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게시물에서 찾기2008/02/04

1개의 게시물을 찾았습니다.

  1. 2008/02/04
    I'm making a Music Video.

I'm making a Music Video.

Thesedays, the members of 'Ziiler' are planning to make a 'muvie'(music video).

The theme is about how much new gorvernment is ruining the public lives.


So... Maksik choose the song 'I'm being knocked down(?)"(쓰러집니다)

and wrote the new lyric that has the meanig of critisizing 2MB.

There are also some sentences that I suggested.

like.... "Leave my home town alone/What the fuck canal/Nomore, Please, Don't do shovelling"


After that, Mahura took a place of a directer and a heroine of the muvie.

And I'm a camereman and editor.

Yesterday, we recorded the scenes and it was a great job,

though some members had been absent from that job.


I wish it would be a wonderful and fantastic work.


- roughly written, but i'll not mend misses. 'cause it's very difficult and i'm too lazy. -_-;;

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