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게시물에서 찾기2012/11/19

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  1. 2012/11/19
    [11.19] '함께 살자 농성촌'
    no chr.!

[11.19] '함께 살자 농성촌'

사용자 삽입 이미지


1.) The sit-in struggle place nearby Daehanmun, the main entrance of Deoksu-gung(palace) in the center of Seoul, is not anymore just the 'Ssangyong Memorial Site'! Since last Tuesday(11.13) it's called the "SKY Sit-in Struggle Tent Village"...(*)

2.) Nov. 18, (the former) Ssangyong Memorial Site: Kim Jeong-woo, head of the Ssangyong chapter of the Korean Metal Workers' Union, was since 40 days in hunger strike to emphasize the demand of the dismissed Ssangyong workers for reemployment, promised 3 years ago...


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...but today in the early morning...

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...he was hospitalized!



* Nov. 13: "(Activists) in Seoul held the press conference where they announced the establishment of a joint sit-in tent zone in the center of Seoul in the morning of the same day. The tent zone, succeeding the collective spirit of the 'Grand March for Life and Peace - We are the SKY' is hosted by activists under the title of ‘Let’s live together!' will unify the struggle of Ssangyong workers, Yongsan families, Gangjeong resistance and non-nuclear-declared villages." (source: Save Jeju Now)


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But only two days later Yonhap reported that "The Jung-gu district office delivered a notice Wednesday that it would ask police to break up their protest tents and impose fines unless they take them down voluntarily within 15 days..."

Related articles:
Protesters defy eviction order (K. Herald, 11.15)
We Oppose Tearing Down the Daehanmun Protest Site (Kyunghyang Shinmun, 11.19)



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