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게시물에서 찾기2012/08/09

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  1. 2012/08/09
    쌍차 72시간 공동행동(#1)
    no chr.!

쌍차 72시간 공동행동(#1)

The workers in S. Korea "struggle with a reality in which brutality against labor still exists, and the Ssangyong Motors dispute exposed the most gruesome aspect of this reality. In 2009, when management tried to lay off 2,646 workers, 36% of the total workforce, the labor union responded with a strike. Eventually, this incident ended when labor and management reached an agreement. They agreed to give 461 workers, who were scheduled to be laid off, an unpaid leave of absence and to reinstate them a year later. However, management has yet to fulfill their promise of reinstatement..." (Kyunghyang Shinmun, 8.07)

Now, exactly three years later, laid off Ssangyong workers and their supporters are - once again - demanding the then promised re-employment...

Since y'day morning activists are besieging the HQ of Saenuri-dang(the ruling New Frontier Party, formerly known as Grand National Party/Hanara-dang) in Yeouido for 72 hours to reinforce the promised re-employment...

While y'day, until the late afternoon, almost everthing went - more or less - smoothly...


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...in the late evening the 'authorities' decided that "The party is over!":


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 Source of the pics: Jombbae Jum



But, believe it or not...







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진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

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    자본주의 박살내자!
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    no chr.!

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