사이드바 영역으로 건너뛰기

게시물에서 찾기No fun, not at all! Here you'll find a selected collection of articles/reports about our, sometimes a kind of unfriendly, neighbours in the North. Please, don't wonder: I'll use all kind of sources, it includes also the reactionary media, such as ðÈàØìí.., if I'm thinking, that the reports/articles are credible. Of course some times it is only trash. But I think, that we are clever enough to check out what is credible or not.

409개의 게시물을 찾았습니다.

  1. 2009/05/26
    no chr.!
  2. 2009/05/25
    2차 핵실험 #1
    no chr.!
  3. 2009/05/13
    北/짐바브웨, 김영남..
    no chr.!
  4. 2009/04/17
    no chr.!
  5. 2009/04/13
    北 & 헤즈볼라 (??)
    no chr.!
  6. 2009/04/07
    광명성1호 & 광명성2호
    no chr.!
  7. 2009/04/06
    [광명성2호] 축하~하하
    no chr.!
  8. 2009/04/01
    오늘은 '만우절' 이에요!
    no chr.!
  9. 2009/03/26
    대포동 2호/'은하 2호'
    no chr.!
  10. 2009/03/19
    反미 '형벌'(^^) #2
    no chr.!

국방위원회: '핵지하드!'

According to yesterday's top news story in the S. Korean and int'l media the regime in Pyongyang is threatening with a Nuclear Jihad (i.e. 'retaliatory sacred war'/K. Herald: "North Korea warns of 'revengeful holy war'") as you can see in the following examples...

Yonhap: "N.Korea threatens to use nukes against ROK-US joint naval drills"
AP: "NKorea Vows Nuclear Response To US-SKorea Drills"
Al-Jazeera: "N. Korea threatens 'sacred war'"

And here you can 'enjoy' the source (via KCNA) of yesterday's headlines:


     NDC: Counter US-S. Korea War Exercises with Nuclear Deterrence 
The U.S. imperialists and the south Korean puppet forces finally went into reckless actions against the DPRK after having frantically pushed ahead with the moves to stifle the DPRK under the pretext of the "Cheonan" case.

A spokesman for the DPRK National Defence Commission issued a statement on Saturday clarifying the principled stand of the army and people of the DPRK in this regard.

It said: The U.S. imperialists and the south Korean puppet forces are planning to stage joint naval exercises in the East Sea of Korea from July 25 to 28, the "Ulji Freedom Guardian" joint exercises and joint anti-submarine exercises in the West Sea of Korea from August 16 to 26 and different ceaseless joint naval exercises from late in August to early in September and other drills. All these war maneuvers are nothing but outright provocations aimed to stifle the DPRK by force of arms to all intents and purposes.

If the publication of the results of investigation into the "Cheonan" case which was faked up by the U.S. imperialists at instigation of their puppet forces was the first reckless military provocation to the DPRK, the joint naval maneuvers they are to stage even with nuclear strike means involved under the pretext of the above-said case amount to an unpardonable second military provocation to the DPRK, the statement noted, and continued:

The chief architect of the warship case seems to send a "message as deterrence" to somebody while staging offensive exercises under the pretext of the forged case after falsifying its truth. This is as reckless an act as waking up a sleeping tiger.

The DPRK National Defence Commission re-clarifies the following principled stand as regards this abnormal situation where the U.S. and the south Korean puppet forces are threatening this land with a nuclear war under the pretext of the "Cheonan" case:

The army and people of the DPRK will legitimately counter with their powerful nuclear deterrence the largest-ever nuclear war exercises to be staged by the U.S. and the south Korean puppet forces.

The more desperately the U.S. imperialists brandish their nukes and the more zealously their lackeys follow them, the more rapidly the DPRK's nuclear deterrence will be bolstered up along the orbit of self-defence and the more remote the prospect for the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula will be become.

The army and people of the DPRK will start a retaliatory sacred war of their own style based on nuclear deterrent any time necessary in order to counter the U.S. imperialists and the south Korean puppet forces deliberately pushing the situation to the brink of a war.

Now that the U.S. imperialists are persisting in their direct military provocations in gross violation of the spirit of the September 19 joint statement in which they promised not to attack or invade the DPRK with either nuclear or conventional weapons, it is a natural option of the army and people of the DPRK to take corresponding all-out retaliatory measures.

The army and people of the DPRK will take all steps to the last to thoroughly probe the truth behind the case under the situation where the U.S. imperialists and the south Korean puppet forces persistently and deliberately link the DPRK with the "Cheonan" case.

It is a legitimate and sovereign right to protect the honor and dignity of the DPRK for them to probe the truth about the despicable "fabrication" and "charade."

The U.S. imperialists and the south Korean puppet forces will keenly realize what high price they will have to pay for their reckless military provocation rendering the situation on the Korean Peninsula to the worst phase under the pretext of the "Cheonan" case.




Related articles:

Joint military exercise begins in East Sea (Korea Herald, 7.25)

US and S Korea begin joint drill (al-Jazeera, 7.25)

S Korea-US military exercise begins in the Sea of Japan (BBC, 7.25)






진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

삼위일체: 아빠.엄마.아들

The Juche Trinity


Daddy(left), mommy(right) and the wayward son(center)


Related articles:
Kim Jong-il cast in bronze for first time (JoongAng Ilbo/Yonhap, 7.17)

Rare Statue of Kim Jong Il Unveiled in May (DailyNK, 7.16)

죽을 날 얼마 안남았나? 북한 김정일 동상 최초 공개 (열린북한방송, 7.16)







진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

ai: '북한 건강권 보고서'

Amnesty International(ai) has released a new report outlining the dire state of health care in North Korea and accusing its 'leadership' (i.e. the 'Dear Leader'!!!) of comprehensively failing to “respect, protect and fulfill the right to health of its citizens.”

The report, “The Crumbling State of Health Care in North Korea”(*), was presented today at a news conference in Seoul by Norma Kang Muico(Asia-Pacific researcher for ai) where she criticized the N.Korean government’s reluctance to seek humanitarian aid from the international community.

“Food and security remain a critical concern for millions of people in North Korea,” she said. “This has been compounded by the reluctance of the government to seek assistance.”

The situation worsened after NK’s 'currency revaluation' in December last year, she said.

The price of rice more than doubled and thousands of people starved to death between January and February in one province alone, an NGO was quoted as saying by the report...


Guardian(UK) writes the following about the ai report:

North Korea facing health and food crisis

Human rights group calls on international community to help end regime's 'systematic neglect' and prevent humanitarian disaster

A desperate picture of the health of North Korea's population is painted by a report describing a country of stunted children, where the hungry eat poisonous plants and pigfeed, amputations are conducted without anaesthetic and doctors are paid in cigarettes.

Almost two decades after it was hit by a famine that killed an estimated 2 million people, North Korea again faces widespread food shortages and is unable to provide even basic healthcare for its people, according to the report, published today by Amnesty International.

The human rights organisation accuses the North Korean regime of systematic neglect and calls on the international community to intervene to prevent a humanitarian disaster.

Based on interviews with aid workers and North Korean defectors, the report says hospitals lack essential equipment and drugs, which forces the sick to treat themselves with medicines bought from markets. Major operations are routinely conducted without anaesthetic, while malnutrition has paved the way for a tuberculosis epidemic.

"North Korea has failed to provide for the most basic health and survival needs of its people," said Catherine Baber, Amnesty International's deputy director for the Asia-Pacific region. "This is especially true of those who are too poor to pay for medical care."

According to the latest World Health Organisation (WHO) figures, North Korea spent just ¢50 per person a year on healthcare – a tenth as much as Burma.

The report identifies children, elderly people and pregnant women as "particularly vulnerable to food insecurity and malnutrition due to their dietary needs".

The state's failure to feed its people has produced a generation of stunted children, with almost half of under-fives suffering from the condition, it says.

Last year Unicef said that between 2003 and 2008, 45% of North Korean children under five were stunted, while 9% suffered from wasting and a quarter were underweight.

The report says many hospitals lack essentials, such as sterilised needles. It also cites cases of major surgery being carried out without anaesthetic.

Hwang, a 24-year-old man, described how his left leg had been amputated from the calf down without anaesthetic after he crushed his ankle in a fall. "Five medical assistants held my arms and legs down to keep me from moving," he said. "I was in so much pain that I screamed and fainted from the pain. I woke up a week later in a hospital bed."

Doctors are routinely paid in cigarettes and alcohol, while the lack of medicines is forcing the sick to buy drugs, often of the wrong type and dosage, from private traders. "This is especially worrying as North Korea fights a tuberculosis epidemic," Baber said.

The report attributes the return of widespread TB infection to poor nutrition and healthcare. At least 5% of North Korea's 23 million people are sufferers, it said, while the WHO estimates 15,000 people died from the disease in 2007.

Other defectors offer graphic evidence of a health service in crisis, contradicting official claims that the country has properly funded, free and universally accessible healthcare. "People in North Korea don't bother going to the hospital if they don't have money, because everyone knows that you have to pay for the service and treatment," said a 20-year-old woman. "If you don't have money, you die."

The situation has worsened since last year's currency revaluation, which wiped out private savings and sparked rapid inflation, leaving many people unable to afford food.

Good Friends, a relief organisation, said the price of rice doubled and thousands starved to death in January and February in one province alone.

Hunger is forcing people to risk their lives. Park, a 27-year-old man, said he became seriously ill after hunger drove him to look for food in the mountains. "I almost died eating poisonous mushrooms," he said. "I also ate food we normally feed to pigs."



* The complete report you can read here (PDF file, 54 pages)!

Somehow related article:
Coalition calls for rice aid to N. Korea... (Hankyoreh, 7.15)




진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

(주말) 독서를 즐기다!!

"Sixty years ago today, North Korean troops stormed across the 38th parallel into South Korea, provoking a three-year conflict...", today's Korea Times writes.

Of course(^^) the N. Korean propaganda has - surprise, surprise!! - a bit different point of view... 
Well, just 'enjoy' the weekend reading!!

"The Korean War started sixty years ago was a shameless, provocative robbery carried out by the American imperialists through their South Chosun puppets in order to turn our nation into a slave colony. It was the most barbarous slaughter in history", according to
Rodong Shinmun (6.25).

And 'only' three years later the "U.S. imperialists - still blood-thirsty murderers, heinous war fanatics and aggressors without parallel - signed the Korean Armistice Agreement, with their knees bent before the invincible army and people of the DPRK" (☞
DPRK Committees' Joint Statement, 6.24)

And (of course!!^^) until now N.K.'s propaganda sees "the Yankees as a herd of wolves in human skin and the Koreans' sworn-enemy with whom they can not live under the same sky" (☞
Revenge-vowing Meetings Held, 6.22)...


USA's True Nature as Provocateur of Korean War

The Korean Central News Agency released a memorandum Thursday(6.24) laying bare the truth about how the U.S. imperialists launched the Korean War of aggression, 60 years since they provoked the war to achieve their ambition to dominate the world.

The memorandum disclosed the fact that the U.S. imperialists have worked hard to cover up their true colors as war provocateurs and aggressors and shift the blame onto the DPRK while falsifying the truth of history.

Laying bare the truth about how they started the war, the memorandum said: The U.S. imperialists crafted a plan to use the 38th parallel for dividing Korea and put south Korea under their occupation.

In August 1945 the U.S. was informed by Japan of its decision to accept the Potsdam Declaration and surrender to the allied forces side. Then it hatched a plot to find a "substantial solution" aimed at realizing its wild ambition to put even half of Korea under their control.

A draft document on sharing the areas formerly occupied by the Imperial Japanese Army between the USSR and the U.S. with the 38th parallel as a demarcation line was worked out according to a scenario proposed by the then U.S. President Truman. The U.S. imperialists then went into action to occupy south Korea.

At a meeting of the chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on August 13, 1945 the U.S. imperialists ordered its Far East Forces Commander MacArthur to wrest surrender from the Imperial Japanese Army in the areas under the U.S. charge including south Korea. MacArthur instructed Commander of the 24th army corps Hodge to wrest a surrender document from the Japanese army and occupy and control south Korea on behalf of the U.S.

An advance party of the 24th army corps of the U.S. imperialist aggression forces arrived at Kimpho Airport on Sept. 4, 1945 and the army corps landed in Inchon, Pusan and Mokpho from Sept. 8 to mid-October, unhindered.

The memorandum cited facts to prove that the U.S. imperialists made thorough military preparations for the Korean War.

After openly pursuing the strategy to dominate the world since the end of World War II the U.S. imperialists studied and rounded off a new world war scenario including the Korean War in real earnest to put it into practice.

The U.S. imperialists organized G-2 and G-3 at the MacArthur Command which worked out and completed "Plan A, B and C" envisaging the occupation of Korea, Manchuria and Siberia for years.

The U.S. imperialists and the south Korean puppet forces drafted a military action program for "northward expedition" as part of "Plan A."

By about July 1949 the south Korean "government" rounded off the preparations to invade the DPRK at the instruction of MacArthur.

The Syngman Rhee puppet clique completely rounded off the preparations for attack by May 1950 and military operational plans were also completed by that time.

The U.S. imperialists also worked out top secret document "NSC-68" reflecting their strategy for world domination.

This was agreed upon at the U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff in January 1950 at the instruction of Truman and ratified at the U.S. National Security Council on April 2 to provoke the Korean War.

The U.S. imperialists started organizing the south Korean puppet army as part of the preparations for the war of aggression.

To this end, the U.S. imperialists increased the strength of the south Korean puppet army in a phased way to make it ten times as much as that of troops in the north. The puppet army was educated and trained the American way and in this course the U.S. established its prerogative of the supreme command over it.

According to the "war theory at the second phase" the U.S. imperialists ordered the south Korean puppet army to start a war, and organized the aggression troops in the offensive formation in order to allow the future involvement of the U.S. forces.

The U.S. forces in the Far East had three services just before the start of the Korean War. The Far East Forces commander took command of them.

The memorandum also recalled that the U.S. imperialists carried out unheard-of deception and camouflage offensives to commit ceaseless armed provocations against the northern half of Korea, ensure surprise attacks in the Korean War and shift the responsibility for the provocation of the war on to the DPRK.

The number of armed provocations perpetuated by the south Korean puppet army totaled more than 5 150 in three and half years from 1947 to right before the outbreak of the war.

The U.S. directly organized and commanded armed provocations in areas along the 38th parallel.

The Korean War was by no means the result of a sudden conflict at dawn on June 25, 1950. For several years before the outbreak of the war, conflicts persisted between the two sides on the peninsula and they grew fiercer under the pressure of Seoul in 1949. It was the view of some experts on the Korean issue that the Korean War actually started that year.

The U.S. imperialists created impression that all officers and men left their posts on "weekend" or did something completely irrelevant to combat power at that time.

According to the scenario of the U.S. imperialists, Syngman Rhee lifted an emergency martial law, allowed outing and outdoor lodging of the puppet troops and organized dinner parties as part of deception and camouflage offensives in a bid to cover up the true colors as provocateurs of a war just before the outbreak of the war.

On the basis of these final preparations for the Korean war the U.S. imperialists started to put their war scenario into practice.

In order to inspect and confirm on the spot the preparations for the war and issue a Zero hour, Truman dispatched the then U.S. Secretary of Defense Johnson and the then Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Bradley to the MacArthur Command in Tokyo and Adviser to the U.S. Department of State Dulles to south Korea as his special envoy. Dulles's visit to Seoul was to give the green light to the attack and assure Syngman Rhee at the highest level of the U.S. navy and air force support.

The secret war order confirmed by Dulles on the spot and finally approved by Truman was given to the Syngman Rhee puppet army.

Chae Pyong Dok, chief of the General Staff of the south Korean puppet army, issued on June 21, 1950 an order to the 1st and 2nd combat commands to commence attack on the northern half of Korea at dawn on June 25.

According to this operational plan, the south Korean puppet army launched a surprise armed invasion against the northern half of Korea in all areas along the 38th parallel at 4 a.m. on June 25 under the command of the U.S. military advisers.

The U.S. imperialists abused UN in order to cover up their true colors as war provocateurs and aggressors and shift the responsibility for the outbreak of the war on to the DPRK and launch all-out armed invasion against the DPRK.

A meeting of the UNSC was held on June 25, 1950 due to the gimmick of the U.S. imperialists and their brigandish demand and it adopted a "resolution" terming the invasion against the north "the invasion against the south."

The U.S. imperialists tried to "legalize" their aggression through UNSC "resolutions".

The UN, 2-3 hours after Truman declared that the U.S. forces are going into actions, adopted a "resolution" calling upon all the member states to give assistance to south Korea.

The history has already rightly proved the injustice of the UNSC "resolutions."

The memorandum clarified how the U.S. imperialists falsified the truth about the Korean War started by them and fabricated stories.

Whenever an opportunity presented itself they underscored the "necessity for the Syngman Rhee puppet clique to make the world recognize that south Korea was the first to be attacked," thus kicking off a false propaganda offensive about the "conquest of the south" and "southward expedition".

The U.S. imperialists craftily fabricated stories that the launch of the Korean War was "a surprise attack from the north" and an "entirely sudden event."

U.S. Ambassador in south Korea Muccio tried to realize this through his "first report" sent to the U.S. State Department on June 25, 1950.

The U.S. imperialists and their stooges, however, admitted that the Korean War broke out not because of "southward invasion" but because of northward invasion from A to Z.

The war was actually kicked off due to provocations from the south.

MacArthur who was the main player in starting the Korean War admitted that this war was his plan.

The U.S. imperialists could not utter even a single word for the time being when the truth behind the provocation of the Korean War was disclosed by the secret documents confiscated by the Korean People's Army when liberating Seoul during the war. But they came out with false documents in May 1951 to "prove" the "June 25 invasion of the south" and worked hard to falsify the truth behind the start of the war.

Even in the post-war period, too, they employed old methods to evade the responsibility for the provocation of the Korean War. In the meantime they came out with "the proposal for joint assessment between the belligerent parties" in which re-lighting through the declassification according to the "free information act" and the open-door policy of the Eastern Europe were craftily used in a bid to persistently distort the history of the provocation of the war. When the Cold War was over, they tried to play down and write off the truth behind the provocation of the war from the stand of strength guided by the American "philosophy".

The above-said moves of the U.S. imperialists and their stooges to falsify the truth about the provocation of the Korean War and fake up stories about it are aimed at perpetuating their presence in south Korea and starting another Korean war for world domination.

No matter what gimmick the U.S. imperialists may employ, they can never hide their true colors as provokers of the Korean War and aggressors, concluded the memorandum.



Related articles:

Frank Views from China About Korean War (Chosun Ilbo, 6.18)

'There's still evidence it was US imperialism'  (Guardian, 6.25) 

Pyongyang's $65 trillion bill for US enmity (Asia Times, 6.25)

S. Korea marks 60th anniversary of Korean War... (Yonhap, 6.25)



For more detailed info please check out wikipedia:
The Korean War 1950-53





진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

[6.21] 월드컵학살!!

Y'day: Portugal, a part of the "evil imperialist empire" (Rodong Shinmun) smashed the "Invincible Cheollima Team" (Rodong Shinmun), representing the "Workers' Paradise", aka North Korea...

But why(TFH)??

Well, here's the (simple) answer:

"Our Dear Leader Kim Jong-il gives regular tactical advice during matches using mobile phones that are not visible to the naked eye," the team's manager Kim Jong-hun told ESPN... The coach dutifully told the sports channel that Kim Jong-il developed the James-Bond technology himself... (according to Chosun Ilbo, 6.21)

But since the Cheollima Team left Pyongyang the "mobile phone" connection between the Dear Leader and his footballers is cutt off - certainly because of the ongoing US sabotage against the DPRK.
And without the wise guidance by the Dear Leader it's hard to see...


Related articles:
N.K. broadcasts live match on TV for first time (pity they lost 7-0) (Guardian)
Fans cheer on N.Korea at Bongeun Temple (Hankyoreh) 

DPRK Spanking, Live Broadcasts and the S. Africa Irony (TMH)


Updated(6.23) 'report':
Kim Jong-il Blamed for N.Korea's Foolish World Cup Tactics (Chosun Ilbo)






진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

[6.12] '주요 뉴스'

Yesterday's 'top story' in the int'l media:





Related articles:
N. Korea blasts South's loudspeakers (al-Jazeera, 6.12)
N. Korea threatens to turn Seoul into 'sea of flame' (Yonhap, 6.12)

PS: The N. Korean propaganda is always emphatic about the "unique human character" of its "Korean socialism, guided by the Juche Idea and Songun Policy"...

Well, of course the renewed threat with mass murder/genocide is - possibly - a very special form of 'humanism' (^^Juche/Songun style!^^)...





진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

(주말) 독서를 즐기다!!

Enjoy the weekend reading!!
The following strange/interesting story has been published in today's

(N. Korean) Exchange Student Rebels Look Back

In August, 1962, four North Korean students studying in Bulgaria announced in a statement, "The Korean War was a North Korean war of aggression,” and “It is better to read the Bible(*) than the Collected Works of Kim Il Sung.”

The four were immediately taken by North Korean monitors, faced repatriation but barely escaped. Thereafter, they could have acquired Bulgarian citizenship but instead remained stateless. Finally, in 1991, they took South Korean citizenship. Of the four, Lee Sang Jong and Lee Jang Jik recently came to South Korea to participate in a conference held by the National Unification Advisory Council. The Daily NK met them on the 10th.

They were both born in 1936. Lee Jang Jik's father was a member of the anti-Japanese independence movement, while Lee Sang Jong's father was a tenant farmer. Thanks to their good family backgrounds, they were nominated as exchange students by their schools. After detailed inspections by the Provincial and the Central Committees of the Party, they were sent to Bulgaria at the age of 21, in 1956.

Back then, North Korea sent a number of students to the USSR and Eastern Bloc countries such as East Germany, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Romania and Bulgaria. "At that time, Kim Il Sung sent about 2,000 students abroad per year, including 250 students to Bulgaria," Lee Jang Jik explained. "Eastern Bloc countries also had a policy of accepting North Korean war orphans and university students as their students. I think North Korea wanted to use that policy to train cadres.”

Their less restricted access to information in Sofia allowed them to plan antiestablishment activities. This led to their criticism of North Korea's propaganda. They said they were only able to put their antiestablishment plan into action because North Korea supported the Stalinist line, while Bulgaria supported Khrushchev.

"The reason we said that we supported Bulgaria’s and Khrushchev's line was to earn the support of the Bulgarian government," Lee Sang Jong explained.

"North Korea repatriated its students in the summer of 1959, three years after the start of our studies. They gave us ideological education for a month, and that is when I came to know for certain that North Korea was a controlled society," Lee Jang Jik said.

Only 80 among the 250 students repatriated to North Korea were allowed to go back to Bulgaria. Only four of them signed up to the statement because, they explained, "North Korea's control and supervision were huge at the time. The more people participated in the statement, the bigger the risk of getting caught became."

After the release of the statement, the four of them were caught and were imprisoned in two groups. Lee Sang Jong and Lee Jang Jik succeeded in escaping from the embassy when surveillance grew loose after a month. Four days after their escape, the Bulgarian government notified North Korea that their embassy in Pyongyang would be closed if they could not guarantee freedom to the escaped students.

A month later, embassy staff nevertheless tried to escort the two students back to Pyongyang. However, Lee Sang Jong’s friends from Romania and China, who had been checking the flight to Pyongyang every day, dramatically rescued them. After the incident, official diplomatic relations between North Korea and Bulgaria were severed for eight years.

When asked to tell us about the lives of North Korean overseas diplomats and students today, Lee Jang Jik said in a trembling voice, "I really pity them.”

"It was two years ago,” he explained. “I saw a diplomat who was heading back to North Korea buying flour from a department store. North Korea must be experiencing a bad food shortage. Despite the transport costs, he was taking flour to North Korea."

Lee Sang Jong said, "North Korea has diplomatic relations with other European countries, too. But they don't have enough money, so the Bulgarian embassy acts as the 'headquarters' and manages North Korean embassies in those European countries." He added, "There are about four employees in the South Korean embassy, but North Korea has about 25 employees at its Bulgarian embassy. Including their families, it must be about 100."

About the lives of employees in the embassy, he said, "Judging by the old embassy car, they must be having a difficult time. The embassy is also selling paintings of tigers at university exhibitions."

"Collecting gifts from the Balkans and sending them home on Kim Il Sung's birthday is also an important duty for diplomats,” he added. “In early April, a North Korean plane lands in Sofia and transports the stuff back directly.”

Talking about modern exchange student life, Lee Jang Jik said, "When North Korean students have a drink at home, all they do is watch each other. They don't talk about anything because they don't trust each other.”

“However, there was an incident when two students having a drink together threw their badges of the Kims (Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il) and swore at them," he explained.

"After quite a lot of drink, they confessed that they did not believe in North Korean system too. Their biggest dissatisfaction with North Korea was that there is no freedom. They said they themselves were scared to go back."




* Of course, in my opinion, the Bible is no alternative to KIS's 'Collected Works', not at all! It's just the same load of BS...




진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

(주말) 독서를 즐기다!!

Enjoy the weekend reading!!

With the License to Deal
Engaged in "Business" with NK's Diplomatic Mission in Berlin
By Johannes Schönherr

Part 1:

The Odd Couple

East Berlin, late 1990s. Across the street from a block of run-down 1970s East German housing projects sits a decrepit-looking factory building from the turn of the 20th century; a former backyard building to be correct, since the front building was destroyed by bombing in the Second World War. The site of that former front building is now a flattened, debris-strewn parking lot with several car wrecks rusting away. There is no trace left of what kind of factory that former back building might have housed, and from the outside it looks fairly abandoned. The door is wide open and the hallway full of garbage. The staircase walls are covered with punk graffiti and, up to the 4th floor, the steps are littered with thousands of techno party flyers – apparently, somebody just opened big boxes of them and threw them down the stairs. A stairway to hell for anybody used to clean and orderly environs.

And yet, U Kun-chol, Secretary of Economic Affairs at the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s Berlin diplomatic mission, climbs these stairs several times a week, always accompanied by whatever translator he can fetch from his diplomatic outlet as he doesn’t speak a word of either English or German. The stairs lead him to a freshly painted white door and behind it, a spacious former factory hall, now all painted white and converted into a big, sleek office space with brand-new iMacs on the desks. It houses the headquarters of an independent movie theater operation that started out as a punk / squatter movie den in the rebellious Kreuzberg area of West Berlin in the early 1980s and which by now has grown into a cinema enterprise that runs several theaters across town.

U Kun-chol always politely knocks on that white door and, expecting no answer, opens it himself. One of a number of guys working in the office, all of them skinny like junkies, dressed in black leader and sporting disheveled post-punk haircuts eventually looks up from his computer screen and grunts: “We’re busy. You gotta wait a bit.”

U and his translator sit down and simply wait for somebody to have time for their business, helping themselves to a cup of instant coffee over at the small kitchen table. He is in his late 40s and his temples are graying, but he has a friendly face always ready to smile and wears decidedly Western clothes – a German army parka over a light gray business suit. He doesn’t fit into these environs of post-punk cool at all.

But he has good reasons to be patient: his predecessor contacted all the Berlin movie theaters listed in the Yellow Pages and all of them answered straight into his face with typical Berlin bluntness: “Get outta here,” once he had introduced himself and his business proposal. These punk guys here however seem to need the money offered and have agreed to work with that representative of the “Office for the Protection of the Interests of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea” – the diplomatic mission North Korea maintains in Berlin at the time. The predecessor has returned home to Pyongyang and now U carries on with the business.

After a while, one of the young Germans comes over and sits next to U, asking “Whassup?” This is U’s moment. He produces a long type-written list of film titles from his parka pocket and demands: “I need these films. As soon as possible. Can you manage?” “Huh, difficult, that might involve a lot of work and won’t be cheap.” the reply invariably comes, to which U says: “Doesn’t matter. I need the films.” None of the theater managers asks any questions about what U needs the films for.




Part 2: The North Korean Diplomatic Time Warp
Part 3: Cigarettes and Katharina die Grosse
Part 4: Kim Turns to Japanese Gangster Flicks
Part 5: Who Are U? What Do U Do?
Part 6.The End: Films for the Great Leader?









진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

(주말) 독서를 즐기다!!

Well, a few parts of NK's official statements regarding the "3.26 Hwanghae CheonAn - CHT.02D Meeting" (*) were already quoted by the SK and in'l media...
But here and now you can "enjoy" the complete stuff (source:
KCNA, 5.21)!

1. Statement by the
National Defense Commission:

We had already warned the south Korean group of traitors not to make reckless remarks concerning the sinking of warship "Cheonan" of the puppet navy.

Nevertheless, the group of traitors had far-fetchedly tried to link the case with us without offering any material evidence. It finally announced the results of the joint investigation based on a sheer fabrication, which assert that the warship was sunken by our torpedo attack, in a bid to mislead the public opinion inside and outside Korea.

It is, at the same time, crying out for "punishment" and "retaliation" internally and foolishly seeking to prod the international community into applying additional "sanctions" against the DPRK.

What matters is that traitor Lee Myung Bak is taking the lead in such anti-DPRK smear campaign, even daring slander the headquarters of our revolution.

Meanwhile, Kim Thae Yong and other gangsters of the south Korean puppet military accustomed to flattery and blind obedience echo Lee Myung Bak's outbursts. This smear campaign is fanned up by Ryu Myung Hwan and other ultra-rightist conservatives of south Korea.

This is also joined by the U.S. and Japanese aggressors who are making desperate efforts to keep their hostile policy towards the DPRK on its orbit.

We would like to question them so busy linking the above-said case with the DPRK why they don't link with it the death of a puppet army soldier, crashes of fighter plane and gunship of the puppet navy and air force and the sinking of a civilian fishing boat that occurred one after another almost simultaneously.

It is the age of science and technology.

As a swollen balloon is bound to break, any lie is bound to be brought to light no matter how hard one may try to make it sound plausible.

What is evident is that the sinking of warship "Cheonan" can never be construed otherwise than a "conspiratorial farce" and "charade" orchestrated by the group of traitors in a deliberate and brigandish manner to achieve certain political and military aims because only 46 soldiers met miserable deaths while officers survived the case.

This being a hard reality, they are pointing a dirty accusing finger at us like a thief crying "Stop the thief!"

It is a trite method of the successive south Korean puppet regimes to fake up a shocking case and use it for floating a story about "north wind" whenever they find themselves in a crisis.

These days they are using for this plot even "deserters from the north" who had found their ways to a dumping ground and human scum.

The National Defence Commission of the DPRK responsible for the defence of the country and the security of the nation clarifies the principled stand of our army and people in view of the grave situation where the sinister plot of the group of traitors may lead to reckless actions against us.

1. As the group of traitors declared that the sinking of the warship "Cheonan" is linked with us, the NDC of the DPRK will dispatch an inspection group to the spot of south Korea to verify material evidence concerning the linkage.

The group of traitors should produce before the dignified inspection group of the DPRK material evidence proving that the sinking of the warship is linked with us.

We remind the group of traitors in advance that there should be not a shred of doubt about the material evidence to be produced before the inspection group.

Our army and people will promptly react to any "punishment" and "retaliation" and to any "sanctions" infringing upon our state interests with various forms of tough measures including an all-out war.

The all-out war to be undertaken by us will be a sacred war involving the whole nation, all the people and the whole state for completely eliminating the strongholds of the group of traitors who orchestrated "the conspiratorial farce" and "charade" and their followers and building instead a reunified power in which the whole nation emerges powerful and prosperous.

The tough countermeasures to be taken by us will prove to be practical actions of justice for dealing unpredictable sledge-hammer blows at the group of traitors who blocks national reconciliation and unity and stirs up an atmosphere of confrontation in the south Korean society.

3. Now that the group of traitors declared what it called "decisive actions", we will brand any small incident that occurs in the territorial waters, air and land where our sovereignty is exercised including the West Sea of Korea as a provocation of confrontation maniacs and react to it with unlimited retaliatory blow, merciless strong physical blow.

It is our invariable iron will to react to "retaliation" with more powerful retaliation and to "punishment" with indiscriminate punishment of our style.

Availing ourselves of this opportunity, we sternly warn the U.S. and Japanese authorities and riff-raffs, their poor lackeys, to act with discretion.

The world will clearly see what dear price the group of traitors will have to pay for the clumsy "conspiratorial farce" and "charade" concocted to stifle compatriots.




2. Statement by the Committee for the Peaceful(^^) Reunification of Korea:

          S.Korea Accused of Linking Ship Sinking with North 
A spokesman for the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea issued a statement on Friday assailing the south Korean puppet forces for releasing extremely provocative "results of the investigation" into the sinking of a warship of the south Korean puppet navy in a bid to hurl mud at the north.

The statement noted that the publication of the above-said "results of the investigation" is another extremely ridiculous charade staged by the puppet group in a bid to hurt the dignity of the DPRK, steadily tighten the "sanctions" against it, harm and suffocate it in conspiracy with its U.S. and Japanese masters, much upset by the might of the Republic advancing by leaps and bounds toward a thriving nation.

The Lee Myung Bak group, while working with bloodshot eyes to escalate confrontation with fellow countrymen, drew the conclusion from the day the case occurred that the warship was "sunken by the north" and has since conducted intensive investigation on its basis to hatch a plot, the statement said, and went on:

In the course of nearly two month-long investigation the puppet group fabricated what it called "circumstantial evidence" with conjecture, supposition and random guess. It just produced fragments and pieces of aluminum whose origin remains unknown as "evidence," becoming the target of derision.

Greatly irony is that it deliberately linked the case with the north, talking about the results of the analysis of composition of the unidentified "evidence" without any marking and its size and type.

This is nothing but a shameful deed of those keen on escalating the confrontation with the north.

The Lee group's assertion that the above-said case is linked with the north is the last-ditch effort of those who face destruction as it is a premeditated and deliberate plot to tide over a serious crisis created due to the total failure of its domestic and foreign policies and smoothly stage the "elections to the local self-governing bodies" in a bid to maintain the fascist rule and bring the inter-Korean relations to a collapse.

The puppet forces are now kicking up such fuss as creating atmosphere reminiscent of a wartime situation in south Korea, blustering they would not "rule out a war" and crying out for "counter-measures", urgently evacuating the personnel, equipment and materials of the south side from the areas of the north side and issuing top secret order for taking steps for personal safety and making preparations for withdrawal.

This racket reminding one of an eve of a war goes to prove that the group's recent publication of the "results of investigation" was not a mere clarification of the sinking of the warship but a carefully calculated provocation to seek a pretext for igniting a war of aggression against the north together with outside forces.

The puppet group has created such grave situation on the Korean Peninsula that a war may break out right now.

Pursuant to the statement issued by a spokesman for the National Defence Commission, the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea solemnly declares as follows, speaking for the DPRK government authorities:

Firstly, from now on the DPRK will regard the present situation as the phase of a war and decisively handle all matters arising in the inter-Korean relations to cope with it.

Secondly, in case the puppet group opts for "counter-action" and "retaliation" under the pretext of the sinking of the warship, the DPRK will strongly react to them with such merciless punishment as the total freeze of the inter-Korean relations, the complete abrogation of the north-south agreement on non-aggression and a total halt to the inter-Korean cooperation undertakings.

The DPRK will never pardon anyone hurting its supreme dignity and doing harm to it, warned the statement.




* Related articles:
Seoul firing blanks at North Korea (Asia Times, 5.20)

Questions raised following Cheonan announcement (Hankyoreh, 5.21)






진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

(주말) 독서를 즐기다!!

While the S.Korean and int'l media are more and more accusing N.Korea to be responsible for the Cheonan incident Kim Myeong-cheol (Pyongyang's propaganda freak in Japan) has a complete different story to tell.
His (conspiracy??)theory (And I'm sure that he's not joking!!) was published in last Wednesday's
Asia Times(HK) and you can "enjoy" it here:

Pyongyang sees US role in Cheonan sinking 

Despite its strong denial of any involvement and expressions of sympathy for lost fellow Koreans, fingers are being pointed at North Korea over the tragic sinking of the 1,200-ton South Korean corvette Cheonan in the West Sea or Yellow Sea on the night of March 26.

"A North Korean torpedo attack was the most likely cause for the sinking of a South Korean warship last month," an unnamed US military official told CNN on April 26. Up to 46 of the ship's 104 sailors were killed in the sinking.

Apparently, North Korea is being set up as the fall guy in an incident that is so mysterious that a Los Angeles Times April 26 story datelined Seoul was headlined, "James Bond Theories Arise in Korean Ship Sinking".

So far, no hard evidence has been produced linking North Korea to the disaster. However, this has not stopped media and experts from holding the North responsible. The South Korean daily Chosun Ilbo wrote on April 29, "It is difficult to imagine a country other than North Korea launching a torpedo attack against a South Korean warship."

Revealing circumstantial evidence 
Is it possible that North Korea carried out the daring act of torpedoing a South Korean corvette participating in a US-South Korean war exercise? The answer is a categorical no. The circumstantial evidence is quite revealing, showing who is the more likely culprit.

Mission impossible 
There are four important points that make it clear that a North Korean submarine did not sink the South Korean corvette.

Fact 1: North Korean submarines are not stealthy enough to penetrate heavily guarded South Korean waters at night and remain undetected by the highly touted anti-submarine warfare units of the American and South Korean forces. A North Korean submarine would be unable to outmaneuver an awesome array of high-tech Aegis warships, identify the corvette Cheonan and then slice it in two with a torpedo before escaping unscathed, leaving no trace of its identity.

Fact 2: The sinking took place not in North Korean waters but well inside tightly guarded South Korean waters, where a slow-moving North Korean submarine would have great difficulty operating covertly and safely, unless it was equipped with AIP (air-independent propulsion) technology.

Fact 2.1: The disaster took place precisely in the waters where what the Pentagon has called "one of the world's largest simulated exercises" was underway. This war exercise, known as "Key Resolve/Foal Eagle" did not end on March 18 as was reported but actually ran from March 18 to April 30.

Fact 3: The Key Resolve/Foal Eagle exercise on the West Sea near the Northern Limit Line (NLL) was aimed at keeping a more watchful eye on North Korea as well as training for the destruction of weapons of mass destruction in the North. It involved scores of shiny, ultra-modern US and South Korean warships equipped with the latest technology.

Among the fleet were four Aegis ships: the USS Shiloh (CG-67), a 9,600-ton Ticonderoga class cruiser, the USS Curtis Wilbur (DDG-54), a 6,800-ton Arleigh Burke class guided-missile destroyer, the USS Lassen, a 9,200-ton Arleigh Burke class guided-missile destroyer and Sejong the Great, a 8,500-ton South Korean guided-missile destroyer.

The four surface ships are the most important assets of the two navies, and have multi-mission platforms capable of conducting various tasks, such as anti-submarine warfare. There is every likelihood that they were supported by nuclear-powered US submarines and a South Korean "Type 214" submarine that uses AIP technology.

The sinking of the Cheonan has made headlines around the world. If indeed it was a US accident, it is an embarrassing indictment of the accuracy of the expensive weapons systems of the US, the world's leading arms exporter. It has also cost the Americans credibility as the South's superpower guardian. Ironically, this has made North Korean-made weapons more attractive on the international market.

The South Koreans and the Americans charging the North Koreans with the sinking of the naval vessel in South Korean waters only highlights the poor performance of their expensive Aegis warships, as well as the futility of the US-South Korean joint war games and the US military presence in Korea.

Fact 4: Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg said on March 30 that he doubted there was North Korean involvement in the sinking: "Obviously the full investigation needs to go forward. But to my knowledge, there's no reason to believe or to be concerned that that may have been the cause."

General Walter Sharp, US Forces Korea (USFK) commander, also saw no link between North Korea and the sinking. In an April 6 press conference, he said: "We, as Combined Forces Command and the ROK [Republic of Korea] Joint Chief of Staff, watch North Korea very closely every single day of the year and we continue to do that right now. And again, as this has been said, we see no unusual activity at this time."

No motivation for vengeance

There have been misplaced reports that the sinking was an act of retaliation for a naval skirmish in November last year "in which the North came off worse", as reported by the Times of London on April 22.

As a North Korean navy officer, Kim Gwang-il, recalled on North Korean television on Armed Forces Day, April 25: "[In that incident] a warship of our navy single-handedly faced up to several enemy warships, to guard the NLL ... [The North's warship] inflicted merciless blows on them in a show of the might of the heroic Korean People's Army (KPA) Navy."

The first duty of the KPA is to prevent war while jealously safeguarding the territorial air, sea and land of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, as this safeguards the peace and security of the Korean Peninsula.

The Korean People's Army Navy would not attack South Korean or American warships unless provoked, since these vessels carry innocent soldiers on the high seas. True, the KPA Navy would be justified in torpedoing a US Aegis ship or a nuclear-powered submarine if one were caught red-handed. But the KPA Navy would not stoop to infringing on South Korean waters to attack a South Korean ship at random, unless it had returned there after committing hostile acts against North Korea.

Friendly fire

Seven facts indicate friendly fire as the most likely cause of the naval disaster. It may be no exaggeration to say that the South Korean president and his military leaders have shed crocodile tears over the dead South Korean sailors.

A torpedo could have been launched from any of the American or South Korean warships or warplanes taking part in the Foal Eagle exercise alongside the hapless Cheonan.

The four Aegis ships and most South Korean warships carry Mark 46 torpedoes, which have improved shallow-water performance for anti-submarine warfare and anti-ship operations.

General Sharp had issued on March 4 a five-point safety message warning that "a single accident can undermine the training benefits you will receive during KR/FE '10. Remain vigilant and engaged."

It appears that Sharp's warning came true, and the US repeated the kind of friendly fire incident for which it is notorious in Iraq and Afghanistan.

After the ship disaster happened on the night of March 26, Sharp promptly cut a visit to Washington to testify at congress to fly back to Seoul, according to the March 30 edition of Kyonggi Ilbo.

President Barack Obama then called his South Korean counterpart on April 1, ostensibly to express condolences over the ship disaster, but also to offer him the privilege of hosting the next nuclear security summit in 2012, as was reported by JoongAng Ilbo on April 14.

Obama made this offer one week before he and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed a nuclear arms reduction treaty in Prague, and two weeks before the 2010 nuclear security summit took place in Washington.

When Obama announced his decision to select South Korea as host of the next major nuclear security summit in 2012, Agence France-Presse reported that "the announcement surprised many". Most observers presumed that Russia would lead the next meeting.

The most plausible explanation is that Obama offered South Korea the summit due to an overriding need to mollify otherwise possible South Korean resentment at the friendly fire sinking, while covering up the US's involvement in a friendly fire torpedo attack. Most probably, Sharp reported to Obama the potentially disastrous consequences of the public discovering the true nature of the incident. This would likely lead to a massive wave of anti-American sentiment and put Obama and South Korean President Lee Myung-bak in an extremely awkward situation.

Obama must have felt relieved at the South Korean president's ready acceptance of his offer of compensation. One article carried in the April 14 edition of JoongAng Ilbo was headlined "Veep Biden Says LMB [Lee Myung-bak] Is Obama's Favorite Man". The comment was made by Biden on April 12, one day before the nuclear summit.

Sharp unexpectedly attended the April 3 funeral of a South Korean rescue diver, Han Ju Ho, who died while participating in the search for missing sailors from the corvette. Sharp was seen consoling the bereaved family in an unprecedented expression of sympathy.

JoongAng Ilbo reported on April 27 that the South Korean government would deal strictly with rumors rampant on the Internet that a collision with a US nuclear submarine had caused the sinking.

The best solution is for the South Korean government team investigating the ship disaster to find an old mine responsible. It is easy to falsely accuse North Korea, but public pressure will mount for military reprisals against North Korea, which will promptly react by turning Seoul into a sea of fire in less than five minutes. North Korea would not flinch from using nuclear arms in the event of US involvement.






진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

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