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Issues of individual responsibility in the Vietnam war

Thus, we must proceed from the premise that even the subordinate person can, within certain - perhaps narrow - limits, reach morally just decisions in conflict with illegal orders, in spite of the psychological pressure inherent in being under command. However, the pressure exercised by a surrounding environment comprising widespread criminality and brutality can, in combination with twisted, imprinted ideals and the very fact of standing under the command of a superior whose judgment is assumed to be reliable, make it very difficult for the subordinate to retain what we consider to be sound moral values. But it is important that we maintain the principle of personal responsibility on all levels, chiefly to conuteract all of these negative factors and to make it clear to the individual that he has the right and the duty to refuse to carry out orders thich are in violation of international law.

-Hans Goran Franck, 28쪽. IPB,
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