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게시물에서 찾기2011/12/08

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  1. 2011/12/08
    [12.7/8] 쌍용차‘희망텐트’
    no chr.!

[12.7/8] 쌍용차‘희망텐트’

Hankyoreh wrote the following in its yesterday's editorial:

Solidarity tents for unemployed Ssangyong workers

This afternoon, a sea of tents will be going up in front of the Ssangyong Motor plant in Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi. These "Hope Tents" are part of a battle by workers laid off by the automaker. These workers are joined by the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, the Korean Metal Workers' Union, and civil society, for the withdrawal of the company's layoffs. Poised to capture voices from every segment of society, the tents represent social solidarity, just like the Hope Buses that helped bring about a resolution to the standoff at Hanjin Heavy Industries...
(the full article you can read here)


사용자 삽입 이미지


Also y'day afternoon, but in Seoul:


사용자 삽입 이미지

A dancer performs in honor of the lost souls at the joint memorial service for victims of Ssangyong Motor’s large scale layoffs held in front of Seoul Station, Seoul, Dec. 7. There are displayed the portraits of a total of 19 workers and their family members who took their own lives or died of stress diseases (Hankyoreh, 12.8)

   More pics about the rally in Seoul and activities in Pyeongtaek you can see here!



But finally today in the morning riot cops attacked the "Hope Tent Village" in Pyeongtaek and arrested several activists:


사용자 삽입 이미지



Related articles:
쌍용차 투쟁승리 위한 희망텐트 돌입 "공장을 포위하라!" (KCTU, 12.7)
쌍용차노조, 살인 멈춰라 '희망텐트' 농성돌입 (C-media, 12.7)
희망버스 하차... 희망텐트로 갈아탔어요 (OMN, 12.7)
쌍용차에 ‘희망텐트’…해고자 복직 ‘연대 2탄’ (Hankyoreh, 12.7)
쌍용차 ‘희망텐트’ 하루 만에 강제철거 (VOP, 12.8)
쌍용차 희망텐트 강제 철거 또 충돌...4명 연행 (NewsCham, 12.8)





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