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게시물에서 찾기2007/11

25개의 게시물을 찾았습니다.

  1. 2007/11/19
    11.18 反파병.. 집회
    no chr.!
  2. 2007/11/18
    北-南 총리회담..
    no chr.!
  3. 2007/11/16
    11.18: 反파병연장..
    no chr.!
  4. 2007/11/15
    명동, 2003.11.15
    no chr.!
  5. 2007/11/14
    北-南통일 블루스
    no chr.!
  6. 2007/11/13
    (미친) 노무현..
    no chr.!
  7. 2007/11/11
    11.11 국가 테러
    no chr.!
  8. 2007/11/09
    2007 전국노동자대회..
    no chr.!
  9. 2007/11/08
    평양/아리랑 공연..
    no chr.!
  10. 2007/11/07
    no chr.!

11.18 反파병.. 집회


For yesterday several S.K. anti-war groups, KCTU, DLP, 'All Together' etc. called for a "massive protest" against the ongoing presence of S.K. troops in Iraq. But - despite the govt's latest decision to extend the troops' presence there and Roh Moo-hyun's stupid remark that his "decision to send Korean troops to Iraq was a historical error" - only a very small bunch of activists followed the call and gathered y'day afternoon in Myeong-dong to join the rally/demonstration.


A short time before, 11.03, Kim Gwang-il ('All Together'/anti-war activist) said in an interview with VoP that "Roh has confirmed several times that there would be no change of the administration's policy about the withdrawal of troops. However he breaks the promise with Korean people."

Surprise, surprise: Roh has been breaking his promise!! That must be a realy new realization for the S.K. "progressive" movement - after they defended with all their forces Roh's presidency against the attempted impeachment in spring 2004 (just one year after Roh has been breaking his promise not to support an "unjust war against Iraq")..

Finally - in my opinion - this kind of, simply said, political "confusion" in the S.K. "progressive" movement brings the "ordinary" people, even they're against the ruling gov't/class, to stay away from public political expressions.. (??!!)

Anyway.. here you can read "more"(^^) about y'day's event:

자이툰 파병 연장 저지를 위한 반전행동 (다함께)

"돌아오라, 자이툰!".. (SPARK)

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

北-南 총리회담..

First Round of Inter-Korean Premier Talks Closes (KCNA, 11.17)

The first round of the inter-Korean premier talks closed (last) Friday.

At the talks both sides had an exhaustive discussion on practical issues arising in invariably upholding and honoring the June 15 joint declaration and fully implementing the October 4 declaration and adopted an agreement on the talks and annexed agreements...

According to the agreement, the north and the south agreed to definitely turn the inter-Korean relations into those of mutual respect and trust in the spirit of "By our nation itself" and take steps to develop them for the purpose of reunification.

To this end, both sides agreed to take measures necessary for marking June 15 as a day common to the nation and hold celebrations of the 8th anniversary of the June 15 joint declaration in Seoul next year with an attendance of authorities and people.

They also agreed to discuss such matters as readjusting their legal and institutional mechanisms and revitalize dialogues and contacts in different fields including their parliaments.

They agreed to set up "a West Sea special area for peace and cooperation" to meet the purpose of peace and common interests in the West Sea. As a necessary measure, they adopted an agreement on the formation and operation of "a committee for the promotion of the West Sea special area for peace and cooperation" to be co-chaired by officials at ministerial level. They agreed to hold the first meeting of the committee in Kaesong within December...

To this end, both sides agreed to cooperate with each other in various fields including roads and railways, zones for cooperation in shipbuilding and the Kaesong Industrial Zone and form the North-South Joint Committee for Economic Cooperation to be co-chaired by officials at vice-premier level for the smooth progress of those projects. A relevant agreement was adopted and it was agreed to have its first meeting in Seoul from Dec. 4 to 6.

The north and the south also agreed to inaugurate the North-South Committee for the Promotion of Social and Cultural Cooperation with a view to promoting exchange and cooperation in history, language, education, culture, arts and other social and cultural fields and positively push forward cooperation projects in the humanitarian field from the stand of promoting national reconciliation and unity.

The north and the south agreed to hold the inter-Korean premier talks once in six months and the next round of the talks within the first half of 2008 in Pyongyang.




Source: S.K. media (K. Herald, 11.17)


The complete text (a first unofficial translation) of the agreement you can read here (Yonhap, 11.16).


Korean leaders tout new initiatives (IHT, 11.16)

Prime ministers’ talks.. (Hankyoreh, 11.17)

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

11.18: 反파병연장..



노무현: '파병 만세!!'

(미친) 노무현..

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

명동, 2003.11.15

Today, four years ago about 200 migrant workers have begun their 387-day sit-in strike on Myeong-dong Cathedral's compound (in downtown Seoul) to protest against the beginning of S.K. government's crackdown - manhunt, mass arrests and deportations - against (undocumented) migrant workers in the country..


For more (incl. some pictures, links, music..) please see:

2003年11月15日.. (2006.11)

2 년전에.. 이주농성투쟁... (2005.11)




OCAP's(CDN) solidarity with our struggle (base21, 2003.11)

平等労組移住支部 (LaborNet Japan, ETU-MB/MSSC special section)

Migrant Workers.. Struggle in Seoul (indymedia feature, 2004.05)

Güney Kore: Göçmen işçilerin.. (istanbul indy, special feature, 2004.06)

...etc, etc..



진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

北-南통일 블루스

Today's Asia Times (HK) published following - in my opinion -  interesting/informative article, written by A. Lenkov:

Working through Korean unification blues

For six decades, the myth of unification as Korea's supreme goal has been enshrined in the official mythology of both nations. The lip service to this myth is still paid by virtually all political forces in both Koreas, but the actual policy of both Pyongyang and Seoul nowadays is clearly based on a very different set of assumptions and hopes: both sides try to avoid situations which might lead to unification.

There are good reasons for this quiet change of policy. The gap between the Koreas is too great; depending on which calculations you believe the per capita gross domestic product in the South is between 15 and 40 times higher than that of the North. Perhaps, nowhere in the world one can find two neighboring countries whose income levels would be so vastly different - and in this case the two countries happen to speak the same language.

The North Korean rulers know perfectly well that in a unified country they would be unable to keep their privileges, and also are likely to be held responsible for decades of gross human-rights abuses and economic mismanagement. South Koreans are no more willing to unify with their impoverished brethren - unification of Germany where the initial situation was much better, became an ordeal, so the unification of Korea would clearly become a disaster.

Therefore, South Korean politicians are doing everything possible to support the dictatorship in Pyongyang, assuming that "stability" in the North is necessary for South Korean economic prosperity..

This policy is usually explained as a way to "create the environment for Chinese-style reforms". This indeed might be its long-term goal, but for all practical reasons the major immediate outcome of massive South Korean aid is a continuous survival of the Pyongyang dictatorship. The statement that a "German scenario is unacceptable" has become a mantra of Seoul politicians.

However, over the past decades, Kim Jong-il's regime has not shown the slightest inclination to reform itself. Obviously, the Pyongyang elite believes that the Chinese model, so enthusiastically extolled by the good-wishers from Seoul, is not acceptable for them. Perhaps they are correct in their fears. The existence of a rich and free South, always presented as another part of the same nation, makes the situation in Korea quite different from that of China or Vietnam.

Chinese-style reforms, if undertaken by Pyongyang, are bound to produce a certain openness of the country and certain relaxation of political control. As a result, the North Korean populace will soon learn about South Korean prosperity and will be less afraid of the regime's repressive machine. It's questionable to what extent the North Koreans would be willing to obey a government whose track record has been so bad after they see an attractive alternative of the South.

Hence, North Korean leaders have made a rational decision: to keep stability and their own privileges, in recent years they have used foreign aid to roll back the changes which happened in the mid-1990s. Instead of reforms, they now do everything possible to limit or ban private economic activity and reassert their control over society.(*)

Despite the government's resistance to reform, the North Korean system is gradually crumbling from below, and this slow-motion disintegration might turn into an uncontrollable collapse in any moment. A sudden death of even a serious illness of Kim Jong-il is almost certain to trigger a serious crisis. If this happens, all bets are off, but it seems that a collapse of the system, Romanian or East German style, is one of the most likely outcomes.

This is what people in the South fear most. Indeed, unification might indeed spell economic and social disaster for the rich South...

Please read the full (very long) article here!


*(Somehow) related:

..N.Korea Cracks Down Female Merchants (Chosun Ilbo, 11.9)


Lenkov wrote in his article: "A report.. states that if unification happened in 2015, it would cost US$858 million to raise North Korean per capita income to half of the South Korean level.."

But I think it must be US$858 billion!

K. Times wrote last month (10.28) following: "Expenses for the reunification of the two Koreas will range from $850 billion and $1.3 trillion if it comes between 2015 and 2040.."

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

(미친) 노무현..

While the S.K. gov't (i.e. Roh Moo-hyun and his gang) last Sunday has been showing its ugliest - i.e. common (state terrorist) - side, at the same time Roh demonstrated that he's (likely) complete crazy - or better said clearly irresponsibly.

According to K. Times he "said Sunday that his decision to send Korean troops to Iraq was a historical error". ``As president it was an inevitable decision to send troops to Iraq,'' Roh said in an interview with K-TV. ``I realized that this was a time when I couldn't help but make a historical error even though I didn't want to.''

What? WTF he's talking about??

Just  20 days ago the S.K. gov't - decided to extend the presence of S.K. occupation forces in Iraq - the "Zaytun Division" - until the end of 2008.

And on the same day, according to Yonhap News Roh maintained that "Kim Jong-il the is most flexible man in North Korea". Wow, that's one of the "best" jokes I ever heared!! Harrharr, even CNN reported about this crazy contribution by Roh..

Well, I think there is no further comment necessary anymore..


Sending Troops to Iraq Was Historical Error: President (K. Times, 11.11)

Kim Jong Il 'most flexible man' (CNN/AP, 11.11)

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

11.11 국가 테러

Tens of thousands (Tongil News reported 45,000, the mainstream media around 20,000/but the organizers expected between 100,000 and 200,000.. "at least") of South Korean workers, farmers, students, anti-war and civil right activists defended today their right to demonstrate on the occasion of the traditional/annually "Nat'l Workers Rally" (western media, such as Reuters and AP, mis-interpreted the demonstration as just an anti-FTA protest..) and clashed - actually were forced to clash - with thousands of riot cops in downtown Seoul.

All streets leading to City Hall Plaza were complete blocked by at least 600 police buses. Almost 25,000 riot cops on the spot used water cannons, botons, shields and fire extinguishers to attack and stop the protesters.

At one location, riot cops beat male and female workers and college students with batons, forcing protesters to the ground and then kicking several of them into submission before dragging them away, one witness said..

According to KCTU at least 125 protesters were arrested. More than 100 demonstrators were injured by the riot cops' excessive violence.

For Dec. 1 the protesters vowed a new, massive demonstration: "We'll fight back! The forces of the people's power will change the world!" (whatever it means..^^)

Police, Protesters Clash Causing Traffic Chaos (Korea Times)

About 25,000 laborers and farmers protesting against major government policies clashed with riot police in central Seoul Sunday, causing traffic jams.

On their way to Seoul City Hall plaza, the members of the Korean Alliance of Progressive Movements and the Korean Confederation of Trade Union (KCTU) came across riot police barricading the street. The protestors were calling for the abolishment of temporary worker status, and demonstrating their opposition to the Korea-U.S. free trade agreement (FTA) and the extension of Korean soldiers' deployment in Iraq.

Buses and large vehicles carrying demonstrators from other regions to Seoul were also blocked by police, who set up checkpoints on highways from the early morning.

In the afternoon, the streets were filled with policemen attempting to control the crowd of protestors trying to make it beyond the barricades. About 25,000 protestors marched to Gwanghwamun, dodging a total of 23,000 policemen, while those who did not make it to Seoul protested in their own way.

Hundreds of demonstrators blocked a lane on the Seohaean Expressway to protest police blockade.

A farmer from Haman, South Gyeongsang Province, tried to set himself on fire in the middle of the Gyeongbu Expressway when police tried to stop him and his compatriots from going to Seoul.

The police action came after the government vowed it would take stern measures against illegal collective action. On Friday, four ministries - justice, labor, construction and transportation, and government administration and home affairs - warned against the rally. They said the police ordered the KCTU not to hold the rally as it would create heavy traffic jams. It later defined the event as an illegal one.

However, the laborers said the right to perform collective action was guaranteed by the constitution and they would not stop. They also said banning it was an infringement of human rights. `` We are gathering to seek for our own rights and what the government is doing is unacceptable. Is this a democracy?'' a farmer from Busan said.

Police blocked nearly all the roads to city hall causing inconvenience to pedestrians. They complained that the police action caused more noise and traffic chaos.


For more please see/read also:

S.Korean protesters clash with riot police (Reuters, slide show)

Massive demonstration causes confrontation.. (Hankyoreh, 11.12)

Police, protesters battle in streets.. (JoongAng Ilbo, conservative daily, 11.12)

How Much Longer Must We Put Up with Such Violence? (Chosun Ilbo.. ^^)



Source: AP

Related reports (in Korean):

‘11.11 범국민행동의 날’.. (Tongil News, incl. pics)

경찰 "총으로 다 쏴죽이겠다" 협박 (KCTU)

전국 8만 여명 참가...민중총궐기 "승리했다" (VoP, incl. several video docus)

노무현 정부도 '계엄령'을 아는가? (OhmyNews)

범국민 행동의 날.. (Chamsesang News, incl. pics)

아찔했던 경찰헬기 저공비행 (OhmyNews..)

경찰버스 오르는 노동자-농민에 소화기, 물대포 난사 (..TV)

2007.11.11. 범민중총궐기대회 광화문 행진 (Chamsesang..)

집회 불허 뚫고 시청 앞 전차로 점거 (..TV)

20071111 -- 범국민대회 (땅의 사람, pictures)



"12월 1일 다시 모이자.

민중의 힘으로 세상을 바꾸자"

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

2007 전국노동자대회..


Well, while the S.K. progressive - workers', anti-war, human right.. - movement is preparing for a massive protest, the gov't is preparing for massive repression measures, i.e. STATE TERROR.. JoongAng Ilbo reported that the gov't will deploy about 45,000 riot cops "to confront the rally".

Activists to hold rally despite police ban (K. Herald, 11.06)   
Defying police disapproval, a coalition of activist groups plans to stage a massive protest in Seoul on Sunday against the Korea-U.S. free trade agreement, labor polices, and the extension of troop deployment in Iraq.

More than 70,000 members of various progressive organizations, including Democratic Labor Party, Korean Confederation of Trade Unions and Jinbo Corea, will participate the rally in front of City Hall, the groups said.

However, the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency issued a notice that prohibited the protest to the related groups on Monday.. Police said they informed the members that the meeting will be considered illegal if pushed forward.

The protest groups oppose the ratification of the government's free trade agreement with the United States and press for the removal of irregular or temporary workers. The group members will also call for the withdrawal of Korean troops stationed in Iraq and Lebanon.

About 70,000 to 200,000 people are expected to join the gathering, according to the police.



Korea Times newest edition reports following:

Labor Unions Snub Government's Move

Labor unions defied a government warning against massive rallies..

The Korea Alliance of Progressive Movements, an association of labor and farmers' groups, criticized the government’s statement against collective action by labor groups during a press meeting in Seoul, Friday, and confirmed there ``will be no change’’ on a scheduled rally.

The progressive group plans to stage a rally on Sunday in downtown Seoul. The protest is for the abolishment of temporary worker status, and to oppose the Korea-U.S. FTA and the extension of Korean soldiers deployment to Iraq.

``The government doesn’t want to listen to why we are staging the protest and just regulates our rally as illegal. They distorted our true purpose of collective action,’’ said Lee Sok-haeng, the lead organizer of the protest.

``We organized 200,000 protesters when President Roh Moo-hyun was impeached. At that time, the government allowed our rallies but now they say `no’ to our action for laborers' rights. They have double standards,’’ Lee added. (*)

Earlier in the day, four ministries - justice, labor, construction and transportation, and government administration and home affairs - warned against the rally..
The statement said the police ordered the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions not to hold the rally on Sunday..


* Wow, it's always funny (actually not really) how the Roh gov't can "surprise" the progressive movement in S.K...^^
But already during the days of the attempted impeachment of Roh Moo-hyun (spring 2004) there were enough voices, such as ETU-MB, who said that we never should trust (and fight for) Roh and his gang..:

MSSC.. thoughts about the present political situation (ETU-MB, 2004.3.14)

leaflet for 탄핵무효"activists" (MSSC, 2004.3.31/"flugi반전.doc")

Related (MUST SEE!!): 

2003.11.09 Nat'l Workers Rally:

Police terror and workers' resistance led to massive street battles in downtown Seoul..

국민을 개패듯 패는 참여정부 (video docu by comrade Hong Gil-dong..)

Anyway, the "event" on Sunday will start with the KCTU rally, 1 pm in front of City Hall..





진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

평양/아리랑 공연..

Before and during Roh Moo-hyun's visit in the DPRK, on the occasion of of the "N-S Korean Summit" early October, it was highly disputed (mainly) in the S.K. (bourgeois) media if he should attend the Arirang Mass Games performance, scheduled by his N.K. hosts. Well, finally he "enjoyed" the performance.. Actually not surprisingly, not really.. Because, short before his trip to N.K., Roh (f.. stupid as he is!!) told the S.K. public that he sees no difference between the Arirang Mass Games and the participation of S.K. teenagers in TV shows, such as song contests, or stuff like that.

Today's Asia Times (HK) published following impressive report, written by Kim Hyun-sik (*) about the reality of Arirang Mass Games:

Bitter tears behind Pyongyang's games

Among the many tales of North Korea - anecdotes and observations from my own life as a professor at the Pyongyang University of Education for nearly 40 years - is North Korea's internationally famous mass games, a grand spectacle of rigorous gymnastics, elaborate group dance and dazzling flashing cards.

The games - also known as the Arirang mass gymnastics games - represent the sum total of North Korea's ideological and aesthetic expression. The performance, which involves the participation of 100,000 Pyongyang City students, is not only a composite blend of art with gymnastics, but aspires to aesthetic perfection by employing the highest degree of human athleticism and creativity. But beneath the outward grandeur flow the blood, sweat and tears of children...

I wish to tell the world that the Arirang mass games .. is nothing but an elaborate show. It is an act to show off the North Korean people's loyalty, solidarity and iron will in serving their Kim Jong-il...

..(the world) should be keenly aware of the bitter tears that Pyongyang's young students and their parents shed from their participation in these mass games. Almost all the elementary, secondary and college students living in Pyongyang, totaling 100,000, participate in the games.

The background (cards) section alone requires some 20,000 participants. Participation in the mass games is not voluntary; rather, it is unconditional and mandatory, in accordance with the orders of the Workers' Party. The students move together in unison according to the military command system. All students are transported for practices and performances by hundreds of military trucks that are also on call to carry heavy artillery in case of war.

The mass games take place in a stadium in Pyongyang for several months, beginning with Kim Il-sung's birthday (also known in North Korea as "The Day of the Sun", April 15). During this period, all classes are suspended. The participating high school seniors suffer lower scores on their university entrance exam. To remedy this problem, the North Korean authorities have even instituted a system of free additional points to the students' test scores to compensate for their participation in the performance.

The students that physically and mentally suffer the most are the 20,000 who are in the cards section of the performance. These students must quickly fold and unfold the heavy cards at the flag signals with undivided attention for the entire duration of the three-hour performance. Since they must remain alert and cannot go to the bathroom during the performance, the male students urinate into the plastic bags at their seats and the female students have no choice but to wait or to urinate on the floor. As a result, a number of female students suffer from chronic cystitis throughout their lives.

Those students holding the cards containing pieces of Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il's faces and body parts on them must be particularly careful throughout the three hours of the performance. Even one mistake results in punishment for the student, as well as his or her parents and classroom teacher. One time, my daughter was the teacher of a student who made a mistake during a performance. The student's parents as well as my daughter were summoned each night to the department of National Security, where they came under fierce ideological criticism for the student's mistake and were forced to write a letter of self-criticism.

From the following day, my daughter was ordered to lie down right below the student bench in the stadium to make sure that the errant student would pay attention throughout the performance. Many students fall to the ground due to the heat from the sun, extreme hunger, and high nervous tension and exhaustion. However, the spirit of the ideological struggle still makes them stand back up on their feet.

It is impossible for the student participants to fill up on the one roll of bread that the authorities distribute for lunch. So their parents can't help but bring home-made vegetable soup and feed their children so that the soup can supplement their sons' and daughters' daily ration of bread.

Since the mass games require tens of thousands of students to move together in unison like a machine, these student participants suffer all kinds of hardship and indignities. The flashy and impressive performance ... is borne with cursing, merciless beatings, harsh ideological indoctrination, self-criticism writings and group punishments meted out by the teacher and the authorities...




* Kim Hyun-sik, former professor and dean of the Foreign Language Education Research Department, Pyongyang University of Education, North Korea and a former private tutor to the family of leader Kim Il-sung. Kim Hyun-sik was a visiting professor at Yale University from 2003-06 and is currently a research professor at George Mason University.



진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크


Today, exactly 90 years ago, the leadership of the SDPR(B) instructed the revolutionary masses in Petrograd to start the uprising against the bourgeois/civic government in Russia. That day was the beginning of the Great Socialist October Revolution.. For the following 80 years it changed almost everything across the world..

But today, 90 years later, nearly no-one is talking/writing about it anymore (oops, what a surprise!!)..

So, just let's enjoy^^ some few results (of course.. Made in China):






"The International" by Tang Dynasty (唐朝)







진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

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    블로그 이미지
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    자본주의 박살내자!
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    no chr.!

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