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Apply for a post-doc concurrently with applications to TT faculty positions
- here is a brand-new Canadian post-doc announcement for folks from specific
countries... Could be you! And you can always list your PDF as "awarded and
not taken up" when you get the TT job.

DFAIT Incoming POST-DOCTORAL FELLOWSHIPS's: France, Germany, Italy, Japan,
UK, Brazil,
Mexico, Switzerland, NZ, Norway, Korea, Russia - Deadline Nov 15th

Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (DFAIT) is pleased to
announce the launch of the Post Doctoral Research Fellowships (PDRF).  These
1yr PDFR’s are available to incoming candidates from one of the following
countries who have recently obtained their PhD in the humanities, social
sciences, or natural sciences & engineering. Citizenship from eligible
countries required: Brazil, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, New
Zealand, Norway, Republic of Korea, Russia, Switzerland, UK  Tenable in the
2011-2012 academic year.  Value: $36.5K. Priority given to those who have
not previously studied in Canada under a Canadian gov’t scholarship.  The
attached program description including eligibility requirements and
application information can be found on the Government of Canada's
International Scholarships website at www.scholarships.gc.ca
<http://www.scholarships.gc.ca/> . Based on reciprocal agreements between
Canada and Foreign governments, the PDRF will award approximately 40 to 60
fellowships to selected candidates from twelve countries.  


This information is provided as an overview only – for current program details, eligibility
and value of awards, please visit the relevant website.  


Jacqueline Smit
Senior Officer, International Research Initiatives Office of the Vice
President Research & International University of British Columbia  T.
604-822-8136 jacqueline.smit@ubc.ca jacqueline.smit@ubc.ca


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