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게시물에서 찾기2012/08/05

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  1. 2012/08/05
    강정평화大행진 (5日차)
    no chr.!

강정평화大행진 (5日차)

사용자 삽입 이미지



[8.04] Grand March ended its finale with a great success...

It was around 3pm that the two teams joined by the Peace Cruise team who came from the nationwide(*) could finally meet in the Jeju City.


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It was not precedent that such long lines of parade have ever occurred in the Jeju City and Island. The media reported that about 2,000 people marched the city on the day but when people gathered in the Tapdong square for the evening peace concert, more and more people joined. The event operation team estimated that about 3,500 people filled the square...

Any of the photos cannot really describe the energy and heat... The people had walked about 290km (East team: 147km, West team 140 km) for five nights six days, breaking through strong sun light and storm... (report by Choi Sung-hee)



The PEACE MARCH ended y'day afternoon with a powerful demo through Jeju City...


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...and, in the night, with a colourful closing concert


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* Here activists from KCTU(Hanjin, SsangYong...), Yongsan Struggle Collective etc. participated (a video with interviews you can watch here!).


Related reports:
강정 평화대행진 대미...“우리는 이미 이겼다” (NewsCham, 8.04)
제주땅 290km에 새긴 외침은 “해군기지 NO” (VOJ, 8.04)
노란색 구럼비의 여름, 강정 희망을 노래하다 (VOJ, 8.04)
“폭우도, 폭염도 평화 향한 열망 뚫지 못했다” (VOP, 8.05)
5박6일 대행진... 수천명이 외친 '제주의 평화' (OMN, 8.05)




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