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게시물에서 찾기No fun, not at all! Here you'll find a selected collection of articles/reports about our, sometimes a kind of unfriendly, neighbours in the North. Please, don't wonder: I'll use all kind of sources, it includes also the reactionary media, such as ðÈàØìí.., if I'm thinking, that the reports/articles are credible. Of course some times it is only trash. But I think, that we are clever enough to check out what is credible or not.

409개의 게시물을 찾았습니다.

  1. 2009/09/03
    no chr.!
  2. 2009/09/02
    어, 시원하다! 대동강맥주
    no chr.!
  3. 2009/08/10
    北 경제/정치 2002~09
    no chr.!
  4. 2009/06/16
    김정은 vs. 김정남
    no chr.!
  5. 2009/06/15
    北 vs. 南/美/유엔..
    no chr.!
  6. 2009/06/14
    유엔 vs. 北/김정일정권
    no chr.!
  7. 2009/06/11
    [6.08~12] 평양뉴스
    no chr.!
  8. 2009/06/01
    2차 핵실험 #3
    no chr.!
  9. 2009/05/28
    no chr.!
  10. 2009/05/27
    2차 핵실험 #2
    no chr.!

'조선노동당'대표자회 (뉴스#1)


Last night (possibly after a lot of French red wine and a bottle of Hennessy cognac???^^) the "Dear Leader" - the "Sun of the 21st Century" - appointed (his youngest son) Kim Jong-un - the "Rising Star of the 21 Century" - to the rank of a four-star general(*). It was the first time Jong-un's name has been mentioned by Pyongyang's state media.
Kim Jong-il's sister Kyeong-hui, to be in a good/proper position to take care of Jong-un, was also promoted to a 4-star general of the KPA.

And only 12 hours later KCNA was able to spread the "Good News" that (surprise, surprise!!) "Kim Jong Il Reelected as General Secretary of WPK"!!


* For more "detailed info" please read:
Kim Jong Il Issues Order on Promoting Military Ranks (KCNA, 9.28)


Related articles:
Kim the Younger steals the show (Asia Times, 9.28)

North Korea officially starts succession (Korea Herald, 9.28) 

Kim to name successor (Global Times, 9.28)

A historic moment for N. Korea watchers (WaPo, 9.27)



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[당대표자회] 장성택(vs김정은???)


Yesterday's Newsweek(U.S.A.) published the following interesting (but please keep in mind that nobody inside - and no doubt outside!! - N.K., except the "Dear Leader", his sister Kyeong-hui and her husband Jang Seong-taek, knows what's really going on...) story:

The Regent Behind the Son

The real power in Pyongyang will pass to Kim’s brother-in-law, not to his child.

The historic conference of the Korean Workers’ Party this week is Kim Jong-il’s coming-out party for his third son, Kim Jong-un, the heir apparent who is so enigmatic, the outside world isn’t even certain what he looks like. But in the shadows stands an even more obscure figure, a power player at the center of an uncertain struggle over who will hold the reins to the nuclear-armed Hermit Kingdom after the ailing Dear Leader.

It’s 64-year-old Jang Song-taek, not the late-20-something Kim, that North Korean hands should be scrambling to unravel. The brother-in-law of the Dear Leader, Jang has over the last couple of years become Kim Jong-il’s right-hand man, groomed to be the regent for the younger Kim. While Kim Jong-il was introduced to the world at the last party conference in 1980 and spent the next 14 years watching his father, Kim Jong-un’s succession has been more rushed. Educated in Switzerland, the younger Kim cannot match his father’s power base or charisma, particularly because he never played a role in the far-reaching military apparatus. At least at the start, he will be little more than a figurehead.

That’s where Jang comes in. The anointed caretaker was promoted this June to vice chairman of the National Defense Commission—which controls the military—making him the second most-powerful man in the country. “The National Defense Commission and the Workers’ Party are the two most important, powerful governing organizations, in which only Jang is holding positions that can exercise enough power and influence in both,” explains Kim Kwangjin, a midranking North Korean defector. According to An Chan-il, a North Korean defector and head of the World Institute for North Korean Studies, Jang is only one of three confidants who speaks directly to the Dear Leader—the other two being Kim Jong-un and Jang’s wife, Kim Kyonghui, who happens to be the Dear Leader’s sister. In the last year, Jang and his wife have been the most frequent travel companions to the elder Kim; between January and June he accompanied Kim Jong-il on 44 of 77 inspection visits. He is also rumored to be the Dear Leader’s best drinking buddy.

That’s bad news for the West: most security analysts believe that Jang will carry on Kim’s erratic policies of confrontation, repression, and economic mismanagement. “I would expect to see more of the same,” says Andrei Lankov, a noted North Korea scholar. “There might be a minor relaxation, but no full-scale reform.” As a pillar of the old guard, Jang must realize that any Chinese-style economic reform would mean the end for the top party apparatchiks, and for himself. But at least he’s not Kim Jr., now heralded as the “brilliant comrade” in Pyongyang propaganda. Some analysts believe he was the brains behind the March attack on the South Korean ship Cheonan, killing 46 sailors.

That’s not to say it will be business as usual. As North Korea’s state-run economy spirals downward—and even the elite turn to private markets to survive—Pyongyang politics grow more bitter. Just days before Jang’s promotion on the NDC, one key rival, Ri Je-gang, died in a suspicious car crash, suggesting that the power struggle is less than civil. The rubber-stamp meeting that announced Jang’s promotion was called in a last-minute special session, hinting at a battle to the wire. Several generals are reportedly upset at Jang’s new position, including Kim Jong-gak, head of the Korean People’s Army; O Kuk-ryol, vice chairman of the NDC; and Kim Yong-chun, minister of the People’s Armed Forces.

In his new defense post, Jang officially controls the internal security forces, including the secret police. Part of this portfolio includes customs and border patrols, which have recently been ramped up to forestall the growth of private markets and cross-border smugglers. But his reach extends much further. During the shaky period following Kim Jong-il’s stroke in August 2008, he was thought to have taken over everyday decision-making power. If all goes according to plan, he will now serve as the behind-the-scenes administrator to Kim Jong-un until the younger Kim can keep the party chiefs in line himself.

Jang began his quick rise within the KWP soon after marrying his college sweetheart and Kim Jong-il’s older sister, Kim Kyong-hui, in 1972. Although their father and founder of the Democratic Republic, Kim Il-sung, did not approve of the relationship, the Dear Leader was quite fond of Jang. During the 1970s and 1980s Jang became the architect of North Korea’s state-sanctioned mafia operation, according to Helen-Louise Hunter, a retired CIA analyst on the Far East desk, using diplomats to smuggle illicit goods like counterfeit cigarettes, drugs, and, eventually, counterfeit U.S. bank notes across the border. This influx of hard currency funded the regime’s patronage system, which Jang perfected, says Michael Madden, who studies the North Korean leadership at Suffolk University in Boston. In return for loyalty to Kim Jong-il, top party cadres would receive coveted goods like luxury cars, imported alcohol, and plush apartments.

But North Korean politics can be perilous. Jang fell out of favor at the start of 2004. Some analysts say it was because of his lavish personal spending. Others say his high profile risked eclipsing Kim’s. Either way, he disappeared from public life for 18 months before being rehabilitated in a midlevel party position. Since then, he has taken a central role in Kim’s dynastic succession plans. Now that the 68-year-old Kim is suffering from diabetes and the effects of possibly two strokes, it looks as though his third son may soon step in as leader of the world’s most secretive and hostile state. With Jang pulling the strings, don’t expect the new Kim to bring any change for the better.




Related article:
Power struggle rages in North Korean regime (Telegraph, 9.24)




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9.28(火): 조선노동당 대표자회 (#2)


Today's Observer(UK) published the following piece regarding the 3rd WPK Dalegates Conference:

North Korean elite secretly jostle for the reins of power

Kim Jong-il has chosen his son to succeed him, but other figures may set the state's course

The poster for the first conference of the (North) Korean Workers' party to be held since 1966 depicts four striving, heroic figures. A rifle-bearing soldier leads the way, but only by the tiniest of margins, followed by an engineer in a hard hat. Behind them stride a technocrat clutching a rolled-up blueprint and a female farmer with a sheaf of wheat.

Taken together they represent a vision of proletarian certainty and confidence. But the reality in the world's most notoriously unpredictable state is wholly different. This week, hidden from the world, its future will be mapped out behind closed doors, with international implications. The country's leadership cadres will meet at a historic gathering in the vast 25 April Culture Hall in Pyongyang, where delegates will engage in a "revolutionary surge", rubber-stamping the emergence of a new politburo and the policies it will enact.

The third party conference, due to begin on Tuesday, is expected to mark the beginning of the handover from an ailing Kim Jong-il, 68, who suffered a stroke two years ago, to his son Kim Jong-un, 27.

"This is big stuff," said a western diplomat with wide experience of the workings of Pyongyang's elite. "This is the first Workers' party meeting on this scale in over 30 years. Maybe power can be handed over successfully, but it is a very risky time. This kind of forum is a catalyst. It is where you would see the old guard perhaps replaced with younger blood. The stakes are high."

The last such meeting of the party was the 1980 congress – a shorter event than this week's conference – at which Kim Jong-il, then 38, made his political debut with an appearance that confirmed he was in line to succeed his father, Kim Il-sung, the founder of modern North Korea. Delayed once this month – either because of damage to roads by recent flooding or because of disagreements over who should lead it – the congress will be held at a critical moment. Buffeted by economic and food crises and a pariah once again after its alleged sinking of a South Korean warship, the country is also under intense pressure from its closest ally, China, which is fearful of a complete North Korean collapse, to both introduce market reforms and make itself more accessible to the world.

It is not clear how many North Koreans have seen posters for the conference, released officially in July, or heeded their call to welcome it as an "auspicious event". In the muddy, impoverished northern city of Rason, earlier this month, no posters were visible.

Some South Korean analysts believe any decisions may be kept secret because the party's elite fear that giving too much away about life after Kim Jong-il could turn him into a lame duck and destabilise the country. And while much has been made of the formal confirmation of Kim Jong-un as successor to the family business of dictatorship, close observers of the country are far more intrigued by other manoeuvrings around Kim Jong-un's anticipated promotion.

Other senior figures have been reinforcing their positions. The most prominent is Chang Sung-taek, Kim Jong-il's powerful brother-in-law, whose faction appears to have been pushing aggressively to the fore in recent months. And while observers have predicted the danger of collapse in North Korea before – not least during the 1990s – they believe the country may be entering a period of increasing instability.

"Succession is always the Achilles' heel of regimes like this," said Aidan Foster-Carter, a North Korea expert at Leeds University, who has noted the flurry of changes at the top of the regime in the past year. "I'm sure this is a significant moment." He is one of a number of analysts who believe that Chang Sung-taek is being lined up to play a pivotal role in the succession, either as "regent", as facilitator of the succession period, or even as a leader should Kim Jong-un prove unpalatable in the long run.

As Andrei Lankov, an academic at Kookmin University in the South Korean capital of Seoul, argued in the Wall Street Journal, the very weakness of the untested and unfamiliar Kim Jong-un makes him extremely attractive to other members of the regime.

Tall, slender and intelligent, credited with being "cosmopolitan" and charismatic in the closed world of Pyongyang's senior political cadres, Chang Sung-taek has also been tipped by watchers for promotion this week at the party congress – perhaps to the position of party secretary. He is married to Kim Jong-il's sister, and his brother was a military commander in charge of the defence of Pyongyang. He retains close links to the military.

Purged briefly in 2004 and sent into internal exile for two years – possibly because of his growing power – Chang was reinstated in 2006. Significantly, he took over the reins of power when Kim Jong-il had a stroke in 2008. After his rehabilitation, Chang was described by Choi Jin-wook of the Korea Institute for National Unification in Seoul as having fewer enemies than other senior cadres "because when he purges people, they are not just sent away from Pyongyang, they are killed".

One of Chang's closest allies, the former premier Pak Pong-ju, regarded as a pragmatist by the South, and who attempted to introduce market reforms into North Korea's basket-case economy, has been promoted to a key industrial role. It has, perhaps, been his restoration that has been the most intriguing development, following the disastrous devaluation of the country's currency, suggesting that North Korea may once again be interested in market reforms.



Related articles:
North Korea's succession: Next of Kim (The Economist, 9.23)

North Koreans Feel Small Measure of Hope (DailyNK, 9.25)




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'청년대장'(김정은)vs 서울G20정상회의


While the following f*cking BS(!!) has been already published in yesterday's Korea Times(KT) it bacame one of the "top stories" in its today's online edition:


Kim Jong-eun has plot to disrupt G20...

North Korea recently held a meeting, presided by Kim Jong-eun, the heir-apparent of Kim Jong-il, to disrupt the upcoming G20 summit in Seoul, a report said Wednesday.

Citing a high-level North Korean cadre, who recently visited Pyongyang to attend the Workers’ Party conference, Radio Free Asia said North Korea’s National Defense Commission, the North’s de facto most powerful organ, held an emergency meeting to compromise the G20 meeting, slated for Nov. 11-12 in Seoul.

The meeting was presided over by junior Kim, who was entrusted by his father, the head of the commission.

“The defense commission regards the G20 meeting as a plot by world financial powers to isolate North Korea internationally,” RFA said. “To prevent it from happening, a concrete set of measures were discussed.”

It’s not clear from the report what the measures were. It’s also not known whether the participants have agreed to carry them out.

But the RFA said that North Korea will stir security concerns in South Korea around the time of holding the G20 and support various South Korean civic organizations that oppose the get-together and engage in a negative campaign against the meeting within South Korea.



Related stuff:
Kim Jong-eun: "Smash the G20!" (8.13)




진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크


Well, here you can "enjoy" the complete version of the public announcement made by the Preparatory Committee for the Conference of the Workers' Party of Korea regarding next week's WPK conference:

The meetings of delegates of the party committees of the Korean People's Army and provincial (political bureau), city (district) and county party committees took place to elect delegates to the conference of the WPK against the background of a high-pitched drive for effecting a new great revolutionary surge now under way on all fronts for building a thriving nation with the historic conference of the WPK and its 65th birthday approaching.

The meetings of delegates of the party committees of the KPA and provincial (political bureau) party committees elected General Secretary Kim Jong Il as delegate to the conference of the WPK representing the unanimous will of all the members of the party, servicepersons of the KPA and people.

The meetings elected working people and officials who have displayed patriotic devotion at the work sites for effecting a fresh revolutionary surge, remaining intensely loyal to the party and revolution as delegates to the conference.

The meetings once again powerfully demonstrated the might of our revolutionary ranks in which all the servicepersons and people are single-mindedly united around the headquarters of the revolution headed by Kim Jong Il.

The conference of the WPK for electing its supreme leadership body will take place in Pyongyang on Sept. 28.


Related articles:
A summit of tensions in Pyongyang (Asia Times, 9.22)

Kim who? N. Korea's new mystery man (Guardian, 9.21)




진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

9.28(火): 조선노동당 대표자회 (#1)


The entire world(^^), via today's int'l media(*), praises and celebrates the Dear Leader's (aka the "Sun of the 21st Century") Chuseok gift to the (North)Korean People, i.e. his order that...

The KWP Delegates' Conference to Begin Next Tuesday

Quoting the Korean Workers' Party Delegates' Conference Organizing Committee(KWPDCOC), the Korean Central Broadcasting Station(KCBS) finally announced this morning, “The Korean Workers' Party Delegates' Conference will open in Pyongyang, the city of the revolution, on September 28th, Juche 99 (aka 2010), for the election of the highest organs of the KWP.”

Asserting that preparations "had gone off without a hitch", KWPDCOC proclaimed, “Facing the historic KWP Delegates' Conference and the 65th anniversary of the founding of the Party, and with the gale of a new revolution blowing across the front of the construction of the strong and prosperous state, delegates' conferences in the military, provincial committees, city, district and local area delegates' conferences for the election of delegates to the KWP Delegates' Conference have been completed.”

KCBS added, “In these delegates' conferences, the workers and laborers, demonstrating their boundless faith in the Party and revolution and patriotic devotion on the battlefields of the new revolutionary tone, elected their KWP delegates.”
Especially, it emphasized, “In the Korean People's Army of the Korean Workers' Party Delegates' Conference and provincial committee delegates' conferences, the assembled Party members, military personnel and people spoke with one mind to select as a KWP delegate the leader of our Party and our Supreme General, the Great Leader Comrade Kim Jong-Il.”


For more "detailed"(^^) reports please check out:
al-Jazeera, ☞ Der Spiegel, ☞ CNN, ☞ le Parisien etc...




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(제3회)조선노동당 대표자회

Of course you are not...

Welcome to the 3rd (North)Korean Workers Party Congress!!


"Let's make the KWP Congress a festive event that will berecorded in the history of our party and fatherland!"


Related article (MUST READ!!!):
North Korea blows off the cobwebs (Asia Times, 9.08)



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'우리 민족끼리'^^혼란

First of all: the screenshot I uploaded y'day (related to the 'uriminzokkiri'-facebook) has - of course - nothing to do with the "real"/"official"...



...'uriminzokkiri'-facebook presence!

Anyway... it already disappeared some days ago^^!
Yonhap reported that "N. Korea's presumed Facebook account deleted after reportedly breaking rules"

Well, and to make the confusion perfect: yesterday's
CNET wrote that "North Korea denies being on Twitter, Facebook"...

You got it?!







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김정은: 'G20 박살내자!'


Our much-loved(^^) Chosun Ilbo published today the following (batshit crazy!!) horror story:

N.Korea 'Plotting Biochemical Attack'

North Korea is trying to launch a biochemical attack against the South prior to the G20 Summit in Seoul in November, a conservative activist claimed Thursday citing a North Korean source.

Choi Sung-yong of the group Family Assembly Abducted to North Korea said the North is preparing to send 20 different deadly biochemical weapons attached to balloons and parachutes across the border. He said the campaign is led by Gen. Kim Kyok-sik, who commands the North's frontline fourth corps, at the orders of leader Kim Jong-il's heir apparent Kim Jong-un.

Choi said the story came from "an active soldier in the North Korean Army." Kim Kyok-sik was chief of the General Staff of the People's Army before being demoted to his current post and is thought to have masterminded the torpedo attack on the South Korean Navy corvette Cheonan.

Choi also claimed a number of North Korean mines found south of the border after recent floods were deliberately floated down the Imjin River by Kim Kyok-sik's men at Kim Jong-un's orders.

"The source said the frontline fourth corps is collecting mines from all over North Korea, not only in Hwanghae Province where the fourth corps is located but from as far afield as North Hamgyong Province. It floated the mines down intentionally but blamed it on floods," Choi claimed.

Asked about the claim, a National Intelligence Service spokesman was noncommittal, saying, "It's possible to imagine a number of scenarios, but we can't draw any conclusions at the moment." The Joint Chiefs of Staff declined to comment.




Anyway, enjoy your weekend!!




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'어린이평화숲' 조성사업

Nice Idea But - Unfortunately - Moribund!

The "Int'l Cooperation of Environmental Youth"
released y'day the following stuff:

Jonathan Lee, a 13 year old youth environmental activist from the United States, is entering the reclusive North on a humanitarian environmental mission – to suggest peace.   A bold move, particularly with the strains between the DPRK, it's southern neighbor (South Korea) and the United States.  In spite of the danger and warnings, Jonathan is determined to at least try.  After all, he has no political agenda.  No nefarious motive.  He just wants there to be peace for the sake of the children, the innocents in this 60 year conflict.

How does he propose for a peaceful coexistence?  Through the creation of a peace forest in the most dangerous part of Korea – the DMZ.  What is the DMZ?  It is short for “Demilitarized Zone” and is the place where North meets South and South meets North with barbed wires and military personnel.  A peace forest in this area would be a stark contract to the surrounding area.  But, Jonathan has in mind a “Children's Peace Forest,” one in which chestnut trees would be planted - trees that would not only help the environment, but would also provide food for the North Koreans.

While Jonathan knows many think this is a crazy idea, he feels it's worth a try.  After all, he has nothing to lose.  Not really.  He will be in the North with approval, so there should be no problems with his entry (along with his parents).  If his suggestion is met with disapproval, then nothing is lost.  But, with the remote chance that the illusive leader of the North should decide to go along with it, then everything can be gained.

The proposed motto of the Children's Peace Forest is as bold as the idea of entering the north to speak to the government – Above politics; Above conflicts; Above borders; Above ideology; It's all about giving hope to people and children around the world.



For more info, incl. J. Lee's (naïve)statement on video, check out:
Hopes to Suggest a Peace Forest in the DMZ

Related article:
Teenager seeks to meet NK leader for 'Peace forest' (K. Times, 8.10)




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