사이드바 영역으로 건너뛰기

Dear Friends & colleagues,Respected and Honorable King the Royal of Nepal,

To The Monarch, Home Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs
And The Honorable King
The Royal Palace
homehmg@wlink.com.np; fmo@mofa.gov.np; fso@mofa.gov.np

Respected and Honorable King the Royal of Nepal,

We the members of Osan Migrant Workers Union send you greetings,
All along we cherished free communication and mutual help and solidarity with the trade unions of many countries in Asia and Pacific region. Especially the Nepal labour unions have been in constant solidarity with the labour unions in South Korea and also with the APWSL. Many times we benefited the labour leaders meetings and programmes in Nepal.

We are shocked to hear about the difficulties caused to the Labour leadrs in Nepal due to the present situation of Emergency. We urge that the emergency may kindly be lifted as early as possible and our labour welfare communications and activities may be restored soon. We are sad to hear that many of the labour leaders are under imprisonment. It hindered much to the communication and information exchange of labour moment in Asia.

The Migrant Workers from Nepal who are working in Korea are in solidarity with many labour unions in Korea. And we work well for the mutual welfare.

Therefore We urge that the human rights may be given high priority in the present rule and your highness may kindly release the labour leaders from the imprisonment and help the trade and labour unions to have free access for corporate well-being of the labour force in Asia
With best wishes

Rev.Jang Chang Woen
APWSL Cordinator
South Korea

Dear Friends & colleagues
Warm Greetings

As you know from the media, democracy and constitution have been heavily attacked in Nepal. For you kind info two files are attached which explain the current situation

We need your support and solidarity as in past.

In favour of multiparty democracy, human right & labour right in Nepal

You can send protests to the Monarch, Home Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs through the following email-adds:
homehmg@wlink.com.np; fmo@mofa.gov.np; fso@mofa.gov.np

You can pressure Governments & UN Agencies to pressurise Government of Nepal for immediate restoration of multiparty democracy
You can request donor agencies not to assist technically & financially the present autocratic government of Nepal

Your support will be highly significant for poverty stricken, suppressed & victimised people and workers of Nepal

Best regards

U Upadhyaya

On behalf of Joint Initiatives of Trade Unions in Nepal

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