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게시물에서 찾기2011/12/28

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  1. 2011/12/28
    우리 조선중앙통신... (^^)
    no chr.!

우리 조선중앙통신... (^^)

사용자 삽입 이미지


On occasion of today's state funeral for "The Dear Leader", aka Kim Jong-il (the "Sun of the 21st Century", the "Illustrious Commander", the "Brillant Leader of the Korean Nation" etc.) a small tidbit from NK's gov't-run "news agency":

Two days ago North Korea's KCNA 'reported' the following: "This year progressive people of a total of more than 400 countries remembered the brilliant revolutionary career of President Kim Il Sung in humblest reverence and highly praised him..."

Yeah, what a great number!!

But there's only a bit of a problem: on OUR earth there're only 193 countries (as U.N. members)! CIA's 'World Factbook' lists 227 countries (incl. Greenland, Gibraltar, Guam, Faroe Islands, Taiwan etc.).

Well, as you can see, there's a mismatch...

But there's possibly an explanation of the mismatch: Although N. Korea (aka D.P.R.K.) is an U.N. member, it fancies itself in a parallel universe. And there are "more than 400 countries"...

And - of course - they're all following the (wise, brilliant, immortal, invincible etc.) leadership of the Juche Idea and Songun Policy!!!^^

Bottoms up!



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