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  1. 2008/02/01
    수바수동지 강제출국..
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  2. 2008/01/31
    민주노총vs 李정부 #3(2)
    no chr.!
  3. 2008/01/30
    민주노총vs 李정부 #2
    no chr.!
  4. 2008/01/29
    수바수를 석방하라!
    no chr.!
  5. 2008/01/28
    [지난 주] 이주 투쟁..
    no chr.!
  6. 2008/01/27
    독일: '노동자 투쟁'
    no chr.!
  7. 2008/01/25
    1948년 제주 대학살..
    no chr.!
  8. 2008/01/24
    '국제 북한.. 프로젝트'
    no chr.!
  9. 2008/01/23
    no chr.!
  10. 2008/01/22
    민주노동당.. #5
    no chr.!

민주노총vs 李정부 #3

Today's Korea Herald wrote following (oops~ you can believe it or not..):

Labor toughens stance against Lee

A hard-line union group is stepping up its offensive against President-elect Lee Myung-bak after it was recently humiliated by his abrupt cancellation of a meeting he had scheduled with them.

The Korean Confederation of Trade Unions on Wednesday resumed its activities to support striking unionists at E. Land Group, and reiterated its threat to stage a massive strike over the issue of irregular workers, possibly in the first half of this year.

Its leaders decided to reject Lee's invitation to his inauguration on Feb. 25. They also demanded that a special investigation team summon the president-elect over his alleged involvement in a financial fraud case.

"Six members, including KCTU president Lee Suk-haeng, were invited to the ceremony, but we have decided not to take part, after discussing the matter, and have already reported our decision to the Labor Ministry," said Woo Moon-sook, the spokeswoman of the major labor umbrella group.

This offensive came after Lee indefinitely delayed his planned visit to KCTU's headquarters, which had been scheduled for Tuesday. He abruptly cancelled, citing the KCTU chief's refusal to be questioned by the police regarding his involvement in illegal protests.

The president-elect said he will "not meet anyone or any organization that does not abide by law and order."

Instead, he visited GM Daewoo, which has been involved in no labor strikes over the past five years.

"The most important quality is for the company to trust their employees," said Lee during his visit to the automobile plant.

"The economy isn't looking so bright, but the only way to overcome such a situation is for the management and its labor union to become a whole, to boost the company's competitiveness together ... I hope the company continues to keep its record of no strikes in the future."

President-elect Lee has stressed the importance of law and order, and has emphasized that he will not tolerate illegal and violent strikes or labor activities focused on political issues.

Expecting tougher labor policies from the new government, the KCTU has repeatedly threatened to stage a general strike, as in mobilizing its members in the electricity, gas and transportation workers.

The group has dispatched its members to support E. Land unionists, to stage rallies and to boycott campaigns in front of the retail giant's stores through Sunday.

"We will proceed with the demonstrations until the Lunar New Year holiday, since the government is showing no willingness to protect the laid-off workers at E. Land."

The company fired 900 temporary workers before the protection law concerning irregular workers took full effect last July 1.

Calling on the management to retract its massive dismissal of the contract workers, unionized employees participated in major illegal sit-ins at E.Land's Homever and New Core stores last year.





진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

민주노총vs 李정부 #2

Oops~ now I'm complete speechless(^^), because today's JoongAng Ilbo reported following:

It’s 'WAR'!!.. 

..militant union declares after Lee snub
Umbrella group to target E.Land over worker layoffs

It looks like war is brewing between militant trade unionists and an incoming administration that identifies itself as overtly pro-business.

“Lee Myung-bak’s decision to cancel his meeting with me is a declaration of war against us,” Lee Seok-haeng, chairman of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, told the JoongAng Ilbo yesterday.

Stung by Lee pulling out of a meeting with the union’s leadership, the militant group said the first battleground will be the retail giant E.Land’s policies on non-regular workers.

E.Land has been a choice target for months since the company decided to fire non-regular workers rather than convert their status to permanent under new government labor regulations.

“We have no choice but to counter his [Lee’s] decision in our own way,” Lee Seok-haeng said of the president-elect’s snub. “The first flash bomb will be shot high into the sky from E.Land.”

The rift was aggravated Monday after Lee canceled the planned meeting. Citing the union leader’s unwillingness to cooperate with a police investigation into illegal street rallies staged last year, the president-elect indefinitely delayed the meeting.
The union, which represents more than 750,000 workers, said its efforts to sabotage the operation of E.Land’s Homever, New Core and Kim’s Club outlets nationwide will continue until Sunday.

According to the confederation, up to 200 members will be sent to 62 E.Land outlets to block customers from entering. The plan is expected to hurt the retailer on the eve of the Lunar New Year shopping period.

Chairman Lee yesterday visited the confederation’s Seoul headquarters to encourage members to fight.

“All our actions will be within the framework of law and order,” Kim Dong-wu, a KCTU official in charge of non-regular workforce policy, said yesterday. “Public opinion is favorable to the fired working moms, so the stores can be easily boycotted with only a few protesters standing out front.”

The militant umbrella union will also push forward other scheduled activities. Chairman Lee will visit the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations to seek cooperation from the largest U.S. umbrella union to stop the two countries’ free trade agreement. Lee will also meet with Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, to lobby against the trade accord.

In March, Chairman Lee will visit labor unions around Korea to urge labor unity. In June, the union has already scheduled routine summertime fights against management. “No matter what the president-elect says, we will go our own way as planned,” Lee said...




About the background story please read:

President-Elect Cancels Meeting With Union (K. Times, 1.28)

Lee’s cancellation of meeting with KCTU.. (Hankyoreh, 1.29)

Why Won’t the Union Leader Talk to Police? (Chosun Ilbo/"editorial", 1.30)

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

수바수를 석방하라!

"My health is deteriorating each day" (IBMK, 1.28)
Suwash Budathoki, a Nepalese migrant worker and MTU activist, was arrested in the S. Korean capital Seoul on July 7, 2007. He is now struggling to overcome his ill-health in Hwaseong Immigration Detention Center. A level of sugar on his blood (400 mg/dl) is found abnormal since last week. He is also suffering from acute gastritis. He failed even to manage a daily life.

The Migrant Trade Union (MTU) and other Korean social and human rights organizations (such as  have taken initiation to protect Suwash from his deteriorated health condition. They have put two conditions with Ministry of Justice (Korea). The first condition is to set Suwash free immediately. If his release is unlikely, activists urged to make thorough check up Suwash at an equipped hospital rather than the detention center itself.  But the Ministry of Justice refused their demands, ignoring the Suwash's health. Their logic is that it is impossible to make his treatment outside since Suwash is undocumented.

The activists worrying about Suwash's health again knocked the door of National Human Rights Commission in Korea. A team including doctors visited Hwaseong Immigrantion Detention Center and checked up Suwash. There are rumors that Ministry of Justice is on the process to deport Suwash to his homeland Nepal without any treatment. Suwash has worked very hard for five years in South Korean.

Is it not a violation of his human rights and labor rights? In addition, Suwash was arrested by the police while he was walking on the street in the Dongdaemun area (on his way to participate on a KCTU demonstration). That means the arrest was illegal since Korean law doesn't allow arresting undocumented migrant workers unless they are involved in criminal activities.  MTU had filled a written petition at Human Rights Commission in Korea, which yet to decide the case of Suwash.

Considering the seriousness of the subject and condition of Suwash’s health, IBMK interviewed Suwash on Hwaseong Immigration Detention Center recently. During an interview, Subash’s face was faded and eyes were tearful. And fatigue and tiredness were visible.

Here you can read..

The interview with comrade Suwash (in English)


수바수를 석방하라! (a special section for comrade Suwash by "ECSRAM")

Letter from Suwash, Hwaseong Detention Center





진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

[지난 주] 이주 투쟁..


Well, the struggle by MTU activists and their supporters (especially the "Emergency Committee to Stop Repression Against Migrants"/ECSRAM) is still going on, but on a lower level as before..

Last week started on Sunday (1.20) with a - unfortunately - small protest rally/demo against the ongoing crackdown policy by the S.K. gov't against "un-documented" migrant workers in general and MTU activists in particular.


Here you can watch a
MWTV video about the event:

[1.20] 이주노동자 집회

Last Thursday evening the weekly candlelight protest near Gwanghwamun in downtown Seoul took place. Few hours before, in the afternoon, some activists protested in front of the Immigration Detention Center near Hwaseong (south of Seoul) against the imprisonment of comrade Suwash (pics about it you can see here). 

And finally a few MTU activists and their supporters joined the "1.26 Int'l Action Day" rally and demo in Seoul (BTW, also here also only a very small number of activists took the streets to "Act together for another world - A world without poverty, war and discrimination"). Just see following two pics (MTU activists on the rally):




For more about last week's activities, please check out following:

1.20, 이주노동자.. 대회(이주탄압분쇄 비대위/ECSRAM)

[1월 20일] 이주노동자.. 대회 (다함께)

1.24 촛불문화제, 1.26 세계공동행동.. (이주탄압분쇄 비대위)

1.26 세계행동의 날.. (다함께)

And last but not least: don't miss ECSRAM's new section:







진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

독일: '노동자 투쟁'

1.22 Workers' Protest Day in the west German city Bochum
Unfortunately (some of) the demonstrators had not realized that there

may be a difference between the Finnish mobile phone maker (Nokia)

and the South Korean car maker (KIA)..^^ 



The background:
Two weeks ago Nokia announced plans to discontinue the production of mobile devices in Germany and close its Bochum site by mid-2008. About 2,300 workers will be dismissed. The complete production of mobile phones will be settled soon in Cluj/Romania, were the monthly wages will be only a tenth of the salaries, Nokia had to pay in Germany.


Related articles (in the German bourgeois magazine Der Spiegel):

Nokia Under Attack in Germany

Nokia's New Home in Romania

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

1948년 제주 대학살..

Well, it's really remarkable how fast now - short before the coming "regime change" (oops, of course not really..) - all these reactionary rats (^^YEAR OF THE RAT, but in the "western world" if you describe someone as a rat - it's not a lovely description, not at all..) are coming out of their dirty holes - to "change the world"/turn back the history... One "impressive" example is following article, published in Korea Times' newest edition:

Conservatives Downgrade Jeju Uprising in 1948

Some conservative civic groups have called for a ``reevaluation'' of the April 3 Jeju Resistance Movement as a communist uprising instead of massacre by the government, and are causing quite a stir among Jeju residents.

The New Right Union, the Korean Veteran Association and 16 other conservative groups agreed to hold campaigns from Jan. 29 calling for the incident that took place in 1948 on Jeju Island to be reevaluated.

The move comes after Lee Myung-bak's presidential transition team decided to abolish the National Committee for the Investigation of the Truth About the Jeju April 3 Incident, established under a special law to look into the event.

The committee members as well as Jeju residents said the team's decision was obnoxious, as some villages saw half of their inhabitants killed. They said the truth has yet to be revealed, and the plan was a step back from verification.

The Jeju Resistance Movement occurred during the post-liberation period when Korea was a single nation. Historians say there were conflicts between the leftist umbrella South Korea Labor Party and pro-U.S. politicians. The two sides clashed throughout 1947 on Jeju when the labor party planned protests against the national referendum to establish a separate Korean government in the southern half of the peninsula.

On April 3, 1948, the leftist party members allegedly attacked police stations to gain power, while the provisional government allegedly arrested everyone on the spot and killed them later.

The alleged death toll is said to have been 25,000-30,000, one-10th of the island's population. The resistance continued until 1954, even after the referendum and the South Korean government was established.

The Kim Dae-jung and Roh Moo-hyun administrations have acknowledged 2,778 deceased as official victims. Moreover, President Roh made a public apology to Jeju residents on behalf of the authorities in 2006.

However, some conservatives have said the resistance has much to be reviewed. ``Though many civilians died, the essence of the event was communists orchestrating an uprising to dominate Korea,'' a conservative group member said...




Related (to the Jeju Massacre):

Cheju 4.3 Massacre.. (a collection of articles, analyses, reports by Kimsoft)

Cheju Uprising (wikipedia)

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

'국제 북한.. 프로젝트'

A few weeks ago the Woodrow Wilson International Center (Washington, DC/USA) created the North Korea International Documentation Project (NKIDP).

For everyone who wants to learn/understand more about some backgrounds of the present and the past of the (since 60 years) ongoing "trouble" on the Korean Peninsula/North East Asia its web site should be a MUST!

A brief look indicates that this is and will be an outstanding resource for those interested in North Korean and Cold War history. There are several collections, including but not limited to, North Korea’s Nuclear Program, DPRK in the Sino-Soviet Split, DPRK-PRC Relations, DPRK-Soviet Union Relations, etc.

"The North Korea International Documentation Project serves as an informational clearinghouse on North Korea for both the scholarly and policymaking communities by widely disseminating newly declassified documents on the DPRK from its former 'communist' allies as well as other resources that provide valuable insight into the actions and nature of the North Korean state.", NKIDP in its introduction.

Well, just check it out!!

Somehow related:

Roh Apologizes for Massacres of `Leftists' in 1950 (K. Times, 1.24)

North Korea dragged back to the past (Asia Times/HK, 1.24)

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크



화성보호소에서 수바시동지가 보낸 편지

Suwash's Letter from Hwaseong Detention Center

수바수 석방을 위한 게시판








More about the migrant workers'/MTU issue I'll write next Monday..


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

민주노동당.. #5

A few days ago (1.17) kotaji published following analysis about..

..The situation in the DLP (after the presidential election)

The most obviously disappointing outcome of the elections is that virtually none of Roh’s disappointed former supporters went to the left and the Democratic Labour Party did rather badly (although perhaps not as badly as some think, since it retained its support base in some key areas). This seems perplexing considering the considerable strength of the movements against the Korea-US FTA, the continued use of South Korean troops in Iraq and the mass casualisation of the Korean workforce under Roh. For answers to this question you might want to look at the various intelligent analyses in the Counterfire newspaper (in Korean). One important factor to bear in mind is that the misfortunes, defeats and scandals that have beset the KCTU (main left union federation) in recent years have obviously had an impact on the credibility of the DLP since it basically originated as the political wing of the federation and is still very close to it.

Whatever the reasons for the DLP’s poor showing (and they are undoubtedly multiple), it has been the trigger for an internal crisis that is threatening to split the party. It would be a mistake however, to think that these divisions within the DLP are something new - it has always been an amalgam of very different factions. And the tensions between the two main factions came to the surface very clearly before in late 2006 when the Roh administration sought to use a supposed ’spy ring’ within the party as a scapegoat in the febrile atmosphere after North Korea’s nuclear weapon test.

I’m sure I would be accused of being overly simplistic if I described the current split as being along the lines of the old ‘NL’ (National Liberation) and ‘PD’ (People’s Democracy) factions of the 80s and 90s, although there is some truth in this. Basically, as far as I can make out, the more moderate factions (i.e. more rightwing and more social democratic factions) in the party along with some sectarian radical left elements, under the general banner of the ‘Equality Faction’ (평등파/P’yongdungp’a - including many former PD people) are attempting to get rid of the more old fashioned left-nationalist ‘Independence Faction’ (자주파/Chajup’a - basically NL), or split the party if they cannot achieve this. The P’yongdungp’a accuse the Chajup’a of being in thrall to North Korea (종북주의) and exercising undue dominance over the party. Many big hitters both within the DLP as well as some on the outside are now openly calling for the founding of a new party, presumably purged of those power-hungry pro-North elements.

As the analysis in Counterfire by Kim Ha-young points out, this faction fight is not really about the supposed pro-North leanings of the dominant Chajup’a faction (they weren’t considered a problem before, so why now?), but has more to do with a simple power struggle within the party as well as a desire, among some at least, to move the party in a rightward direction. The basic fact is that the coming South Korean government, like all those before it, will use the accusation of being pro-North whenever it wants to physically suppress the left or simply smear its image. And this will happen whether or not the DLP purges its (rather mildly) pro-North Chajup’a elements.

Clearly both sides in this battle for the DLP are not without their political problems, but the Korean working class and the left in general will be immensely stronger in the tough months and years ahead if it has a single, united left party to articulate its interests in the political arena. Unfortunately it doesn’t look as though this will be the case...





Related stuff:

DLP.. #4

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

오마르 빈 라덴^^


Just few days ago I had to learn by reading the Israeli daily newpaper Yedioth Ahronoth that Omar bin Laden - one of Osama bin Laden's 19(!!) sons - wants to be a "peace activist"(^^)..

Now, today CNN broadcasted an interview with Omar. BTW Omar seems to be complete stoned, or/and drunken (*)..
Anyway, you can watch the interview here:
Bin Laden's Son Speaks

* Of course to be drunken (or stoned) is complete no problem! Because, how comrade 'Hong Gil-dong' said already three years ago: "Soju is peace!!" (just see the last pic..)

Related article:

Bin Laden Son Wants to Be Peace Activist (Examiner/USA, 1.17)

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