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Best of Best Series/강원랜드와 동북아의 라스베가스 건설

Let's Make the Best of Best.

Change is hard, but we can do it.



Main Blog:   http://poleiades2012.tistory.com



Be all you can be, and join the project for greater country.



Finding your true self requires you to be completely honest with yourself.



Construct the casino city at Yeongjong-Island similar with LAS VEGAS, USA.


Gangwon Land’s Problems.


Over strengthen security system.

-.Unnecessary come out of open to security

 * Study how to hidden your activities.

  -. Over action as if potential criminal for customer.

-. Suppress atmosphere, uncomfortable feeling

* Same as the entire Koreans casino.(도대체 왜 그래?)


Uncomfortable public transfer system.

 -. Do not run shuttle bus system not at all.

 -. Only welcome to rich man?


Besides,there are no routed urban buses to go Gangwon Land, I don’t understand. Do you understand it? Korean language “골 때린다”


It is strange thing to me that I couldn’t found out that’s routed urban bus in SABUK city.


You can see three guys who look like gangster walking around me in SABUK City.



Unkindly service mind.


  • Unkindness staff’s attitude, angry look, look sour, irritated look
  • I hope staffs have a kind of authenticity mind whether rich or not.


I suppose it because that the casino business can be make so much money as golden goose.


보다 나은 서비스를 위해서, 경쟁 시스템을 도입하여야 할 필요가 있으며, 강원랜드만 이런 사업을 하도록 독점적으로 운영해서는 안 된다는 의견이다. 경쟁 체제는 어느 분야에서든 필요하다. 영종도 카지노 시티는, 외국인 전용이 되어야 하지만, 일부는 내국인에게도 개방하여, 경쟁체제를 강화해야 하고, 고객 서비스 마인드를 보다 높게 가져가도록 유도해야 한다.


카지노란, “중독자”들이 늘 있게 마련이지만, 나 같은 사람처럼, 잠시 가족과 놀러가서, 맛만 보고 오는 “일시적 여행자들도 많다”는 점을 알아 둘 필요가 있다. 그것도 빠지는 놈이나 빠지지, 아무나 빠지는 비즈니스가 아니다. 도박이란, 빠지는 사람들이 별도로 있기 마련이다. 누구나 그런 것이 아니다. 과잉 우려는 금물이다. 오히려 법적 통제를 강화함으로서, 지하로 숨어들어, 조폭이나 불법 조직에 의한 사기, 기만, 도둑질이 성행하게 된다는 점을 유념하자.법적 제도를 철저하게 갖추고, 일정액 이상을 잃으면, 베팅을 못하게 막아 버리는 제도를 운영한다면, 문제 될 것은 없다. 물론 내국인에 대해서이다.


잠시 즐기러 오는 사람들이 모두 부자일 필요는 없으며, 그 누구도, 몇만원 정도는 베팅하며 즐길 권리를 가진다. 그러나 그들 눈에는 고객이 고객 같아 보이지 않는데, 가만히 있어도, 도박 중독자, 부자들이 우후죽순 몰려오기 때문이다.


독점 운영을 철폐하라!! 경쟁 시스템을 도입하라.


돈을 그토록 많이 버는 사업임에도, 셔틀 버스 하나 운영하지 않는다는 점이 이들의 오만함을 증명해 주는 것이다. 즉, 부자만 와라 이거다. 이런 우라질~


우리 나라의 문제점은, 성인문화의 부재에 있다.놀 땐, 놀고, 일할 땐 일하자는 명확하게 구분된 “프로페셔널 적인 놀이 문화가 없다”는 것이다. 카지노 역시도, 잠시 즐겨 볼 수 있는 여흥 문화에 속하는데, 일부 중독자들의 폐단을 우려하여, 너무 강한 규제를 가함으로서, 이러한 부작용을 낳고 있다는 생각이다.


제대로 어디 가서 놀 곳이 없다? 이게 한국이다. 그럼에도 불구하고 부자들은 무엇이든 다 가질 수 있으며, 무엇이든 다 즐길 수 있다. 이러한 점이 더 강화된 나라가 북한이다. 최고권력은 최고의 향락과 쾌락을 보장한다. 그리고 이런 나라들이 바로 후진국인 것이다.


법으로 강하게 규제하라. 일정액을 정하고, 그 이상을 손해 보면, 몇 년 간 출입을 못하게 막아 버리는 제도를 도입하라. 그러면 문제될 것이 없는데, 이러한 제도가 느슨하여, 갖가지 부조리와 폐단이 발생되는 것이다. 만일 이러한 제도가 철저하고도, 확고하게 적용되었다면, 한 사람이400억을 잃는 일은 일어날 수 없다.


뒤로는 이득 보려 하고, 앞에서만 도박 중독 운운하고, 국민 정서나 분위기를 해친다는 식으로 규제하는 식의 이중적, 물에 물 탄 듯, 술에 술 탄 듯 운영하니, 이도 저도 아닌 엉거주춤 한국인 특유의 이도 저도 아닌 상태가 된다는 의견이다.


글을 적자, "그들이 조폭을 시켜서 너를 해치려 하니, 글을 적지 말라"는 말소리가 들려 온다. 내가 무슨 글을 적으면, 그 글이 어느 글이 되었든, 계속 관련된 자들을 보내서, 시비를 걸게 하고, 욕설을 퍼붓게 하고, 조롱과 위협을 가하는 짓을 하도록 배후에서 부추기는 자들이 이건희, 삼성이라고 추론된다. 언제 칼 맞고 죽을지 모르지만, 나는 끝까지 이들과 싸울 것이다.





It’s the same old thing; I think the most of people at Gangwon Land must be organic mobilized people by SAMSUNG or LEE’s administration. Please analyze attached photograph.












































Today, I visited the Gangwonland casino nearby at SABUK, Gangwon-province to investigate casino industries in South-Korea 4. Aug. 2012.


Nevertheless, I ‘m in trouble to organized bullying by them, because that they didn’t like that I divulge their marriage fraud secret continuously.


As you know, to organize bullying for me, mobilizing LEE’s camp or SAMSUNG’s people enclosed with me perfectly, whenever I go to everywhere.


Probably, most of the tourists who seated in express bus to SABUK and around at Gangwonland must be the mobilizing people. please refer to attached photograph.



I ask for staffs for the resting place how much this one, when the express bus stop at a resting place. She never makes no answer to me and sees another place.

Also, I can see suspicious older man standing around her, maybe LEE’s or SAMSUNG’s people.


What is worse, I realize the ice cream melt away, after purchase it.


It must be the organize bullying by them; they are able to seeing through human’s expectation activities in future by using special abilities or perfect watching system.


In other words, they seems to have seen through my plans and thinking, how?


Besides, I feel an uncomfortable atmosphere at SABUK City, when I arrive at GOHAN bus terminal. I can see several guys who look like gangsters around bus terminal & GANGWONLAND casino and notice skillful double packed situation as disguised good will


At first appearance, they look like having good will for me, but they must be bear ill will actually to threat & bullying for me.


The point is that they want to skillful deceive relating people as if they give me the grateful favor to achieve the goals for me. That’s the reason why I had been living alone & fail to achieve the goals.


Please look at attached photograph and analyze it. You can find out mobilized people who related SAMSUNG or LEE’s camp under pretext the marriage fraud.


I guess they had been luring so many foreigners under pretext the marriage fraud in South Korea to do take ill-gains last 7 years. And so, I estimate the number of foreigner around 4 million by 2012.


It seems like that they want to most of people considering as if smile and be nice to me outwardly, nevertheless, in case of invisible area, they pretty like put me in severe trouble by using invisible skillful tools such as put me in poorest, isolating everyone, organized bullying to me actually.


That’s the reason why I called the fire fox for them.


During trip in express bus, I heard twice that someone extremely abuse to me, “KAE SAE KKI ya” “SSIPAL Nohm” when I’m in just-off state. As you know, they are used to several skillful skills using ether AVATAR or mind control technology to bullying targeting person.


They can be achieving the goals, if they make success someone to out of body state by using hypnosis or mind control technology. Be careful it.


Also, it seems like that GANGWONLAND is filled up suspicious people who look like mobilized people by SAMSUNG or LEE’s camp, look at attached photograph.


I guess, so many Asian foreigner who disguised as Korean form is placed along the forecasting route for me, most of them may be place there under pretext the marriage project. How do you think about it? Please investigate this issue.


As I know, most of Asian foreigner may be start studying for Korean language by LEE GUN HEE’s perfect cheating plan since 2007. Also, so many Asian foreigners come in South Korea under pretext marriage fraud since 2007, and that’s the real goals for them.


What’s the reason why they are skillful disturbing make girlfriend for me continuously? They have the just only pointing how to use AVATAR’s cheating to deceive relating people, how to make ill-gains for them.


It is impossible to me that I take a dinner at Gangwonland because of so many people standing by restaurants. Please refer to attached photograph. It is very strange thing for me that it never happen accidents, if the normal state. There are so many bullying tools for me, and I know there are skills very well through severe experience last 10 years. It is SAMSUNG Group or someone?


As you know, most of people want to receive courteously, me too. Nevertheless, I never get the courteously another people or another place because of SAMSUNG’s bullying activities last 10 years.


They pretty like look down on me last 10 years as jake flake because of lower school background, smallness physical body, and poor family background.


The critical point is that I stand against great SAMSUNG Group affectedly, because that I had been taken legal step against SAMSUNG’s core due to abuse of human rights by legally proceed since 2003. As a results of accuse for SAMSUNG, it was started as bring down ruin upon my life since 2003. There are no competitors against SAMSUNG Group in South Korea at least.



Today, I’m in severe trouble for 7 years and descend into hell, because of devil’s empire, SAMSUNG’s perfect conspiracy.



I have confidence to SAMSUNG’s core identity as reptilians or unknown devil’s people who has so many special abilities. I guess the malignance aliens or Satan’s family.


Please trust me.


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