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게시물에서 찾기2011/12/07

1개의 게시물을 찾았습니다.

  1. 2011/12/07
    로동신문: '남조선인민...'
    no chr.!

로동신문: '남조선인민...'

North Korea's satirical magazine (to delude the public) Rodong Shinmun(로동신문) published y'day the following f*cking BS(*):

An atmosphere of supporting and defending Songun politics is mounting among all the south Koreans.

More than 400 articles lauding the Songun politics have been posted on Internet homepages a day despite the oppression by the fascist authorities. This shows the hot wind of supporting Songun politics sweeping south Korea.

South Koreans are unanimous in asserting that "unification of systems" is impossible even though the authorities pour huge taxes collected from people in escalating confrontation with compatriots but reunification by federal formula is possible if the June 15 joint declaration and the October 4 declaration are implemented.

South Korean people greatly yearn for socialist system centered on the popular masses in the north.

It is quite natural that people, living in the hell-like society where the dignity and rights of the working people are trampled down, long for the man-centered socialist system and turn out in the movement for reunification through alliance with north for a new politics and life.




* Here you can read the complete shit in Korean... if you're not residing in S. Korea, where the f*cking NIS(buzzkill!!) is blocking every funny(resp. lame-o) BS, coming from the North.



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    no chr.!

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