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게시물에서 찾기2012/11/04

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  1. 2012/11/04
    2012 생명평화대행진 (#5)
    no chr.!

2012 생명평화대행진 (#5)

사용자 삽입 이미지

Y'day, after one month crossing almost the entire territory of S. Korea, the "Grand March for Life and Peace" - under the motto "All is the Sky, We are the Sky" - ended in Seoul...

In the late morning a protest rally in front of the Nat'l Assembly was held:


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In the early afternoon a solidarity visit, to support the resistance movement against destruction of poor tenants' homes, took place in the area of the Yongsan Massacre:


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After that a short stop to protest in front of the Ministry of 'Defense':


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A short while later a joint rally was held in front of Seoul Stn to support the demands of the victims of the SsangYong mass dissimissal for the promised reemployment:


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사용자 삽입 이미지

In the evenening the last destination(Seoul City Hall Plaza) to celebrate final Culture Struggle Festival:


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Related reports:
‘생명평화대행진’ 참가자·쌍용차 동조단식단, “쌍용차 국정조사” 촉구 (VOP, 11.03)
‘함께 살자! 모두가 하늘이다’...3000인 도심 집회, 행진 (NewsCham, 11.04)
쌍용차 해고자 전원복직 3000인 동조단식 (KCTU, 11.04)



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