외국 민중가요 - 2008/02/07 12:23





* 뮤지컬 레미제라블에서 나오는 노래.

지하철노조 노래패 '소리물결'에서 불렀었고,

세종문화회관노조에서 투쟁시 집회후 조합원들이 모두 모여 함께 부르곤 했다.


Do You Hear The People Sing?


Do you hear the people sing?
Singing a song of angry men?
It is the music of a people
Who will not be slaves again!
When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums
There is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes!

Will you join in our crusade?
Who will be strong and stand with me?
Beyond the barricade
Is there a world you long to see?


Then join in the fight
That will give you the right to be free!

Do you hear the people sing?
Singing a song of angry
It is the music of a people
Who will not be slaves again!
When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums
There is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes!

Will you give all you can give

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크
2008/02/07 12:23 2008/02/07 12:23

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