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게시물에서 찾기남산타워

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  1. 2012/07/12
    Best of Best Series/한남대교 그리고 압구정 강남 부촌과 한강 조망권 2.

Best of Best Series/한남대교 그리고 압구정 강남 부촌과 한강 조망권 2.

Let’s Make the Best of Best.



Main Blog :  http://poleiades2012.tistory.com



Quebec City, from the St. Lawrence River


Why the most of Korean & Japanese have a great yearning for America or European countries?


Hudson River Park, New York


뭔가 감이 잡히시지 않는가? 접근성, 상가들, 편리성, 대중적 친숙성, 주변 환경(매연 마시며 터널타고 들어가야 하는 한강과 비교) 등등등..


한강의 문제점 :


접근성이 좋지 않다. 큰 도로들이나 아파트 부촌들이 다 막아서고 있다. 접근하려면, 터널등 개구멍을 타고 들어가야 한다(여의도 제외하고 많은 경우 그렇다)


강변을 따라서 조성된 스트리트(상가나 휴식 여흥을 위한 장소, 지역)가 전무하다.


공원은 있으나, 지역 주민을 위한 공원이지, 멀리서 사는 사람들이 와서 놀기엔 부적합하다. 공원 주변에 먹고 마시고 대화할 카페, 상가지역이 전무하다. 고로, 부자들을 위한 멋진 조망,경관으로서의 한강이 되고 말았다. (외국도 보면 많은 경우, 부자들이 경치좋고, 물 좋고, 환경 좋은 곳에서 살지만, 그래도 대중들을 위한 공원시설이나 사회적 인프라가 잘 되어 있다는 점으로 이러한 것들은 상쇄된다)


Hudson River Park

Hudson River Park

Hudson River Park


느낌 자체가 상쾌하지 않은가?


Hudson River Park Greenwich Village




The letter called for a shift in the Government’s great industrial families & upper classes growth-oriented policy


The experiment of the past decade by relatively liberal parties &, the No Mu-Hyeon’s Administration however, ended in half-success _ or half-failure at best _ in part because they had to start with ill-prepared.


No Mu-Hyeon’s Administration playing is no better than that of an amateur and depends greatly on SAMSUNG Group & another financial combine because of ill-prepared & amateurism.


I was a witness that SAMSUNG Group & another financial combine might be pulling the strings behind the amateur’s Governments since 2002.


Regards Positive evidence, we can see so many scholarship students in Government for SAMSUNG Group


Major person is LEE GUN HEE chairman for SAMSUNG Group.


SAMSUNG Group & another financial combine knows how to maneuver amateur’s Administration  into doing what their wants.


Also, Lee Myeong-Bak’s Administration depends greatly on SAMSUNG Group & another financial combine, Todays.


But SAMSUNG Group & another financial combine is a major contributor to deepening economic polarization in south-Korea.  I think, their realistic (hidden) goal to aim is to established Society for those with upper classes over 10%. It was represented the Tower Palace & Gangnam-city.  Also, deepening economic polarization.



And so, ordinary people and small and midsize companies in Korea may face difficulties due to deepening economic polarization , Todays.


I couldn’t see the apartments for the low income bracket riverside on the Han river. Why?


Only luxurious apartments over 1 billion won(Korean) there.


The disparity in income levels between the rich and the poor is evidently becoming a social issue in the nation.


It was the result of the accumulated problems during the state-led development, including the chaebol-oriented industrial structure.


Also, I couldn’t found proper designed people’s park to enjoy with families who live in region outside of riverside on the Han river.


This is why policy-makers should pay attention to track records of other countries. Officials ought to closely study the examples of foreign countries


Let’s make the best country.


Hannam Bridge to northern seoul city



Hannam Bridge to northern seoul city


traffic jams on the Hannam bridge because of enter the GangbyeonBuk-Ro(Gangbyeon Express way)


Two express way along the Han river, 88 olympics express way is southern & Gangbyeon buk-Ro(Gangbyeon express way) is Nothern riverside.


This place is always traffic jams.



한강을 보다 자세하게 조망하라고 만든 공간 같은데, 기왕에 만드실 거면 좀 더 넓게 좋게 만드실 일이지.


이 다리는 자동차들이 달리는 관계로 울렁 울렁거리게 되는데, 여기 가서 서 보니, 상당히 심한 울렁거림이 느껴진다. 게다가, 공간도 협소해서, 서 있기가 불안해 진다.


심약한 사람들은 서 있기 곤란해 보인다.



수상스키를 타고 있다.


They are water-skiing



멀리 선상카페, 레스토랑과 수상보트 빌려주는 곳이 보인다.

See restaurants on the ship and lend pleasure boats  




People’s park southern riverside, Han river


Han river.


See the Dongho railways bridge far distance. Maybe Han river is greater river compare with another countries such as Tokyo, Paris


See the UN village located at Hannam-Dong. northern riverside.


I worked rider for PIZZA in this area last year because of two Mr Lee(President Lee, Chairman Lee)

I have been reduced to extreme poverty for 7 years because of two Mr Lee.(President Lee Myeong bak, Chairman Lee Gun Hee)

In this period,  I’m in hell.

But they have so many profit & interesting under cover of marriage

Two Mr Lee used me as a tool for their own profit. Also, they consult there's own interests only.


I was barely live alive to do rider for PIZZA, work at a part time job at convenience store, proxy driver, delivery for automotive parts etc


Two Mr Lee are the greatest scoundrel alive



Hannam Bridge to northern Seoul city.


Hannam Bridge

SOS 전화기가 보인다.


See the UN village located at Hannam-Dong & Gangbyeonbuk-Ro(Express way) northern riverside.

Dongho railways Bridge in the distance.

Southern riverside, 88 Express way & Luxurious apartments at Apgujeong-Dong along the Han river



압구정동 강남지역 한강 풍경. 수상 스키 및 수상 보트를 빌려주는 곳과 선상 카페 모습이 보인다.


Nothern Hannam Bridge


Military check point


수방사 검문소는 아직도 운영 중이다.



강변북로와 UN 빌리지

강변북로와 UN 빌리지, 한남동 부촌.

한남대교 북단에서 바라다 본, 서울 풍경들.


멀리 남산 타워가 보인다. 한남대교 북단이다.


강변북로와 UN 빌리지, 한강 부촌 지역


강변북로와 UN 빌리지, 한남동 부촌 지대.


중앙선 전철(용산역 - 용문 역)이 강변북로와 평행하고 있다.


한강변은 주로 이렇게 대로들과 철도에 막혀서 일반인들이 도보로 접근하기가 상당히 힘든 상황이라는 생각이다. 대로, 철도, 아파트 촌에 막혀 있다는 말이다.


개인적인 의견으로는, "한강변으로 쉽게 다가갈 수 있는 통로 구실을 해 줄 수 있는 스트리트가 조성되어야 한다"는 것이다. 도보로 가는 길목을 의미한다.




Mr Lee chairman for SAMSUNG Group have so many ideas to ridicule for me.

They are able to seeing through person’s future and so he can catch activities of mine in future.


“Binggre” means that I already know your activities in future.

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크