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Health Reform : One Month Later

Health Reform: One Month Later


It’s hard to believe that it’s been more than a month since President Obama—with the help of millions of OFA volunteers—signed health care reform into law. But the challenge of implementing such historic reforms didn’t end when the President added his signature to the Affordable Care Act. The administration has been working hard to provide all Americans with high-quality, affordable health care in a timely and effective manner—even ahead of schedule.

Holding insurance companies accountable: The New York Times noted in an editorial that “Americans are already starting to see the benefits of health care reform. The new law requires health insurance companies—starting in September—to end their most indefensible practice: rescinding coverage after a policyholder gets sick. In recent days insurers and their trade association have rushed to announce that they will end rescissions immediately. That is very good news for the thousands of people who each year pay their premiums but lose their coverage just when they are likely to run up big medical bills.”

Assisting small businesses in lowering costs: Through the Act, an estimated 4 million small businesses will receive tax credits—which they can take advantage of immediately—to provide their employees with affordable, quality health care. The Internal Revenue Service has already begun notifying small businesses of the tax credits available to them.

Extending coverage for young adults: Coverage after college will no longer be a concern for young adults. They will be able to remain on their parents’ insurance plans until age 26. And graduating seniors won’t have to be dropped from their insurance when they don a cap and gown in a few weeks—Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius called on insurance companies to let these young adults stay on in the months between graduation and September 23, when the Act takes effect. Sixty-five insurance plans, including some of the nation’s biggest, have agreed.

Helping Americans with pre-existing conditions: Last March health insurance companies agreed to Secretary Sebelius’s request that children with pre-existing conditions not be denied coverage. Full protection for all Americans with pre-existing conditions will be implemented in 2014, but until then, temporary high-risk pools at the state and federal levels will be created as early as July 1.

It will take four years to fully implement all the provisions of health reform. As President Obama said when he signed the bill, "We need to get this right." But just one month in, we're already starting to see benefits of this historic law.

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