
미디액트의 조동원씨의 글도 실렸네요.
you might be interested in the new book Alternative Media and the Politics of Resistance: Perspectives and Challenges, eds. Mojca Pajnik and John D. H. Downing (Peace Institute, 2008).
(for more consult the attached announcement)
Mojca Pajnik and John Downing
Introduction: The Challenges of “Nano-media”
Hanno Hardt
Talk, or the Decline of Conversation in the Age of Mass Communication
Chris Atton
Bringing Alternative Media Practice to Theory: Media Power, Alternative Journalism and Production
John Downing
Social Movement Media and Democracy: Achievements and Issues
Natalie Fenton
New Media, Politics and Resistance
Gabriele Hadl and Jo Dongwon
New Approaches to Our Media: General Challenges and the Korean Case
Pantelis Vatikiotis
Challenges and Questions for Alternative Media
Larisa Ranković
The Prospects for the Development of Alternative Media in Serbia
Ruth Heritage
Video Activist Citizenship & the Undercurrents Media Project: A British Case Study in Alternative Media
Best regards,
Mojca and John
Mojca Pajnik
Peace Institute, Institute for Contemporary Social and Political Studies
Metelkova 6, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Tel.: +38612347720
Fax.: +38612347722
E: mojca.pajnik@mirovni-institut.si
John D.H. Downing
Director, Global Media Research Center
College of Mass Communication and Media Arts
Southern Illinois University 6606
Carbondale, IL 62901, USA
Center: 618-453-6876 (voice), -6874 (fax), -6905 (Director)
E: jdowning@siu.edu
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