slaves at his beck and call, Nor life by a masters`s grace.




3. And since a worker`s a worker, No class can free him but his own; ‘The emancipation of the working- class Is the task of the workers alone.’



진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크
2008/02/16 17:51 2008/02/16 17:51

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  1. no chr.! 2008/02/16 23:20  댓글주소  수정/삭제  댓글쓰기

    United Front Song (B. Brecht/H. Eisler), lyrics:

    1. As man is only human, He must eat before he can think. Fine words are only empty air And not his meat and drink.

    Chorus: Then, Left! Right! Left! Then, Left! Right! Left! There`s a place, Comrade for you, March with us in the workers` united front; For you are a worker too.

    2 As man is only human, He`d rather not have boots in face. He wants no slaves at his beck and call, Nor life by a masters`s grace.


    3. And since a worker`s a worker, No class can free him but his own; ‘The emancipation of the working- class Is the task of the workers alone.’

    E. Busch's (almost original) version..

    Music: Ton Steine Scherben, 1971

    Tatendrang, 2005

    And of course there are (several) Korean versions..
    Just check out: