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Since the end of last week (especially) in (at least) the west nearly all "main" news agencies/newpapers/TV stations are reporting about the liberation of hundreds of slave workers in central China (BTW.. originally it was reported by the Chinese media!!).

China orders crackdown on labor abuse (CNN)

But how about the recent/current situation in the so-called developed capitalism?

Following article was published (but nearly unconsidered by the public) just few days ago:

Illegal Romanian Workers Paid Slave Wages by Policeman (Der Spiegel, 6.15)

Already last April the German daily newspaper Berliner Zeitung reported about slave workers in NATO bases in Afghanistan. The young women there must work daily between 12 and 16 hours in the "Green Spa Beauty Parlor", owned by Koreans (!!!). In the night the Korean owners are driving the workers "home" in Kabul and lock them up there until the next day, according to the report. The workers are not allowed to leave their "home" (actually very small barracks without any comfort, just with beds and dry stinking toilets) before or after the work.
It continued that the workers get a contract until all the "expenses" (plane ticket, broker fee etc..) is paid back. "Ira, a married mother of two children, can't go to visit her children, even the 'contract' since weeks is expired" "When - but I really don't know when - I'll go back home, I will bring nearly no money with me" she said.. As far as I know, about this story only one newspaper was reporting!!

Another story, but this time slave workers in Europe:
Last August the police in Italy freed 113 field workers from Poland. According to the police they were beaten, tortured.. "In the middle of our country they were held as slaves", so the Italian authorities. They had to work daily 15 hours, sometimes without any breaks. They were held like in Nazi Camps. They were guarded by armed gangsters, according to the investigation agency.

Well (or better not well) those cases (in Europe) are no unique, not at all! The Council of Europe/www.coe.int (difinetely NOT a COMMUNIST organisation^^): "Slaves at the heart of Europe! Likeley up to 500,000 workers in Europe are held under conditions of modern slavery"

Capitalism - no matter if it's the "old-school" or the "brandnew", some are calling it "neo-liberalism" - is based on maximum profit, even it means to exploit workers like slaves. That's just the f.. reality!! (eeh, no question, of course we need to change this kind of reality!!)




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