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게시물에서 찾기2012/08/26

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  1. 2012/08/26
    no chr.!


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Twenty years ago in Lichtenhagen, a suburb of Rostock (a city in Germany's north-east region), the attacks of a racist mob against the "central admissions office for asylum requests" escalated to the biggest pogrom after the German reunification...

Y'day afternoon in Rostock-Lichtenhagen: About 5000 people - mainly young antifacsist actvists from Hamburg, Bremen and Berlin (*) - commemorated with a demonstration the victims of the pogrom and all the people affected by racist and neo-nazi violence. But the protest was also directed against the current racist policy in the entire European Union.


사용자 삽입 이미지


사용자 삽입 이미지


More impressive pics you can see here!

* The residents of Lichtenhagen, in their majority, opposed the demonstration... No surprise! Many of them supported/joined the pogrom...

Related stuff:

Lichtenhagen steht am Fenster (Tagesspiegel, 8.26)
Twenty years after the pogrom (short video report, 8.26)
Racism and Xenophobia Still Prevalent in Germany (Spiegel, 8.24)


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    no chr.!

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