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  1. 2008/01/08
    새해.. (주체97)
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  2. 2008/01/07
    2008: 노동자 탄압.. #2
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  3. 2008/01/06
    이주노동자 방송국..
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  4. 2008/01/04
    매주(金): 촛불'문화제'..
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  5. 2008/01/03
    민주노동당.. #2
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  6. 2008/01/02
    2008: 노동자 탄압.. #1
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  7. 2008/01/01
    새해.. (2008/#2)
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  8. 2008/01/01
    새해.. (2008/#1)
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  9. 2007/12/31
    민주노동당.. #1
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  10. 2007/12/30
    東方紅.. (民族舞蹈/영상)
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2008: 노동자 탄압.. #2

"..law-and-order top Lee's labor agenda", today's Korea Herald headlined.. It means that the new S.K. gov't will - very likely - choose the way of direct confrontation with the struggling working/oppressed class!

Instead the improvement the labor/human rights, we'll see in the coming years a new and excessive wave of increasing EXPLOITATION & OPPRESSION!! And very likely we'll get almost daily impressions like that:

Bloody state terror against the oppressed class!!

 To "prove it",
Korea Herald wrote following:

The incoming government's labor policies are expected to prioritize .. the principled enforcement of law, as it aims to build a more liberal, growth-oriented economic system.

During the election campaign, Lee Myung-bak promised to put an end to illegal labor strikes and confrontational industrial relations..

He is also committed to current policies and legislative efforts which aim to make the labor market more flexible and competitive.

His center-right labor polices are likely to face a major test in his early months in office. Labor unions regard the president-elect as trying to weaken their influence, and to sideline key issues related to the conditions of workers...

Unlike the current Roh Moo-hyun administration, which has been criticized for being lenient regarding illegal labor strikes, Lee stresses that he will abide by the law. Lee has targeted labor activities which focus on political issues, as well as violent, illegal labor actions.

"I will put an end to illegal demonstrations, and establish law and order, which should be prioritized for the good of society. Our economy can grow only when our society advances," Lee said during one speech...

His resolve will face a major test within the first half of this year.

Lee Suk-haeng, head of the militant Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, threatened to stage a general strike against his labor policies.

"President-elect Lee (plans to) force sacrifice and pain on workers, in the name of economic revival," he said. He didn't mention the timing and specific issues of such a strike.

"We cannot but assemble our forces, and square off with the next government," he added.

The KCTU spokesperson Woo Mun-suk threatened to mobilize electricity, gas and major transportation workers in the strike.

This will inevitably prompt a fierce conflict with the government, which will enforce a new regulation which requires crucial sectors to maintain an essential minimum workforce...





Update (01.08):

Well, it seems that the incoming administration now wants to threaten the S.K. working/oppressed class on a daily basis! K. Times, in its latest edition, reported this:
"The coming administration expressed its willingness Tuesday to crack down on unauthorized strikes by unionists..", "The next government is poised to crack down on illegal labor activity..", "..the next government will put an end to illegal demonstrations, and establish law and order"...







진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

이주노동자 방송국..

Already about one week ago KOREA.net, a web site created by the S.K. gov't,  published a report about "Internet Broadcast for Migrant Workers" (IBMK). I will re-publish it here, incl. my "comments"(^^):

Multilingual media to spur new change in Korea

Foreign workers in Korea can now speak their minds more than before. (.. if they're not hunted, arrested and deported..)

Internet Broadcast for Migrant Workers the first independent alternative medium for migrant workers in Korea (well, please don't forget MWTV!!), announced early this month that its Web site will go multilingual. Aside from Korean, the site will offer services in six other languages: English, Chinese, Thai, Russian, Vietnamese and Nepali.

“It will be foreign workers themselves (*) who will be in charge of producing their own stories,” said IBMK President Park Kyong-ju. “By providing radio and video news in their native tongues, foreigners, who are still considered a minority in Korean society, will no longer be alienated from information.”

Park first conceived the idea for the site as a form of “guerrilla media” with co-editor Chun Min-sung. Park who studied film and photography for eight years in Germany will be responsible for IBMK’s images and photos. Chun, who studied journalism in the United States will do all the writing...

The Korean site, the oldest, is dedicated to teaching locals what to do to improve the conditions of foreign workers in Korea, and urges foreigners to seek their own rights more effectively (well, the most effective way to resist the daily disrcimination, oppression and exploitation for migrant workers in S.K. is to organize in the MTU!!). As the site’s president, Park expresses criticism through mainstream media, which more often than not depict foreigners with prejudice and misunderstanding.

“First of all, it is wrong to portray foreign workers as helpless, and we don’t use the term ‘illegal,’ either,” Park said, referring to foreign workers who are required to leave the country after their visas expire. “They are merely undocumented and have fallen victim to the Industrial Trainee System, which was made for temporary stays only."

The government last year officially scrapped the old Industrial Trainee System for the new Employment Permit System. The new system has guaranteed better labor rights (haha!!!) for foreign workers in Korea, but also requires unregistered workers to return to their home countries to renew their visas (??? - better said: to stay away forever!!).

“Most workers cannot afford to go back and forth like that,” Park said. “This puts them in constant fear of being caught by authorities. Another reality of their struggle to stay is that they have a job here, meaning that Korean society – domestic businesses and factories – need them, too, making it a double burden for Korean employers. We can still make the system more efficient than that.” (..why to make the system more efficient? The aim must be: abolish the system of - you can call it: slave labour, i.e. discrimination, oppression and massive exploitation of migrant workers!!!)...

To read the full report please check out:

* When you read the full article you'll find out that  the staff/editors of IBMK is/are - unfortunately - not really related to migrant workers!

Finally, I think it's important to add that IBMK has no link to MTU's web site (anymore)..

And last but not least: When your enemy is praising you - it's bad, and not good!!(^^/contrary to Mao's: "When your enemy is fighting you - it's good and not bad..")



진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

매주(金): 촛불'문화제'..


2008년 1월1일 농성장 28일째:



2008년 1월 2일, 29일차 농성 소식

2008년 1월 3일, 30일차 농성 소식

NEW!! (two videos):

Migrant workers launched a sit-in.. (newscham TV)

[12.27] 이주탄압분쇄 비대위.. 공동행동 (MWTV)


For more latest news, etc.. please check out:

이주탄압분쇄 비대위




진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

민주노동당.. #2

Few days ago (People's Media) newscham - let's say THE alternative/independent voice of the S.K. (radical) left - published following first analysis about DLP's defeat in the presidential election and its possible future:

Why did left turn their backs against KDLP?

The Korean Democratic Labor Party presidential candidate Kwon Young-gil gained three percentages of votes in the last election. It has failed to reach the goal of winning at least ten percentages, or three millions. The ratio of votes gained was similar to the previous 16th election. But if we take the low turnout into account, the current result, which is about seven hundred thousands, is shy of about three hundred thousand votes.

As the approval rate for Kwon was hovering just above 2% even in the last phase of the election, the party lately changed running strategy to secure the votes of “rabbits in the hand”, mass organizations the party is largely based on including Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, Korean Peasants League, and National League for the Poor. Although he didn’t fall victim of worries about ‘dead votes’ due to Lee’s outdistancing his rivals, the result was so disappointing.

One of the co-chairpersons of campaign committee Noh Hoi-chan said the progressive camp suffered a crushing defeat because of “the lack of policy debates due largely to BBK stock scandal, flooding with too many candidates, and failure in fielding a single candidate.” There’s some truth in his words, but it still cannot thoroughly explain why the progressive camps suffered a record defeat. Was it a daydream to mobilize one millions at 'One Million People's Rally' to show people’s power?

Why Was the ‘Original Progressive’ Defeated by the ‘Mock Progressive?

In a move to make pro-irregular workers image, Kwon Young-gil running camp established ‘Center for Eliminating Non-regular Jobs’ under the campaign committee on October 14 and Kwon himself chaired it. He suddenly proposed to assign one proportional representative seat to the irregular worker and the party actually adopted his proposal. The campaign pledges he promised were the most radical among major six candidates; limiting the use of non-regular workers only to temporary works, abolition of worker dispatching and giving special-category workers the right to form unions, hold negotiations and take collective action.

Eventually he could not reach the hearts of up to 8.5 million of non-regular workers. On the contrary, he was only to be outrun by the ‘tender-hearted CEO’ Moon Kuk-hyun. Moon Kuk-hyun, the former CEO of Yuhan-Kimberly which is famous for ‘ethical management’, aggressively published novel and reformist campaign pledges like reducing working hours, four-group two-shift work system, and lifelong education, arousing so-called ‘Moon Kuk-hyun phenomenon.’ Moon, who had only been engaged in politics for 3 months, gained 5.8%, far beyond the number Kwon gained, winning supports not only from civic groups but from some leftist groups.

The disappointing result may be due to failure in differentiating him from Moon. What is more, Kwon announced a self destructive statement that Moon and he have a lot of same opinions on management and issues of non-regular workers. Last October Noh revealed his thoughts about Moon, “It’s not enough to call him (Moon) ‘an innovative cat.’” The expression showed a metaphor that compares labor class to a mouse, capitalist class a cat. The expression shows the party’s hardship how to see so-called neo-liberal leftist, which has emerged as the neo-liberalists have divided into several groups.

‘Out of Date’ Mobilization and Sectarian Conflicts

Since Kwon won party nomination, the approval rate for him had staggered. He tried to break a path through 'One Million People's Rally'. The rally was to demand abolition of the Korea-U.S. FTA, eliminating non-regular workers and making clear Samsun bribe scandal and was intended to gather the supports of people together. On November 11, the day rally was supposed to hold, number of people in the rally fell short of one millions. Approval rate was also getting around 2% points.

The scene may reveal the truth that upper-leadership-projected mobilization is out of date and doesn’t work. There were even some disputes over nationwide tour conducted by the candidate, which was proposed and determined only by Kwon himself. Some local branches he visited were not even ready so that party officials had to deal with the problems with haste. Some party members cynical commented that the candidate was conducting one-man protest.

The running camp was also consumed by sectarian conflicts that had emerged during primary elections at first. Members of National Liberation line (so-called Jaju, NL faction), which had officially supported Kwon since the primary election, fuelled conflicts wielding influence over the campaign camp. When the faction insisted to take ‘Republic of Korean Federation’ as one of the main campaign slogans, the friction reached its peak. During the friction election posters that contained ‘Republic of Korean Federation’ were abandoned, the wasted expense amounted up to two thousands won.

The conflict taxed the party’s capability to publicize pledges with exception of pledges of reunification. Lee Kwang-il, a professor of politics at Sungkonghae University, said “Debates alienated from the reality has made potent supporters of the party feel sick as well as existent backers.”

Where KDLP to go

The party is expected to be swept away by heavy political waves. Some leftist party members who have grown full-blown antipathy against NL sect during the election openly argue about ‘separation’ of the party. Extension through the coalition of the progressives could be an option and so be the creating a new party.

The party members across sects all have the same perception that existing system will not work anymore. They agree on ‘reforming the party’, which can be summed up by two things; resolving deep-seated fraction trouble that has blocked democratic decision making and embracing non-regular workers in order to break with the adherence to ‘unions of large companies and regular workers.’

There are also tasks the ‘reforming the party’ plan cannot deal with. Unless the party gets differentiation from ‘neo-liberal leftist’ Moon’s party, it cannot consolidate its status in next general election. ‘Originality in the progressive’ solely is not able to move people’s hearts. That’s the lesson learnt from the result of election.




Related articles:
KDLP in Crisis

The DLP After the Presidential Election


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

2008: 노동자 탄압.. #1

Last year the S.K. gov't missed no opportunity to send almost weekly large units of riot cops to oppress strikes and other activities by the working class, in particular against struggling irregular workers.

Now the New Year is "promising" a new era of class struggle with more excesses against the oppressed and exploited classes by the ruling capitalists - now backed by the new reactionary gov't, the Lee Myung-bak administration.  Irregular workers, un-documented, and especially unionized (in the MTU) migrant workers, but also struggling street vendors, people who are defending their homes against the construction mafia, etc.. may likely be permanent targets by a new wave of state terror (if there will be no organized mass resistance!!).

12.27: Migrant workers joined one of the latest protests by irregular workers

Today's Korea Times already had to publish following article about the possible near future for large parts of the S.K. working class:

Another Tough Year Waits for Contract Workers

This year will be tougher for those employed on a temporary basis. Braving bone-chilling weather, hundreds of non-permanent workers took to the streets, demanding their companies promote their job status to permanent. But things are working against them. President-elect Lee Myung-bak openly vowed a ``business friendly environment,'' and their requests are feared to be falling on deaf ears.

Seventy non-permanent workers of Koscom, a stock information providing unit of the Korea Exchange, have been demanding secure jobs for more than 100 days. On Dec. 31, they climbed to the top of some high-rise CCTV towers in downtown Seoul to protest their current status.

Several days before, they had their heads shaved to express their anger. Seventy people have been staying in a tent in front of the Korea Exchange building in Yeouido for the past 113 days.

``This is the last thing we can do. We cannot step back nor move forward,'' Kim Yoo-shik, the spokesman for the workers, said Wednesday.

Separately, former female crewmembers of KTX, the Korean bullet train, also set up a tent on New Year's Day to restart their outdoor struggle in front of Seoul Station. They say they are dispatched workers from the state-run Korail, denying the train company's allegation that they were employees of its outsourcing company, which hired them as contract workers.

On Dec. 26, a court ruled that the crewmembers are employees of Korail, but the company is still refusing to hire them directly as permanent workers.

``Most of us are bread earners in our families and we have no other choice than to continue the struggle,'' Park Mal-hee, a member of the union, said.

The unionized workers of E-Land, saw the New Year in at the front of SaRang Community Church in Southern Seoul. The workers have been on strike against the distribution company since July 8 and tried to persuade the pastors to get company Chairman Park Sung-soo, an elder of the church, to resume negotiations and withdraw their dismissal.

However, much to their disappointment it seems very unlikely their request will be accepted. Observers say the change in attitude follows in the wake of Lee Myung-bak, former CEO of Hyundai Engineering and Construction, being elected as the next president.

E-Land sacked an additional 33 leaders of the union and ordered the suspension of another nine workers. The dismissal was delivered via text messages on mobile phones on Dec. 18 through 20, a day before the scheduled negotiations between the management and the union and around the election day.

Former KTX crewmembers also alleged that the railroad company halted negotiations with them on Dec. 24, just several hours before a scheduled meeting. Before the negotiations, the former workers offered stopping the strike on condition of going back to their workplaces as ``two-year-contract workers,'' instead of permanent ones, but the company did not accept their offer, they said.

Prof. Bae Kyue-shik of the Korea Labor Institute said February will be a critical time for them. He expected the protests to end before then, when the new government kicks off. ``There are no clear policies yet announced but the well-known image of Lee may pressure the protestors and they may choose a lesser sacrifice rather than a greater one by lingering on,'' he said.



진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

새해.. (2008/#2)

For more please check out:

이주탄압분쇄 비대위




진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

새해.. (2008/#1)



복많이 받으세요





If you want to know(??) what I had to say(^^) exactly two years ago, please check out

(well, of course it's not necessary, not really..but LISTEN TO THE SONG!!):

새해 福 많이 받으세요





진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

민주노동당.. #1

As I wrote already some days before, one of the main losers of the S.K. presidential election was Kwon Young-ghil, DLP's candidate (according to Realmeter allone 14,3% of DLP's sympathizers/members voted for the extreme reactionary candidate Lee Hoi-chang!!).

DLP's leadership after realizing the first election results (12.19)

Well, here some stuff about the latest developments in the DLP, or voices in the S.K. media about DLP's future/respectively what the party should do(^^) "in order to survive":

DLP leaders to resign after election defeat (K. Herald, 12.26)

Democratic Labor Party leaders, including Chairman Moon Sung-hyun, are expected to resign en masse on Saturday, sources said yesterday.

An ad-hoc committee will be launched soon to lead the progressive party in the lead-up to April's parliamentary elections.

Factional fighting has been intensifying in the wake of the party's poor showing in the Dec. 19 presidential election. Its candidate Kwon Young-ghil garnered just 3 percent of the vote, far lower that its projection of 10 percent. He won 3.9 percent in the 2002 election.

The party's major factions discussed the matter on Sunday and tentatively agreed to dissolve its leadership...

Party members are calling for major reforms including a reshuffle of the leadership body while pro-Kwon mainstreamers argued that unity should be given priority over change.

Before y'day the "left"-liberal daily newspaper Hankyoreh published following:

The Democratic Liberal Party is also in a serious state of crisis. It calls Roh an “imitation progressive” and styles itself as the party of “true conservatives,” but voters did not take it on its word. Voters had high expectations for the DLP in the last National Assembly election and supported its entry into the legislative body. Its performance, however, was disappointing. It has consistently opposed neoliberalism, but it did not show that it had the policies and the ability to resolve the immediate suffering faced by the country’s ordinary people. More priority was given to internal factional interests in choosing its presidential candidate than to how competitive the candidate would be in the actual election, and in the course of the campaign it came up with out-of-the-blue ideas random ideas like forming a “Korean Federated Republic” with North Korea and a “Million Masses March.”

Thanks to the partial system of proportional representation, it is always possible that the DLP will have a few seats in the National Assembly. But can a party that is satisfied with this, one in which the leadership is only interested in controlling the party, really be called progressive ? How can a party that has people in it who think there is no problem with human rights and democracy in North Korea, and that North Korean nukes are an “asset to the Korean people,” forge a future reunified Korea?

The full article you can read here:

Related stuff (by the S.K. bourgeois/reactionary press):

Labor Party Leaders to Resign En Masse (K. Times, 12.26)

DLP ‘Hijacked by Pro-N.Korean Hardliners’ (Chosun Ilbo, 12.27)

DLP Has No Future With Pro-N.Korea Faction (editorial in Chosun Ilbo, 12.28)

About the very latest developments in the DLP (but only in Korean):

민노, ‘심상정 체제’ 무산..중앙위 파행 (참세상)

민주노동당 분당 시나리오 현실화되나 (VoP)

일부 평등파 중앙위원들 결국 퇴장 (VoP)

민노당 중앙위 자주·평등파 큰 차이만 확인 (video/참세상TV)

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

東方紅.. (民族舞蹈/영상)



Songs and dances by "ethnic minorities" ("東方紅", 1965)



진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

12.29(土): 이주.. 문화제



Update (12.31)

Y'day's VoP reported about the event here:

29일 이주노동자 후원문화제... 피부는 달라도 같은 '노동자'





진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

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