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5112개의 게시물을 찾았습니다.

  1. 2007/12/17
    12.18(火): 反MTU 집회
    no chr.!
  2. 2007/12/16
    2007년 '대선' #4
    no chr.!
  3. 2007/12/14
    12.15(土) 전철연 단결 밤
    no chr.!
  4. 2007/12/13
    MTU지도부 강제출국
    no chr.!
  5. 2007/12/13
    노 정부 vs 이주노조 #5
    no chr.!
  6. 2007/12/12
    no chr.!
  7. 2007/12/11
    [12.9] 이주노조 대회
    no chr.!
  8. 2007/12/10
    마숨同志(MTU) 편지
    no chr.!
  9. 2007/12/09
    2007년 '대선' #3
    no chr.!
  10. 2007/12/07
    12.9(日): 이주노조 대회
    no chr.!

2007년 '대선' #4

Coming Wednesday 37.67 million S. Koreans are eligible to vote in the presidential election. And the "winner" maybe is already clear: Lee Myung-bak, the candidate from the (in many parts extreme) conservative GNP. And of course the losers are also clear: all exploited and oppressed parts of the S.K. society. That's just alarming!!

But not less alarming is the fact that large parts of the exploited class take into consideration to vote for one of the conservative, respectively reactionary candidates. At first last Sunday the leadership of KFTU (the reformist Korean Federation of Trade Union) decided to support Lee Myung-bak, THE hard-core enemy of the workers' movement/labour unions (here you can read about the background). 

But yesterday I'd to learn about a much more strange development:
According to the latest poll by
Realmeter only 20,7 percent of the DLP sympathizers are concidering to vote for Kwon Young-ghil (the DLP candidate), but about 43 percent are thinking about to vote for the conservative and reactionary candidates (22,7 percent for Lee Hoi-chang!!!, according to Realmeter). Incredible!! (*)

I'm sure that the majority of the DLP sympathizers took the streets in spring 2004 to defend Roh Moo-hyun against the impeachment  campaign initiated by the GNP. At that time we, activists in the migrant workers' struggle (ETU-MB/MSSC), but also many other Korean left activists had massive criticism against the point of view and activities by in particular the DLP and All Together/Da ham-kke, DLP's youth organization. Like a mantra they repeated their opinion: "Because GNP is fascist (sic!!!) we have to fight at first against their impeachment campaign, later we've to fight against the Roh gov't.."... And now??? What's "difference" comparing to 2004?

* Of course I know that such kinds of polls, especially when made by bourgeois institutions, are not necessarily reflecting the reality, but...

The DLP, as far as I know, is a creation by KCTU... So it means that, likely, the majority of the DLP members and sympathizers are also members/activists in the KCTU...(^^)



Related article:

Clouds over South Korea's president-to-be (Asia Times/HK, 12.15)

Update 12.17:

Hankyoreh wrote today: How is it that seven million irregular workers support someone who will make working conditions worse, that four million farmers prefer the candidate who will open their markets completely, that merchants in local markets are fanatic about the candidate who supports discount megastore chains, that people in small companies speak in support of the candidate who will work for the interests of the conglomerates, and that the people in the lower classes prefer the candidate who will move away from being a welfare state? What in the world is amiss that the middle and “ordinary” (seomin) classes are choosing to go down a path that will work against them?

And here comes another complete cracy thing in connection with Wednesday's election:

"In a desperate last-minute move to keep Lee from office, Chung proposed a coalition Monday with the most conservative candidate in the race, Lee Hoi-chang - who has called for a tougher stance on North Korea that runs counter to Chung's pro-engagement policy", AP reported today (harrharr, no further comment is necessary!!??)


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

12.15(土) 전철연 단결 밤




진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

MTU지도부 강제출국


Just few hours ago KCTU released following statement:

Three Leaders of MTU Deported!

Early this morning (Dec. 13) President Kajiman, Vice President Raju and General Secretary Masum of the Migrants’ Trade Union (a KCTU affiliate) were secreted out of Cheongju Detention Center, where they had been confined since they were arrested in a targeted crackdown on November 27. It has been confirmed that they were transported to Incheon International Airport and deported to their native countries (Nepal and Bangladesh) during the morning hours. This act by the Ministry of Justice is yet a further escalation of its repression against MTU and the organizing of migrant workers in South Korea...

KCTU's entire contribution you can read here:



Earlier today Jamie (TwoKoreas Blog) posted following info, he got y'day night (12.12):

"So today the High Court officially refused to hear the appeal for Masum, Kajiman and Raju's release. Which means we are pretty much out of legal avenues to fight for their release. I heard from a Nepalese friend today that Raju and Kajiman have both been cleared by the Nepalese embassy for travel and it looks like they will probably be gone by tomorrow.

Unfortunately they will all probably just disappear without being able to make any phone calls, so we won't know that they are gone for sure until they find phones in whatever countries they have lay-overs in."


Today's first public protest in downtown Seoul against the deportation..(*)


More about the deportation of our comrades here:

이주노조 집행부 3명 결국 강제출국 당해 (민중의소리, incl. video)

법무부, 이주노조 지도부 "날치기" 강제출국 (참세상)

이주노조 지도부 3명 전격 강제출국 (한겨레)

이주노동자의 권리와 인권을 무시한 날치기 강제출국 강행을 규탄한다 (KCTU)

이주노조 지도부 강제출국 - 노무현 정부.. (다함께)


A video about today's morning in front of Cheongju Detention Center

you can watch here:

이주노동조합 지도부 3인.. 오늘 새벽 강제 출국 (MWTV)

* Videos about the protest you can watch here:

이주노조 지도부3인 강제출국 항의 기자회견 (MWTV)

법무부 출입국 이주노조 집행부 강제추방 (이주노동자방송국)



And finally one the class enemy's voices:

Korea Herald (S.K. bourgeois daily newspaper) tomorrow's edition:

Unionists expelled on immigration charges

The government expelled yesterday three leaders of a foreign workers' union for staying illegally for over 10 years.

Civic organizations criticized the move as a "targeted crackdown" to suppress activism among migrant workers.

The three deported men included Nepalese nationals Khapung Kajiman and Tek Bahadur Gurung, who were head and vice-head of a nationwide union of foreign workers. Bangladeshi national Moniruzzamal Abul Dashar M, who served as secretary-general, was also expelled.

The government does not recognize the union (i.e. MTU) as a legal entity. (!!!)

The men were apprehended last month. Their appeals against deportation were dismissed and they were repatriated yesterday, the Justice Ministry said.

Khapung Kajiman was here illegally for nearly 16 years, Tek Bahadur Gurung for 13 years and Moniruzzamal Abul Dashar for 11 years, according to officials.

Tek Bahadur Gurung was expelled in 1991 but reentered in 2000 on a forged passport, the ministry said.

Immigration officials and the police have jointly conducted massive crackdowns on illegal immigrants since August.

Civic advocacy and labor groups argued that the expulsion of the unionists was unfairly carried out and a violation of human rights.

"The deportation was specifically targeting the migrant workers to destroy the union activities," Lee Jeong-won, an education and outreach director at the Migrant Trade Union, told The Korea Herald.

The ministry rebuffed the argument.

"To crack down on immigration-law offenders and deport them accordingly is a legitimate act of exercising administrative rights," a ministry official said.

There are over 225,000 illegal immigrants in Korea, over more than half of the total number of foreign workers





진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

노 정부 vs 이주노조 #5

Hey, possibly you remember Mao Zedong's significant (^^) sentence "When your enemy is fighting you - that's good and not bad"!!
In today's
Korea Times you can read following main headline on its front page: "NGO Seeks to Drive Out Illegal Aliens". (*)

Harr, harr, harr... After the S.K. gov't started its last massive attacks against the un-documented migrant workers in general and against MTU in particular the S.K. "civil society" wants also to take action. A so-called "civil organization" - the "Movement of Extradition of Illegal Workers" - plans to launch from next week a "campaign to expel all illegal aliens" (i.e. un-documented migrant workers). The first "highlight" of the campaign will be a demonstration on coming Tuesday (12.18) in front of the Immigration Office in Seoul/Mok-dong.

Well, let's stop with joking!!  Because, in my opinion, it's a very critical development! Likely you know that these kind of "N"GO's are very close connected with the most reactionary political groups in the S.K. society and, more important in governmental bodies, such as the Ministry of "Justice", Police Department, Immigration Office etc..

So the planned campaign - "Drive Out All Illegal Alliens!" - can/will teach us a lesson how the coming gov't (doubtless led by Lee Myung-bak and his reactionary GNP) will act against migrant workers in S.K. and especially against a struggling MTU!!!

Yesterday's K. Times reported that the Korean Human Right Commission is demanding (gee.. better said just lamenting about) "human rights" for migrant workers. But most important, KHRC legitimizes the "right" by the S.K. gov't to hunt, arrest and deport (un-documented) migrant workers: "We are not asking them not to crack down illegal immigrants", the "human right" body stated according to K. Times. (**)

*    NGO Seeks to Drive Out Illegal Aliens  
** ..Call for More Protection of Immigrants’ Rights


Other stuff, related to the current struggle of MTU: 

[12.9] Migrant Workers' Demo in Seoul (video documentary by MWTV, 12.11)

[12.9] Migrant Workers' Demo in Daegu (two video documentaries)

And last but not least: This month's alternative Canadian radio "No One Is Illegal" has a longer interview with Mahbub (MWTV) on a bunch of topics: the MTU arrests, migrants issues in Korea, MWTV and more. You can download the whole show or just that segment of the show here:







진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크



Last week (12.9) NK's (aka "DPR"K) daily (WPK/조선로동당) newspaper Rodong Shinmun  published following "significant"(^^) article:

Western-style "Democracy" Termed

Sham Democracy

The imperialists and the paid bourgeois trumpeters are forcing other countries to introduce Western-style "freedom and democracy" describing them as the most "universal" and "perfect" ones and the model to be followed by the international community. But this is an insult to genuine freedom and democracy. Rodong Sinmun Sunday says this in a signed article.

"Freedom and democracy" much touted by the imperialists are sham ones and they are nothing but camouflage to hoodwink working masses and cover up the reactionary nature of bourgeois dictatorship and the unpopular nature of the capitalist system, the article notes, and goes on:

Bourgeois freedom allows a handful of the privileged to exploit and dominate popular masses, absolute majority of population, and lead carnal life. The Western-style "democracy" is the most reactionary and unpopular policy as it ruthlessly defies the desire and demand of the popular masses for freedom and democracy.

The article cites practices of American-style "democracy" which the paid bourgeoisie trumpeters describe as "model of freedom and democracy."

The imperialists seek to force other countries and nations to follow and introduce the Western-style political mode and way of life. It is high-handed practices aimed to deprive the people of those countries and nations of their option for ideology and ism, and acts of denying and violating democracy.

It is foolhardy of the imperialists and their mouthpieces to try to cover up their unpopular and reactionary socio-political system and justify human rights abuses and crimes of aggression and war.

If one allows and introduces the deceptive "democracy," being taken in by the U.S. sugar-coated rhetoric, one cannot defend the hard-won revolutionary gains, the sovereignty of the country and the destiny of the nation.

Well, beside the fact that almost similar trash you can read in the daily propaganda  of the international "modern" fascism/national 'socialism', but also in statements of the int'l Islamic movement, like stuff from Iran, or some Palestinian "resistance" organisations (Hamas, IJM etc..) - THERE IS NO FURTHER COMMENT NECESSARY!! (*) 



The Korean version:
로동신문 서방식《민주주의》는 가짜민주주의이다
9일부 《로동신문》은 제국주의자들과 부르죠아어용나팔수들이 서방식《자유》와 《민주주의》가 가장 《보편적》이고 《완성된것》이라느니, 국제사회가 받아들여야 할 《본보기》라느니 뭐니 하면서 그것을 다른 나라들에 강요하고있는것은 참다운 자유와 민주주의에 대한 모독행위로 된다고 단죄하였다.

개인필명의 론설은 제국주의자들이 떠드는 《자유》와 《민주주의》는 가짜자유, 가짜민주주의이며 그것은 근로인민대중을 기만하고 부르죠아독재의 반동성과 자본주의제도의 반인민적본질을 가리우기 위한 위장물에 지나지 않는다고 지적하였다.

부르죠아자유는 사회의 절대다수 인민대중에 대한 소수 특권층의 착취와 지배, 동물적인 생활을 허용하는 자유이며 서방식《민주주의》는 자유와 민주주의에 대한 인민대중의 지향과 요구를 무자비하게 짓밟는 가장 반동적이며 반인민적인 정치이라고 론설은 까밝혔다.

그러면서 론설은 부르죠아어용나팔수들이 《자유와 민주주의표본》으로 묘사하는 미국식《민주주의》실태를 실례로 들었다.

론설은 제국주의자들이 다른 나라와 민족들에게 서방식정치방식과 생활질서를 따르고 그것을 받아들이라고 강박해나서고있는것은 다른 나라 인민들로부터 사상과 리념의 선택권을 빼앗아내려는 강권행사이며 민주주의 그자체를 부인하고 유린하는것으로 된다고 주장하였다.

제국주의자들과 그 대변자들이 저들의 반인민적이며 반동적인 사회정치제도를 감싸고 인권유린죄행과 침략, 전쟁범죄를 합리화하려 하지만 그것은 부질없는짓이라고 론설은 지적하였다.

론설은 미국의 달콤한 기만적인 《민주주의》설교에 속아넘어가 그것을 허용하고 받아들이면 피흘려 쟁취한 혁명의 전취물과 나라의 자주권,민족의 운명을 지켜낼수 없다고 강조하였다.






* BTW.. Possibly any kind of "democracy" is better than NO democracy (??)!!



진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

[12.9] 이주노조 대회

Well, to make it short: last Sunday (12.09) THE MAIN MTU RALLY/DEMO took place in downtown Seoul.


Approx. 500 KCTU/civil right/student/left political activists (*) - among them about 100 migrant workers - protested against the current massive wave of repression by the S.K. gov't against MTU and demanded the immediate release of MTU's leadership, imprisoned since Nov. 27 in Cheongju Detention Center.


* (민주노동당, 다함께/AT, 민주노총 서울본부, 경기본부, 전비연, 참여연대, 이랜드뉴코아노조, 코스콤노조, 서울일반노조, 전해투, 전철연, 나눔문화, 사회당, 사회진보연대, 학생행진..)

Following just some pics of the event, made by, VoP, AT, NewsCham:





For more about it, please read (^^sorry, but it's all in Korean):

"우리 이주노동자들은 범죄자가 아닙니다" (VoP, 12.09)

"이주노조 지도부 석방" (한겨레, 12.09)

세계이주민의 날 “거꾸로 가는 한국정부”비난 (참세상, 12.10)

[12월 9일] 단속추방 중단.. 이주노조 탄압.. 대회 (AT, 12.10)



Latest int'l solidarity..:

Arrest of MTU leaders due to their activities (AHRC, 12.06)

Solidarity with MTU (Teachers of English.. in Korea, 12.07)

For more possible int'l solidarity please check out:




And last but not least.. some activists created a new web site to support MTU's struggle: ☞ FreeMigrants!!




진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

마숨同志(MTU) 편지

Last Tuesday Masum (Abul Basher M. Moniruzzaman)..

Masum, 06.2005/anti-war demo in Seoul

..MTU's General Secretary, since 11.27 imprisoned in Cheongju Immigration Detention Center - wrote and sent an open letter (sorry, but we received it just y'day).
Here you can read the full text:


I am Masum, the General Secretary of the Migrants' Trade Union. On November 27th at 8:30am I was arrested by the Immigration Authorities near my home.

Shortly after I was arrested our president was arrested near his house and our vice president near his workplace. The arrests and imprisonment of three MTU-central officers with in one hour on the same day is no small incident. The Immigration Authorities may say it is simply their job to carry out the crackdown, but arresting three union members on the same day at the same time has to be called union repression.

Our organization was founded on April 24, 2005 in order to fight for the human rights and labor rights of foreign workers in South Korea. Our officers were elected through a democratic process by our union members. Officers in the central leadership serve for a two-year term. We must carry out our duty for two years. MTU is an organization that is protesting the government's discriminatory policy towards migrant workers, fighting for more labor rights for migrant workers and calling for legalization of all undocumented migrant workers. We area also an organization that is working in solidarity with many social movement organizations to end distinction between Korean and foreign workers and win equal pay for equal work. We are carrying out national education and many other activities to stop Immigration's man-hunting crackdown and forced deportations.

MTU has been received with discrimination and repression by the South Korean government since it was founded. The crackdown has been severe in areas were MTU is well organized and many union members and officers have been arrested, imprisoned and deported in the course of the crackdown.

MTU's first president, President Anwar, was arrested within 10 days after we submitted our noticed of union establishment and imprisoned for 1 year. After him, our officers have been targeted, arrested and deported. I would like to tell the story of a few of these people.

After the Immigration Authorities came together with other agencies to carry out the joint crackdown most of our branch and chapter officers have been targeted, arrested and deported. Among them, in addition our members and officers in Suwon, Masan, Osan, Seoul, Anyang, Uijeongbu, Namyangju, Paju, Ilsan, Goyang City, Incheon and other places have been forcibly deported including our Seoul Branch Leader, Seongsu Chapter Leader, Ansan Chapter Leader and many others.

Although the Ministry of Labor turned down our notification of union establishment the High Court made a ruling on February 1, 2007 telling the Ministry of Labor to acknowledge our official union status. However the Labor Ministry refused to listen and has filed an appeal. The Supreme Court trail is currently underway.

The Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Labor are trying to deport MTU officers chosen by our union members in order to influence the Supreme Court decision so that they can continue to deny migrant workers' labor rights and repress us.

If an organization or union does not have officers democratically elected by its members then it looses trust. In addition, MTU is to pick a new central leadership to fill our spaces there has to be a General Assembly and the consent of the union members has to be obtained through a new vote. In the current situation, this is impossible.

The current situation is that the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Justice are trying to completely crush the voices of migrant workers who have come to South Korea to work by imprisoning MTU's president, vice president and general secretary and therefore influencing the Supreme Court decision.

Right now, the labor rights of migrant workers are not recognized by the Employment Permit System which was supposedly made to protect migrant workers' rights. Because of there is no right to move freely from one workplace to another migrant workers become undocumented while they still have legal visas. They are caught by the Immigration Authorities and then forced to leave the country. There are even many cases where migrant workers become undocumented because they or their employers do not know the proper legal procedures. The EPS is not one bit useful for migrant workers. They say that average work time has become longer than before, wages have gone down and human rights abuses have become more frequent.

MTU has always believed and still believes that migrant workers should received the same labor rights as Korean workers and equal pay for equal work in accordance with the Labor Standards Law.

There should be one law for all the migrant workers who come to South Korea. Because of the discriminatory law the whole lives of migrant workers are getting worse and worse. In particular, the Ministry of Justice has made a proposal for an anti-discrimination law, but in the proposal 7 out of 20 of the stipulations regarding prohibition of discrimination have been erased. There are two references to migrant workers. The first is language and the second is country of origin. In terms of country of origin there is a discriminatory attitude towards people who come to work in South Korea from Africa or Asia.

MTU protests this attitude. In the midst of all this, MTU's officers have been arrested and are about to be deported. This is obvious repression against MTU and discrimination against migrant workers. From this act we can clearly see the message of the Ministry of Justice and its affiliated agencies: Migrant workers- you must live in South Korea under discrimination without human rights or labor rights!

I believe that in this situation, the National Human Rights Commission must be at the front in fighting for migrant workers labor rights and human rights. The Human Rights Commission must demand the release of MTU officers imprisoned in Cheongju Detention Center and MTU members imprisoned in Hwaseong Detention Center.

Finally, we are people who are working for South Korea, We are not criminals. We simply want to receive fair treatment as workers while we are here. The South Korean government does not even show the slightest manners toward migrant workers who have been working in this land form any years. We also want to help South korea to receive the trust of other countries and move forward together on the path towards a multi-cultural society. Thank you for your time.


Stop the Crackdown and Deportations!

Legalize all Migrant Workers!

Win the 3 Labor Rights!



MTU General Secretary Masum, Fighting inside Cheongju Detention Center.

2007, December 4


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

2007년 '대선' #3

Today's S. Korean media (Yonhap etc..) reported - in connection with the coming presidential election - about a very critical (or just crazy..) development in the workers' movement, at least in the reformist part of the movement: Almost 70 percent of the KFTU (Korean Federation of Trade Unions) members will - probably - vote for one extreme conservative, respectively reactionary (Lee Myung-bak & Lee Hoi-chang) candidate of the ruling exploiter, i.e. capitalist class. (Opps.. Simply said, they must be complete "brain amputated"!!)

Labor Union Endorses Conservative Frontrunner Lee for President (K. Times)

Lee Myung-bak, the conservative front-runner for this month's presidential election, received a rare endorsement Sunday from one of South Korea's two umbrella labor unions that have traditionally sided with the liberals.

Lee of the main opposition Grand National Party is poised to win the Dec. 19 vote, with his approval rating having surged several percentage points to well over 40 percent after prosecutors cleared him of allegations of involvement in a major financial fraud.

The Federation of Korean Trade Unions, the less militant of South Korea's two umbrella labor organizations, said that in a recent opinion survey of its members, Lee was picked as the most favored among three major candidates. It's the first time South Korea's labor body has thrown its support behind the candidate of
the conservative party that has sided with conglomerates.

The endorsement seemed even more unusual because Lee was often accused of suppressing labor activity when he was the chief executive of Hyundai Construction and Engineering from the late 1970s to the early 1990s.

In the Dec. 1-7 survey, 41.5 percent picked Lee as their favorite over liberal Chung Dong-young of the pro-government United New Democratic Party who garnered a 31 percent approval rating. The least popular was rightwing independent Lee Hoi-chang, a former GNP chairman and the party's two-time standard-bearer. He earned a 27.5 percent approval rating, the union said in a statement.

Survey workers contacted 505,700 members of the nationwide union by telephone, and 236,600 people responded, the union said.

The Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, South Korea's other labor umbrella organization, has yet to take an official stance on candidates. (*)


* Until now KCTU - at least the leadership - is agitating for the election of Kwon Young-ghil, DLP's "Workers' President" candidate.


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

12.9(日): 이주노조 대회

After tomorrow (Sunday, 12.09), on the occasion of this year's Int'l Migrant's Day, MTU activists and (hopefully!!) all their supporters will stage a massive protest rally/demo in the S. Korean capital Seoul (2PM, Marronnier Park/Hyehwa subway stn.)!











진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

[12.5] 이주노조 대회


Yesterday (12.05) the first massive protest rally against the imprisonment of almost the entire leadership of MTU took place in the S. Korean capital Seoul.


In the early afternoon about 300 activists of various labour unions (organized in the KCTU) - such as Construction Workers Union (KFCWTU), E-Land Workers Union, Metal Workers Union, Government Employees' Union, Public Service Workers' Union etc.. - student groups, political parties (DLP, Socialist Party..) and resistance groups (such as the Federation Against House Demolition etc..) gathered in front of the Immigration Office in Mok-dong to demand the immediate release of the prisoners and the end of the repression against migrant workers in S.K. in general and the MTU in particular.
   BTW.. it was the first really strong protest there since long time - likely since the end of our Sit-in strike in Myeong-dong (2003-2004), although the government's policy of manhunt and mass deportation (of undocumented migrant workers) never has been stopped since it started in late autumn 2003...

   Also y'day, almost at the same time, 10 MTU activists and about 30 supporters started a sit-in strike in the Korean Council of Churches (KNCC), near Jong-no 5-ga. In the second half of following video you can watch the first impressions about the "event":

이주노조 항의집회 및 농성 돌입 (MWTV)

Following some impressions from y'day's protest rally in Mok-dong (source of the pics: A.T., VoP):







Sit-in strike in KNCC: Agit-Prop performance (^^) 

for migrants workers by Korean comrade


For more please see following reports:

"이주노조 핵심간부 전원 석방하라" (민중의소리)

[12월 5일] 이주노조.. 서울출입국사무소 앞 규탄 집회 (다함께)


대전, 표적 단속과 강제추방 반대 기자회견 (참세상, 12.06)

이주노조 간부 3인을 즉각 석방하라 (OhmyNews, 12.04)

Latest int'l solidarity:

New Attacks on Korean Migrant Workers Union (IUF, 12.05)

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

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