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게시물에서 찾기Class struggle, fight the enemy..

2311개의 게시물을 찾았습니다.

  1. 1970/01/01
    민주노총 추석 귀향 선전전
    no chr.!

부산, Anti-APEC 대회, Nov.

It seems that the entire country, I mean S.K., is mobilizing for the APEC summit next month in Busan.




It is good to see that still many people here are thinking very political. Before yesterday friends of mine wrote me about the Anti-APEC festival in Busan. It was held just beside the PIFF tents. Except that the "sound was complete terrible" ("total beschissen", they wrote in German), the idea to show the international audience there that in S.K. not everyone is agreeing with the current economic and political world system is a real good idea. (Wow, the movie about the struggle of migrant workers in S.K. was totally sold out, according to a friend, he was in the audience yesterday and wrote me today) But on the other side I am worrying that this coming demonstration will be just another new chapter in the anti/counter globalization events... without any results for the people who are suffering under the current capitalism, a.k.a. globalization, or some people call it neo-liberalism. First of all we should recognize that the globalization is a duty of capitalism. If we cant abolish the current economic and political system, the capitalism, we must deal with it. By the way, even K. Marx, about 150 years ago wrote that the capital will be forced to bring all the products to the even last corner on this planet, will make profit of everything and everywhere, without any borders. We must work for an alternative globalization, a globalization from below. But it is not enough just to carry pickets with this demands in Mumbai, Seoul or Busan, we must fulfill this demand with life! For example some months ago I got in contact with a activist of the Trade Union in the P.R. China (by the way, even they are a part of the government, they getting more and more radical...). And she agreed that we must create a East Asian Union (EAU) from bellow, before the capitalists are able to realize their own plans of a EAU. But she said, that until now she got no real signs from other activist groups, for example the KCTU... Or another example: we, I mean in S.K. have thousands of migrant workers from China. But just few activists, mainly involved in the struggle of migrant workers, are trying to get in contact with them. If we dont want to try to get in contact with them, dont want to try to create a network with them [sooner or later they will/have (to) go back to China], we lose many good opportunities to create the GLOBALIZATION FROM BELLOW.. and the capital, again, will f... us! These are just some uncompleted thoughts about this subject... I will continue it soon...
진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

10月 7∼8日 부산, NO-APEC FESTIVAL

아펙반대미디어문화행동 'NO-APEC FESTIVAL' 열어


10月 7∼8日 부산 해운대 백사장

Well, its just a short way away from PIFF... Anyway, I have some contrary opinions about all this stuff... perhaps in the coming weekend i will write about it...
진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

청계천... #3, 지도 (u.d.v.)

Eulchr-ro 2-ga, Samgak/Suha-dong

"Sewoon District Redevelopment" project

Seoul forest

The official provisional final point of CRP will be the Seoul forest. This will be located in a huge triangle between Jungrangcheong and Hangang. Seongsu Dong 1ga and Ddukseom cheyug Park is located there. "After being occupied by major city infrastructure and used as a leisure place excluding the intervention of nature during the period of industrialization, Ddukseom Island is required to provide the function as the forest in a city where nature is harmonized with culture...", so the bootleg of SMG. Actually I dont know this area, but I know the neighborhoods, poor areas where small industries and work shops located. There many of my comrades were/are working there – a place for many migrant workers. But according to the computer simulations in the official SMG bootleg... of course this areas are already disappeared. Of course! Just imagine a main center for relaxation for the rich, surrounded by extremely poor, dirty and noisy areas... Finally if you really seriously follow the plans of LD you will find out that they have the "absolute necessary" plan to destroy all the poor areas North of Hangang sooner or later and in this process they will expulse all the poor residents there. Do I have to repeat that WE MUST STOP THIS PROCESS BY ALL MEANS!!?? I think not!!
진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

청계천... #2

But the SDR will be not the final point of redevelopment, or better said deconstruction... not at all. Dongdaemun Stadium, in the present time a refuge for many street vendors who were fighting against their expulsion out off the CGC area... If I am right... But here now the bad surprise... LD is planning to create there the conversion of Dongdaemun Stadium into a park, so the propaganda booklet of the exhibition about CRP in Berlin. But LD imagination how to change the city North of Hangang to a place just for the rich goes much more extensive, if not to say excessive. One of the next giant steps, according to SMG, is the Wangshimni New Town. If we can believe the propaganda brochure of LD the entire present area of Wangshimni will be torn down to get a free space for their crazy, inhuman ideas. Finally I think it will be for the next decade the most destructive plan what SMG had since 40 years. They, I am sure will reconstruct the entire area North of Hangang. We just have to see all this non rich areas between CDC, Eulchi-ro and Toegye-ro, many neighborhoods between Myeong-dong and Namsan area, between Jong-no area and Seongbuk-dong... Finally it will be the most massive attack against the ordinary, poor residents there since ever. If we cant stop them... they never will stop with their policy of displacement of the ordinary, non rich people What we can do... If we are not able to change the present economic and political system, a.k.a. capitalism, today or tomorrow... At least we should RESIST. We need to create a broad propaganda offensive for all the people, who will be effected now and in the near future by this massive attack of the capital. We should struggle at least for the most possible participation of the direct effected residents in the processes of the so called restoration or reconstruction. At least we should recognize that WE have the power, because WE are the majority. IF WE ARE UNITED NO ONE CAN CONTROL, DEFEAT US... There last lines are just unfinished thoughts..., please forgive me... But it will be continued soon... PS.. Just now I found out a more worse bad surprise in this case, but I have to research very carefully... Abbreviations CGC... Cheonggyecheon CM......Construction Mafia CRP... Cheonggyecheon Restoration Project LD...... Lee Myeong-bak Dictatorship SDR....Sewoon District Redevelopment
진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

The Cheonggyecheon Project, pt. 1



Since Sept. 22 Seoul Metropolitan Government, SMG, together with the Administration of City Development of the Berlin City Government organized an exhibition about the Cheonggyecheon Restoration Project, CRP. On many photographs and maps you can see how giant destructive this project finally will become, if you know about the background, the effects for the ordinary people, who are working and living there. If you really watch the pictures and the other materials on the exhibition than you just come to the conclusion that the stream project, the CRP, itself is just an extreme measure reconstruct the entire area between Eulchi-ro, Cheonggyecheon, CGC, Jong-no and the Dongdaemun and Dongdaemun Stadium. But if I was interpreting the material well the final point of this giant reconstruction, aeh... better said destruction project will be far away from there. But lets start from the point of beginning. The first step of CRP was to tear down the Cheonggyecheon Expressway in 2003. During this process in Nov. 2003 finally the Lee Myeong-bak dictatorship, LD, a.k.a. SMG, ordered the expulsion of the street vendors in and around Cheongyecheon 8ga. I joined and wrote an article about the 10 hours battle between them and ggangpae, large riot cop units on the end of Nov. 2003, but I think it was just on www.base21.org and somehow it disappeared. If I understood well they, the struggling street vendors, or some of them, got later places in the Dongdaemun Stadium. The bad surprise about it will come later... The next step, during the reconstruction of the bed of Cheonggyecheon was that LD and the Construction Mafia, CM, ordered the expulsion of the entire population of Eulchi-ro 2ga, Samgag, Suha Dong, because of the plan to tear down all the buildings and construct a giant new sky scraper there.


Until now the plan failed because of the strong resistance of the residents there. I joined and reported several times.



After the GRAND OPENING of new CGC on Oct. 1, WE SHOULD USE THIS DATE TO SHOW OUR PROTEST, the next step will be, if I understood the material right, the start of the Sewoon District Redevelopment, SDR. This plan includes the tearing down of the entire area between Eulchri-ro 3ga, Jong-no 3ga, when you go to Dongdaemun on the right side of Jong-no, Jong-no 4ga and Eulchi-ro 4ga. According to LD the entire area will turn into an internationally large scale business space. The importance of this project you can see, when you read the names of the architects who were asked to build there. Machedo+Silvetti, Kohlhaas, P. Eisenmann... And this is a really huge area with thousands of residents, small workshops, stores... It means that the basis of existence of thousands of families will be extreme endangered. Perhaps, I am just reckoning, the entire area is already sold to the CM and the people who are living and working there, just rented their places, like in Samgag, Suha Dong. And sooner or later they will be just kicked out... I think you can see the plan behind CRP... just a giant resettlement against the will of thousands of poor residents. ALL THE POOR OUT OF THE CITY. THE CITY JUST FOR THE RICH. And SDR will be for sure not the final point of redevelopment, destruction... You just have to follow CGC with open eyes and you will see, understand the entire plan behind CRP... All the small, poor houses will disappear in the near future. And with the houses all the people who used to live and work there. IF WE CANT STOP IT. Once again this areas are the basis of existence for thousands of families. It will be continued soon. Abbreviations CGC.. Cheonggyecheon CM..... Construction Mafia CRP.. Cheonggyecheon Restoration Project LD..... Lee Myeong-bak Dictatorship SDR.. Sewoon District Redevelopment

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

하이텍 투쟁...

the only information i got before y'day about hi-tec struggle: "Hi-tec struggle fight is still. and more powerfully. please check out their own stuff!!!




하이텍알씨디코리아 노동자 산재불승인 철회하고,
즉각 전원 산재인정하라!

하이텍알씨디코리아 조합원 감시와 차별로 인한 집단정신질환 해결을 위한 공동대책위원회 투쟁속보

발행인 | 하이텍집단정신질환해결공대위  (http://cafe.naver.com/antihitec.cafe)

발행일 | 8월 25일(목), 노숙농성 78일차 무기한단식 9일차

17일부로 하이텍노동자 전원산재승인을 촉구하는 무기한 단식농성이 시작되었습니다.

함께 투쟁할 동지들의 동조단식을 조직하고 있습니다. 동조단식을 하실 동지는 010-7301-7004로 연락주십시오.

25일 5시 근로복지공단 앞 집중집회

26일 7시 근로복지공단 앞 문화제가 진행될 예정입니다.

동지 여러분의 적극적인 연대 바랍니다.

감시, 차별, 부당해고, 노조탄압으로 인한 노동자의 집단정신직업병 인정하라!

근로복지공단은 즉각 재심의 실시하고, 노동자의 집단정신질환 산재승인하라!

하이텍 자본은 차별, 감시, 해고 등 부당노동행위 즉각 중단하고, 노동자를 죽음으로 내모는 손배 소송을 즉각 철회하라!

노동부는 더 이상 상황이 악화되기 전에 하이텍 자본의 부당노동행위를 중지시키고 재발방지에 책임을 다하라!

산재노동자 두 번 죽이는 요양관리지침, 노동자를 폭력배로 모는 민원대응지침, 불승인 조장 독소조항 즉각 폐기하라!

총력결의 대회, 동지들의 연대 다지는 자리 열려...

8월 24일 15시 산재노동자 살인진압 근로복지공단 규탄 금속안전보건활동가 결의대회가 근로복지공단 앞에서 열렸다. 비가 오는 속에서 근로복지공단 안에서는 철문을 채우고 전경들이 대기하고 있었다. 이날 집회에서 금속연맹과 민주노총은 향후 하반기 투쟁 속에 하이텍알씨디코리아 투쟁을 해결 과제로 상정하겠다고 결의하며 이전까지 연대 부족, 대오의 조직화 부족 등의 문제점을 반성하는 시간을 가졌다.

집회 이후 노동자 건강권을 위협하는 근로복지공단과 근로복지공단의 비호 세력인 영등포 경찰서의 상징물을 망치로 부수는 퍼포먼스가 진행되었고, 살인진압을 자행하고 아무 이유 없이 동지를 구속시킨 영등포 경찰서 항의 방문을 위해 영등포 경찰서까지 행진하며 선전전을 펼쳤다. 집회 대오는 영등포 경찰서에서 마무리 집회를 갖고 영등포 경찰서의 폭력적인 진압 자행과 근로복지공단 비호에 대한 항의의 뜻을 담아 항의서한을 전달했다. 영등포 경찰서는 아직도 자신들의 잘못을 반성하지 못한 채 영등포 경찰서 앞과 근로복지공단 앞에 전경을 배치하는 모습을 보였다.

■ 하이텍알씨디코리아 집단정신질환 불승인 철회!재심의 실시! 산재승인쟁취! 투쟁에 함께해주십시오.

25일 5시 근로복지공단 앞 집중집회

26일 7시 근로복지공단 앞 문화제가 진행될 예정입니다.

17일부로 하이텍노동자 전원산재승인을 촉구하는 무기한 단식농성이 시작되었습니다. 함께 투쟁할 동지들의 동조단식을 조직하고 있습니다. 동조단식을 하실 동지는 010-7301-7004로 연락주십시오.

2. 근로복지공단의 부당한 판정을 규탄하는 항의전화를 합시다. 항의팩스를 보냅시다.

- 근로복지공단 본부 대표전화 02-2670-0300 보상부 fax 02-2670-0443

- 근로복지공단 관악지사 대표전화 02-2109-2200 보상부 fax 02-2109-2360

3. 하이텍 공대위 투쟁을 지지하고 연대하는 동지들의 재정 후원을 받습니다.

우리은행, 018-748801-02-001 예금주 : 배수진

□ 하이텍알씨디코리아 조합원 감시와 차별로 인한 집단정신질환 해결을 위한 공대위 □





진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

Seoul City Gov't: Ridiculous to the Poor...

Y'day's "The Korea Times" wrote: "Seoul City said Monday that it will spend 180 billion won ($176 million) to support low-income families..." (the full article you can read here).


But on the same time together with the construction mafia they destroy the basis of existence for thousands of families, such as in Cheongjin-dong or Samgag/Suha-dong




(read releted articles here, here and here).







진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

삼선상가/강재 철거 사 반대

Today was 전철연 rally and demonstration. The reason why: in Seongbuk-gu the construction mafia (CM) want to destroy at least one 38 years old apartment building (very close to Hanseong University Stn./the building is beginning with Napoleon Bakery). Here 127 families are living and in the first floor 130 shops and small businesses are located. All flats and shops are just rented by the people, who are living and working there. In the back side of the building the Samseon Market is located.

The plan of the CM: kick out all the people who rented their flats and/or work places and build a new apartment building just for rich people.

When the plans of the CM are successful also the people who have market booths behind the building will lose their basis of existence.

So since some month the people, who are living and working there started to resist against the plans of the CM and today they held the first organized large rally in front of Seongbuk-gu Office (성북구청). In the beginning about 160 activists gathered in front of the district office. Yeon Yeong-seok played some of his protest songs and the activists demanded the stop of the plans to tear down the building.

Later a demonstration was held through the area, where many houses are on the possible list of tearing down in the near future. On the demo route we passed a construction site, where already rented houses were torn down for the new construction of a church.

The demonstration ended in front of the apartment building where the most of the activists are living and/or working. The final rally, or better said a kind of culture festival (Park Joon, Song Factory and others performed their songs and dances), finished by a traditional ceremony to strengthen the struggle against the CM and a getting-together with food and drinks for about 200 activists.

After all, the future of their struggle will be very excitingly and so the activists promised extraordinarily strong. WE JUST SHOULD TO SUPPORT THIS STRUGGLE!!! (Tomorrow more about that issue, because now we, Mahbub and me, we have to leave for a party on Yeouido/민주노동당)



Here the call for today's rally:


1. 언제나 민중이 주인 되는 세상 을 위해 선도적인 투쟁을 전개하고 계시는 동지들에게 연대의 인사를 드립니다.

2. 하월곡 2지구 개발지역에선 철거깡패들의 횡포로 인해 지역주민들이 강제이주를 당하고 있습니다. 아무런 대책도 없이 길거리로 내몰리게 된 철거민들은 지역에 상주하고 있는 철거깡패들과 폭력경찰들로 인해 살고있던 생가마저 싹쓸이 강제철거를 당하고 주민들은 성북구청에서 주거생존권을 요구하며 매일집회와 노숙투쟁을 하고 있습니다.

3. 또한 같은 성북구에 위치한 삼선동 삼선시장 역시 개발로 인해 자신이 수십년간 장사를 하며 살아온 삶의 터전을 졸지에 잃어버리고 길거리로 내몰릴 위기에 처해있어 주민들이 자주적으로 철거민 대책위원회를 구성하였고 이제 본격적인 투쟁에 돌입하고자 여러 동지들을 모시고 현판식을 진행. 조직적인 투쟁을 전개하려 합니다.

4. 위의 월곡동의 성북구청 앞 집회를 마치고 곧바로 삼선시장으로 이동하여 다음과 같이 현판식을 진행하려합니다.

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

2005년 여름 빈민현장활동 (영상)

Last year's summer campaign of organized street vendors, urban poor, activists who are defending their homes, disabled activists and homeless people, I found yesterday on Jinbonet. It's a kind of advertisement for this year's summer campaign.

Autostart!! Just wait a few seconds!

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

115주년 노동절대회 (報告)

At about 1 PM, like other Trade Unions, Migrant Workers' Trade Union...

...held a seperate pre-rally

Meanwhile thousands of contruction...

...workers arrived

Protest against SK construction company...

...which is oppressing irregular workers...

...in Ulsan (on the picture: how there the workers have to spend their lunch break)

Construction Truck Drivers Union members (노동 계급 해방...!!!)

Most of them are also irregular workers

Even before the main rally started...

...construction workers were attacked by the riot cops

After I got hurt by them...

...the camera got hurt too... and went on strike (this are the last 2 "pictures" from y'day).

The main rally started at 3 PM, according to alternative media, between 20 and 30.000

people joined (the picture: 민중의 소리, here you find their article about it).

The same day in Cheongju (www.cjcity.net), 128 KM Southeast of Seoul








("The Internationale", by Levelers Ching Dong, 日本) 

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

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    no chr.!

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