- '노란봉투'캠페인/국제연대..
- no chr.!
미국무성 차관보일행 평양 도착
(평양 6월 21일발 조선중앙통신)미국무성 차관보 크리스토퍼 힐과 그 일행이 21일 비행기로 평양에 도착하였다.
미국무성 차관보일행이 떠나갔다
(평양 6월 22일발 조선중앙통신)미국무성 차관보 크리스토퍼 힐과 그 일행이 22일 평양을 떠나갔다.
We should simply recognize that (the North Korean) KCNA must be the most effective "news" agency! Where/when the (f..) int'l (imperialist) news agencies need dozens of (printed) lines(*) KCNA needs just needs two sentences:
U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Here
Pyongyang, June 21 (KCNA) -- Christopher Hill, U.S. assistant secretary of State, and his entourage arrived here by air today.
U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Leaves
Pyongyang, June 22 (KCNA) -- Christopher Hill, U.S. assistant secretary of State, and his entourage left here today.
* The stuff, published by the "imperialist enemies"..:
☞ US, N.Korea Set Timeline to Shut Reactor (AP/Guardian)
☞ North Korea to shut plutonium reactor in 3 weeks (CNN, incl. Hill interview)
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