
그린데이의 8번째 스튜디오 쟈켓 그림이 낯익네요. 영국의 뱅씨(Banksy) 작품을 쟈켓으로 집어넣은 것 같습니다 (맨 아래 그림).
15일 주말에 나온다네요. 저는 미리 좀 시식을 했습니다. <아메리칸 이디엇>보다는 귀에 팍 꽂히는 곡이 없지만
역시나 팬들을 실망시키지는 않는군요. 제 아들이 제일 좋아하는 그룹이기도 합니다.

씸쓴 가족에 나왔던 그린데이의 모습이 떠오르는군요. 아래는 앨범 동명곡인 <21세기 괴멸>이란 처절한 자조와 냉소 섞인 내용
의 곡 가사입니다.
21th Century Breakdown
Born into Nixon I was raised in hell
A welfare child where the teamsters dwelled
The last one born and the first one to run
My town was blind from refinery sun
My generation is zero
I never made it as a working class hero
21st century breakdown
I once was lost but never was found
I think I'm losing what's left of my mind
to the 20th century deadline
I was made of poison and blood
Combination is what I understood
From Mexico to the Berlin Wall
Homeland security could kill us all
My generation is zero
I never made it as a working class hero
21st century breakdown
I once was lost but never was found
I think I'm losing what's left of my mind
to the 20th century deadline
We are the cries of the class of '13
Born in the year of humility
we are the desperate in the decline
Raised by the bastards of 1969
My name is 'No one' your long lost son
Born on the 4th of July
Raised in the barnyards of heroes and cons
Left me for dead or alive
There is a war that's inside my head
That questions the results and lies
I'm breaking my back till I'm better off dead
We are not payed enough to survive
I am an engine, a worker, a pawn
My debt to the status quo
The scars on my hands and a means to an end
It's all that I have to show
I'm taking a loan on my sanity
For the redemption of my soul
well I am exempt from this tragedy
And the 21st century fall
I praise liberty, the freedom to obey
It's a song that strangles me
Well don't cross the line
Oh, dream, American dream
I can't even sleep
from rainstorms till dawn
Oh, bleed, America bleed
Believe what you read
from heroes and cons

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