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  1. 2005/01/19
    혼란:민주노총의 새해인사
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  2. 1970/01/01
    민주노총 추석 귀향 선전전
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反APEC 투쟁...마무리...

So, now the APEC summit, definitely, is over and the protests too!



A final summary by (f...) Yonhap News you can read here:




And one of the few articles in the international media about the protests here:


(South Africa)


About the "security" in Busan Asia Times (www.atimes.com ) wrote this:

"...the APEC scene is reminiscent of the days of Park Chung-hee, the country's dictator-like president from 1961..., who suspended the constitution."




A picture in the yesterday's online edition of (the German TV station) ARD






Sooner or later I will write my own opinion about what was going on in the past days! Perhaps a kind of comprehensive comment..

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

11.18 부산

Actually  - till now - I can't get in contact with my comrade there (I really hope that she is still in "freedom"!).

At 2 pm Voice of the People (VoP)reported 3,000 people on the demonstration. Later at 4 pm they reported 10,000 (Pressian was writing about 20,000) in Busan/Haeundae. At around 5 pm in front of the bridge near BEXCO (one of the summit centers) clashes between thousands of protestors and the riot cops errupted. The cops blocked all the ways with huge container boxes (usually for mass trade transportation).

When I was reading well the clashes continued until the late afternoon/early evening. S. Korean bourgeois media reported 20 injuries.

Right now the protestors are back in Busan University for to prepare the next demonstrations for today.

...and still I can't get in contact with my friend there... (uhuu~ I'm worrying...).


Check it out: the cops are using bamboo rods (source of the pics: VoP)

Please read this article (in Korean):



Source of the pics: Pressian


Please check out also for the latest news this:


(Chamsesang News)



The S.K. bourgeois media reported:


(Korea Times)


(Yonhap News)





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Right now in Busan

Actually I can't get in contact with my comrade there (I really hope that she is still in "freedom"!). But it seems that there are already fights on the way to BEXCO (one of the summit centers in Busan/Haeundae).

The ways to BEXCO are blocked by buses of the cops and mass transportation containers. It seems that the demonstrators want to open this blocked ways and the cops are using water cannons. (source of the pics: Voice of the People)




Right now I have only a computer where I can't read Hangeul, but I will try my best to get/bring more informations as soon as possible.

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내일 (11.18) 부산안에



"...there is growing skepticism over the role of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation forum, experts say", so the International Herald Tribune 11.14. " APEC is balanced on the brink of terminal irrelevance," said the Australia-based Lowy Institute for International Policy in a report issued in time for this week's summit," the article continued... "Public awareness about APEC, even among the bureaucracies of its members and in areas APEC addresses, is slight."


Outside of the region, for example in Europe, no one (the media, rightwing, liberal - a.k.a. the bourgeois ?but also not the so-called left..) is really informed... and not really interested.

First of all they don't know what is really going on in the Far East. For instance the German state runned TV station ARD presented the annual National Workers Rally last Sunday as an Anti-APEC demonstration.

The farmers demonstration on Tuesday they presented as an Anti-USA protest and today's leading magazine Der Spiegel wrote: "On the APEC summit in Japan..." (even they don't know where the summit take place)

On the other hand no one - politicians, the media ?see any relevance about the APEC summit. The most of the media is just not reporting about it and if then just like that: "An APEC summit about the bird flu...", the German TV station ARD said.

On 11.14 I found the first articles in the international press about the APEC summit (International Herald Tribune and NEWS.com.au). But both are not expecting any sensful result... just "strong words in the final declaration". That's all...



But many of the activists at home (...harhar, S. Korea) seems to see this summit as one of the most important events in this century. They compare it with Cancun, or with the Summit of the Americas in Mar del Plata. But as ascertained the APEC has no relevance, not at all - "a summit about the bird flu..."!!!)...


On the other hand many activists <"The South Korean government should take a lesson from the case of the Summit of Americas in Mar del Plata, Argentina last week that 'failed to come to agreement due to strong protests from the South American people against the U.S. and U.S. President George Bush,' the statement (of the Korean Peasants League) said. Otherwise the peasants will wage a 'strong battle' on Friday 'shoulder to shoulder with other civic groups' to stop the APEC summit...", Korea Times wrote on 11.13> perhaps are confused about the role of the different participants, for example in Mar del Plata. The street "battles" - definetely - were not the reason why the summit failed... it was the opposition of the governments of Brazil, Venezuela, Argentina...! And - please remember - this summit was a decision making meeting...


Finally the only thing what we (harhar... YOU!!!) can do in Busan: Set up a sign that not everyone in the society is collaborating with the idea of the capitalist globalization. What we must fight for is the our own globalization, a globalization for the common people, a globalization from below!


And of course, if we (...YOU!!) have the power, the masses, we can - possibly - grievous disturb their meeting or even SMASH it!! (...aeh~ it's just a idea...)





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11.18.. Preparing for...





...and please, please be careful!!



Please check out the documentary here (Chamsesang/Jinbonet):



Actually there is nothing funny anymore!!


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오늘: 反APEC-STRUGGLE..(final updating)


-농민 투쟁-

Yesterday, the entire day until the evening thousands of unionized farmers protested on Yeouido (Seoul) against the government's decision to increase the quota of rice imports in the coming years. Farmers and large units (10,000?) of the infamous riot cops

(all the frontline combat units were on the spot!) clashed until the early night hours.


Korean articles about it you can read here:


Here there are 5 videos, v. 1, 3 and 4 are about the battles, v. 2 inteviews

and v. 5 about arrests and some final (?) interviews.

Watch it serious - we can learn a lot of it!

Watch the cops throwing stones... Never give them space and time to do that!!

By the way, on all demos like that (...BUSAN!!!) we should

have several mobile (educated) first aid units on the spot...



Source of the pics: Voice of the People


Today's (bourgeois) JoongAng Ilbo is writing this:


100-plus injured in rice rally clash


In a clash between farmers and police during a rally yesterday to protest the opening of the rice market, more than 100 people were injured and three police cars burned. The rally, which started at 1 p.m. at Yeouido, Seoul, was attended by 15,000 members of the Korean Peasant League, Korea Women Peasants Association and six other farmers' associations. Farmers clashed with police as they tried to move to the National Assembly building to conclude the three-hour street rally. Police blocked the road with police cars and sprayed water at the protesters, but some farmers surged forward, wielding wood and steel sticks. During the struggle, more than 100 farmers and police were injured.


More violence is expected in Busan Friday, where farmers' groups plan a rally to coincide with the leaders meetings of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation forum.



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11.18 APEC Summit...

It?s very interesting, but outside of S. Korea till now nobody is talking or writing about the APEC summit in Busan... neither in the Straights Times (Singapore), South China Morning Post (HK), Xinhua (China), nor in the USA (LA Times), or the South American progressive independent media, such as Indymedia Chile.


But there is a struggle between pro and contra inside the S. Korean activist scene. "It is an important opportunity for Pusan (Busan) to thrive as an international city. The opponents of APEC are ignorant of the enormous economic profit and the invisible benefits...", (bourgeois Korea Times quoted on Nov. 13). This is of course complete bull sh..., because Busan is a international city already, but more international it will never become. Because Busan is a city which lifes just from the industry and infrastructure, that?s all (of course not to forget from the daily labor of the workers there...).


But also, in my opinion, the concentration of the "progressive" movement in S.K. against the APEC summit is wrong, because the APEC has no meaning, neither political, nor economical, because APEC is "... a more lame (impotent) poppycock dump (shack) as even the ASEAN" (S. P. Huntington in: The Clash of Civilizations, N.Y. 1996). And still there is nothing changed... (as I know).


If someone have other opinions... Please, I?m ready to listen...



Today is also an article in Korea Herald about the preparation of the farmers unions for Nov. 18. But because this will be a longer story, I will write about it tomorrow, coming night, or so..

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新民主/신 민주주의...??? (updated vers.)

This was written in today's Korea Herald (11.2): Police bar activists from country Police have barred 998 members of some 20 citizens' organizations around the world from entering the country to prevent protests during the APEC summit in Busan this month. The banned people have records of staging anti-globalization protests during past Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summits, the National Police Agency said as it continued preparations to clear the way for APEC meetings Nov. 12-19... ... Police have also compiled a list for the Immigration Office of another 400 foreigners who are likely to stage protests based on past records of activism. Immigration officials will inform police when any of the 400 enter the country and their activities will be monitored closely, a police official said. Police are also planning to distribute an announcement to foreigners entering the country that protests or demonstrations are prohibited during their stay, and that they may be forced to leave the country or be penalized if they ignore the warning. ... The entire article you can (but you must not..) readhere. Korea Times wrote that. And ...JoongAng Ilbo will write in its tomorrow's edition: 998 activists barred from entry here November 03, 2005 ㅡ The Korean National Policy Agency said yesterday it has banned 998 people from entering Korea before and during the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation meetings in Busan later this month. Those barred, police said, have all been convicted of crimes stemming from anti-globalization demonstrations elsewhere. The Justice Ministry, which oversees the national police and Korea's immigration bureau, can bar entry to Korea "in the national interest." Sources familiar with the list say those on it belong to one or more of 20 groups that have sent protesters to meetings of APEC, the World Trade Organization, or other international bodies trying to advance free trade. The police have a second list of 398 persons who will be allowed to enter Korea but will be watched closely if they do so. Korea's own activists will be busy. Anti-globalization forces here claimed they would mobilize up to 100,000 protesters in Busan. The police said they would warn foreigners entering the country this month about the penalties they could face if they engage in illegal picketing or demonstrations. That warning, in four languages, will be handed out to arriving passengers at Korea's ports. Korea's security services say they are confident that they can keep protests under control and counter any attempts to disrupt the APEC meetings. They have been talking with Korean civic groups for several months, they said, to agree on designated areas where protest rallies will be allowed.
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부산 11.18: A Weekend of State Terror??

Bourgeois KOREA TIMES wrote on 10.25:


Pusan Steps Up Security Measures Ahead of APEC Pusan City is upping security measures ahead of the upcoming Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit, limiting political gatherings and rallies in major venues. The city plans to close schools Nov. 18-19, when the 21 heads of APEC member states hold a summit. ``To secure the safety of guests participating in the APEC forum, we will designate Haewoondae Beach, the Somyon area, Kimhae Airport and the Tongnae hot springs area as special security zones where monitoring will be strengthened,’’ said Eo Cheong-soo, director of the Pusan metropolitan police agency, during a news conference Monday. City authorities will deploy more police to look over the designated areas and prohibit political gatherings and rallies within 1.5 kilometers of the areas. ``The objective is to provide APEC guests with a safe environment to share their ideas and make it easy to move around. We have no intention to stop peaceful gatherings during the forum, except for around these areas,’’ Eo said. The Pusan city government also plans to strengthen its crackdown on illegal immigrants ahead of the APEC forum. More than 1,700 law enforcement officials were deployed yesterday to search for illegal immigrants or foreign visitors with suspicious behavior...

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Anti-APEC, -Globalization...

K. Marx wrote in the 19th century that the bourgeoisie must expand the capitalist economic system into every corner on this planet. The capitalism must "break all borders". The cheap prices of its products will break all "Chinese Walls". Through the fast development of the communication even the most underdeveloped system will fall. This development will create nearly everywhere – as we can see except the most of the parts of Africa - totally cosmopolitical societies. And there the progressive class, Marx said the proletariat, will develop the basis for the world wide free, according to Marx communist (but you can call it however you want...) society of humanism. R. Luxemburg, wrote in the beginning of the last century, in "The Crisis of the Social Democracy": "This brutal triumphal march of the capital across the world, by using all means... has one bright side: It creates the prerequisite for it final (definite) ruin. It is creating the capitalist world power, followed by the socialist (or call it however you want...) world revolution." The capitalist globalization just creates, even many people must suffer under it, the final basis for our, a human globalization! We just have to know how to use this opportunity!
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