- '노란봉투'캠페인/국제연대..
- no chr.!
All the time the reactionary S.K. media, such as Chosun Ilbo, KBS.. etc, are denouncing the "progressive" forces to be the "fifth column" in behalf of the DPRK leadership/Workers Party of (North) Korea (aka Chosun Nodong-dang) by, for example, implementation of the N.K. "communist culture" in the S.K. society.
But the complete opposite is/may be the reality: It seems that the S.K. capitalist conglomerates (chaebol) are the vanguard to promote the unification (between N.K. and S.K.) under the "wise leadership" of Kim Jong-il!
One example is Samsung chaebol..
Samsung was/is creating a simplified copy of DPRK's dictatorship in its own "empire".. Including N.K. "cultural" traditions, such as the so-called mass games.
Samsung's "Arirang" (poor performance^^)
The original: Kim Jong-il's..
For more, please read:
☞ ..Samsung culture (Hankyoreh, 6.21)
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