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게시물에서 찾기2012/08

27개의 게시물을 찾았습니다.

  1. 2012/08/08
    no chr.!
  2. 2012/08/07
    '쌍용차 사태 3년...'
    no chr.!
  3. 2012/08/06
    [8.04] 한상균동지 석방...
    no chr.!
  4. 2012/08/05
    강정평화大행진 (5日차)
    no chr.!
  5. 2012/08/03
    樂樂樂: '무키무키만만수'
    no chr.!
  6. 2012/08/02
    강정평화大행진 (3日차)
    no chr.!
  7. 2012/08/01
    강정평화大행진 (2日차)
    no chr.!


July 27: In the early morning, hundreds of helmeted, club- and steel pipe-wielding "employees" of a private "security" company raided striking unionists of SJM, a car parts maker in Ansan, south of Seoul, leaving about 30 workers injured, some seriously... (an related report you can check out here)

Right after breaking up the sit-in, the SJM management locked the factory unilaterally.

And as you can see here, until now the situation hasn't changed, i.e. all the workers are still locked-out:


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  Photos by Comrade CaKon(aka 'Kon Ca') 



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진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

'쌍용차 사태 3년...'

Today's Kyunghyang Shinmun published the following editorial:

3 Years after the Ssangyong Motors Clash and the Real Labor Environment

The Republic of Korea is a sports powerhouse that sweeps medals along with the world's super powers such as the U.S. and China at every Olympic Games, and is also an

economic power boasting, at every chance, of an economy ranking in the world's top 10. Just looking at these external factors, we could say that Korea is an advanced


However, if we turn our eyes to labor issues, the Korean society is still far from international standards and common sense. This is because Korea is still a country where a female worker has to risk her life and stage a sit-down atop a gigantic steel crane for a year, four seasons, just to put the breaks on layoffs.

It is also a country where service-providing gangsters hired by the management violently swing their clubs and iron pipes at the workers on strike, a country where

governmental authority overlooks and acts as accessories to this serviced violence.

The workers in this country struggle with a reality in which brutality against labor still exists, and the Ssangyong Motors dispute exposed the most gruesome aspect of this

reality. In 2009, when management tried to lay off 2,646 workers, 36% of the total workforce, the labor union responded with a strike.

Eventually, this incident ended when labor and management reached an agreement. They agreed to give 461 workers, who were scheduled to be laid off, an unpaid leave of

absence and to reinstate them a year later. However, management has yet to fulfill their promise of reinstatement, claiming that plant operations have not fully recovered.

The bigger tragedy lies in the fact that laid-off workers who chose to resign from the company are wandering about as temporary day-workers being labeled as ex-

Ssangyong Motors workers. And this has led to the death of many workers and their family.

The wife of a retired worker died while he went to earn money, and his twelve-year-old daughter spent the night by her mother's body holding her five-year-old sibling.

There have been many workers and family who have taken their own lives due to the injuries and psychological pain from the violent suppression of the workers. Thus the

number of people who have practically been "killed by society" has reached 22 so far.

Yesterday marked the third anniversary of the agreement that settled the Ssangyong Motors clash. Han Sang-kyun, the former head of the Ssangyong Motors chapter of the

Korean Metal Workers' Union who led the strike at the time, was released after 3 years in prison.

He claimed, "Many workers and their family died after the strike because they could not see hope in the despair that the company, Ssangyong Motors, locked them in, and

also because society did not care and turned away from them. I couldn't read the domestic news section in the newspaper for a while because I was afraid I'd read of another death."

Ssangyong Motors should carry out the details of the agreement with its workers and stop attempts to break up the labor union. Furthermore, they should give a sincere

apology for causing serious physical and psychological damage to the workers and willingly provide alternatives to help cure them.

The political circle, which formed a special committee on the Ssangyong Motors incident, should investigate the details of the anti-labor policies that the Lee Myung-bak

government has made and hold them responsible.

Most importantly, we must reach out to the workers with hands of solidarity saying, "No matter what, never lose hope, and let us share the suffering." We cannot let another

victim be added to the existing 22.



진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

[8.04] 한상균동지 석방...

사용자 삽입 이미지


Pyeongtaek, summer 2009: Thousands of workers at the SsangYong Motor Company production line took action to stop the planned mass layoff. The workers, mainly organized in the Korean Metal Workers Union (KMWU, SsangYong branch) occupied parts of the factory and held out for 77 days against repeated assaults/terror attacks by large units of the riot cops, incl. SWAT. (*)

Dozens of workers were jailed afterwards, many others lost their jobs and some later killed themselves...

Han Sang-kyun, the secretary of the local KMWU chapter originally received four years jail.  Last Saturday night, after serving three years in prison, comrade Han Sang-kyun was released!!

In front of Hwaseong Prison at midnight upon his release, he joined the "Solidarity & Welcome Rally":


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And today in the morning(KST), after a short break with his family, he visited the SsangYong Memorial Site in downtown Seoul:


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Related articles (by NewsCham, 8.06):
77일 쌍용차 파업이끈 한상균 전 지부장 3년 만기출소
쌍용차 분향소 영정 앞에 선 한상균
(Interview) 한상균, “‘미안하다’던 편지가 가장 기억에 남아”


* Related reports you can check out here:





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진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

강정평화大행진 (5日차)

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[8.04] Grand March ended its finale with a great success...

It was around 3pm that the two teams joined by the Peace Cruise team who came from the nationwide(*) could finally meet in the Jeju City.


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It was not precedent that such long lines of parade have ever occurred in the Jeju City and Island. The media reported that about 2,000 people marched the city on the day but when people gathered in the Tapdong square for the evening peace concert, more and more people joined. The event operation team estimated that about 3,500 people filled the square...

Any of the photos cannot really describe the energy and heat... The people had walked about 290km (East team: 147km, West team 140 km) for five nights six days, breaking through strong sun light and storm... (report by Choi Sung-hee)



The PEACE MARCH ended y'day afternoon with a powerful demo through Jeju City...


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...and, in the night, with a colourful closing concert


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* Here activists from KCTU(Hanjin, SsangYong...), Yongsan Struggle Collective etc. participated (a video with interviews you can watch here!).


Related reports:
강정 평화대행진 대미...“우리는 이미 이겼다” (NewsCham, 8.04)
제주땅 290km에 새긴 외침은 “해군기지 NO” (VOJ, 8.04)
노란색 구럼비의 여름, 강정 희망을 노래하다 (VOJ, 8.04)
“폭우도, 폭염도 평화 향한 열망 뚫지 못했다” (VOP, 8.05)
5박6일 대행진... 수천명이 외친 '제주의 평화' (OMN, 8.05)




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진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

樂樂樂: '무키무키만만수'

The Hankyoreh published two days ago the following video about the fascinating folk-punk duo "Mukimukimanmansu":


 Source: http://english.hani.co.kr/arti/english_edition/e_entertainment/545172.html 



Well, in the past I met them several times, resp. I was able to enjoy their great performances...

2011.6.25/26 @Duriban:

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2011.9.17 (Solidarity concert during the struggle against the "redevelopment" in Myeong-dong):

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2012.5.01 ("Mayday General Strike" in Seoul):

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진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

강정평화大행진 (3日차)

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Starting in the early morning, the "West Team" walked about 30km from Hamo beach to Hallim...


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Even under the hot sun, the march was being continued with joyful songs. Marchers who had endured hot sunlight and heating cement roads were cheered by the 119 emergency unit members who spread water to them, making all laughing. A villager elder says, “By this hard working, we can save the peace of our village. We so thank to all the people who came here upon the news." A boy says, “I am not tired. I am OK. I can even run at my best.” A man says, “The way we are hard-walking is not a [recreational] olle but it is a way of Peace.” Because of anticipated typhoon, Damrey, people slept at the floor of a big sports hall. Dinner after long walk is always welcome! A long day passed again... (report by Choi Sung-hee)

Here just some impressions from yesterday's 3rd stage:

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A new video report with impressions from y'day you can watch here.



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진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

강정평화大행진 (2日차)

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Impressions from yesterday's 2nd stage (at least 300 people participated):

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A new video ("Gangjeong Royal Kitchen Story") with impressions from yesterday you can watch here. And finally here you can see some impressive pics from Monday's first stage of the "Gangjeong Grand Peace March".



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진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

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