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게시물에서 찾기2012/11/20

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  1. 2012/11/20
    울산 고공농성투쟁... (#8)
    no chr.!

울산 고공농성투쟁... (#8)

사용자 삽입 이미지


Solidarity with the Protest of Hyundai Workers in Ulsan!


Since 34 days  two labor activists - one official of the irregular workers' union of Hyundai Motors and the other a former irregular worker at the automaker - are now in sit-in strike on a power supply post...


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But - alas - solely the (conservative/reactionary)newspaper JoongAng Ilbo mentioned today their struggle:

A protest staged by two auto workers on a transmission tower overlooking Hyundai Motor’s Ulsan plant has now gone on for over a month, raising worries that it will become a prolonged strike with no end in sight.

Choi Byeong-seung, an in-house subcontract worker for the automaker until he was laid off in 2005 for joining a strike, and Chun Ui-bong, an official of Hyundai Motor’s temporary workers’ union, climbed up a 50-meter (164-feet) electrical pole on Oct. 17, demanding the auto giant immediately give 13,000 temporary workers at the plant, including cafeteria workers and janitors, full-time status...
(here you can read the complete article!)

Meanwhile today's Yonhap reported the following: "Three men, including Han Sang-kyun, former leader of Ssangyong Motor Co.'s labor union, hold a sit-in 30 meters up a 50 meter electrical supply tower near the company's plant in Pyeongtaek, south of Seoul, on Nov. 20, 2012, to demand the company reinstate its laid-off workers and that a parliamentary inspection of the lay-offs be held." (more detailed info you'll get as soon as possible!!)

Finally here some other impressions from last weekend's Solidarity Rally in front of the protest side in Ulsan:


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Some more pics you can see here!



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