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게시물에서 찾기2012/11/21

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  1. 2012/11/21
    쌍용차지부 철탑농성.. (#1)
    no chr.!

쌍용차지부 철탑농성.. (#1)

사용자 삽입 이미지


Outside of Deoksu Palace in central Seoul, laid-off Ssangyong Motor workers live in a makeshift tent village. Central District Office has issued a warning that the camp will be soon demolished, prompting visits of support by local religious leaders. In the middle is Kim Jeong-woo, who has been on a hunger strike since Oct. 10 when the National Assembly dropped the parliamentary investigation into the layoffs. Kim has pledged not to eat until the investigation is restarted. Eventually, he, too exhausted, had to be moved to a hospital... (Hankyoreh, 11.20)


And exactly this was the reason why Han Sang-kyun, Mun Ki-soo and Bok Ki-seong decided to occupy...


사용자 삽입 이미지


Yesterday's Yonhap reported the folowing: "Three men, including Han Sang-kyun, former leader of Ssangyong Motor Co.'s labor union, hold a sit-in 30 meters up a 50 meter electrical supply tower near the company's plant in Pyeongtaek, south of Seoul, on Nov. 20, 2012, to demand the company reinstate its laid-off workers and that a parliamentary inspection of the lay-offs be held."  


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Related articles:
쌍용차 30미터 고공농성 “투쟁을 이어가야 한다” (NewsCham, 11.20)
쌍용차 해고자 3명 평택공장 철탑농성 (KCTU, 11.20)
쌍용차 한상균 전 지부장 등 고공농성 돌입.. 경찰 및 노조원들 현장 집결중 (VOP, 11.20)




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