사이드바 영역으로 건너뛰기

길거리 풍경들/Strange Street, 대전 EXPO 공원 및 서울 한티역 주변




It is very strange thing to me that there are a few people whenever I will go. Besides I never have seen so many commuters at rush hours’ time, always a few people or almost none.


So many commuters should be crowded on the street at rush hours’ time, if it’s the normal human’s society.


Nevertheless, I never see so many normal commuters even if rush hours’ time.


Obviously, they try to deceive me by using moved core consciousness of mine to upper density as it called Matrix.


Look at the photograph, there are a few people on the street.


Nevertheless, the magnetic levitation train was full seated while in the empty city.


Obviously, I’m in strange world due to floating core consciousness of mine by strong mind technologies. If not, it must be a very careful plan to deceive me by them (LEE’s people)



Cityscapes nearby HANTI subway station

Cityscapes nearby HANTI subway station










엑스포과학공원(EXPO科學公園, EXPO Science Park)은대전광역시대덕연구단지내에위치한국내유일의과학주제공원으로대전세계박람회당시의시설을활용하고있다. 엑스포과학공원의체험시설은영상관, 전시관, 체험시설, 어린이전용시설등4가지로분류된다.





Expo Park, DAE JEON City

Expo Park, DAE JEON City


























































진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크