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  1. 2005/11/18
    4 년전에 #5
    no chr.!
  2. 2005/11/15
    4 년전에 #4
    no chr.!
  3. 2005/11/14
    4 년전에 #3
    no chr.!
  4. 2005/11/12
    4 년전에 #2
    no chr.!
  5. 2005/11/12
    4 년전에 #1
    no chr.!
  6. 2005/10/16
    Still in Exile - Memories...
    no chr.!
  7. 2005/09/13
    9.11 and other stuff (u.d.v.)
    no chr.!
  8. 2005/09/08
    Some Good News...
    no chr.!
  9. 2005/08/22
    In Exile. Bits... (# 4)(1)
    no chr.!
  10. 2005/08/17
    no chr.!

4 년전에 #5

Yesterday, four years ago, I had the first night together with my new Korean friend ? I think at least at that day we became friends ? in Seoul.

Actually we met the last time two days ago in Busan during the last day of PIFF 2001. Then on the next day in the morning she?d to go back by bus to Seoul. We, a Korean and a German friend, were I was staying in Seoul, already had tickets for the train in the coming night.

So we arrived there in the early Sunday morning hours and just went to rest.

In the afternoon me and my new Korean friend called each other made an appointnment to meet together with the friends I was staying (actually I was a little to nervous to meet her alone... harhar...).

We went together to our, my Germans friend and mine, most famous restaurant (actually you can?t call it like that, because it is just a overcrowded wood hut) in Pimatgol/Insa-dong. After two hours my companions got tired and went home... and I was alone with my new Korean friend... uhuu~ how "terrible"... (haha..). So we went the entire night from one tea house to the other and had very interesting and beautiful conversations until the early morning hours, when we had to say good bye, but not without to promis to meet each other in the following evening again.

Finally this was my first really beautiful day/night in Seoul, since I arrived there about two weeks ago.

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4 년전에 #4

Today, four years ago, it was a Friday, I watched the first time with the new Korean acquaintance a movie (during PIFF 2001). Chicken Rice War, a production from Singapore.



Actually the movie was just a kind of entertainment... But short before I saw a trailer to the movie and so I wanted to see it... just because of the Chinese dialoges, because never before I saw a movie in original Chinese language (in German I saw all Chinese movies in English with bad sound or with German synchronisation).


Later in the night there was a small coming together with friends and some movie people, the director of Chicken... was also hanging around there for a while, but at least, after the new Korean acquaintance had to leave us (the next day in the morning she?d to go back to Seoul by bus ...but of course I had to promise to call her "immediately" - she ordered me - when I would be back in Seoul) it was more boring for me and I even was not in the mood to drink more soju...

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4 년전에 #3

The last night four years ago, it was the night (before in the daytime I watched movies on PIFF and I met several times the woman who was running away the night before because of f... Kim Ki-duk... we had some coffee together and the first very interesting conversations without any soju or other stuff like that.) from Thursday to Friday, actually was a typical Korean style night.

First I met with the same person and we had some funny meetings with Korean students who wanted to make interviews with me... that was just for to improve their English, a job just for their school. Later we went with a Korean woman and her German friend to a Chinese restaurant. After we successful finished this first step we met other Korean, German Dutch and Finish friends and the funny part started...

Actually this was my first night in S. Korea like I had later (perhaps) thousand times more. But for the first ? but of course not for the last - time I was really impressed... And slowly PIFF went to it end, just two days more for us were left...

This (friends from Finland and..) was the final "result" of our beautiful, impressive night...

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4 년전에 #2

The day, it was still Wednesday, 4 years ago, I spend with watching movies (PIFF...) and checking around to get some good pictures for my job (actually a friend of mine wanted to write a report/story about PIFF 2001 and he requested me to make photos for the story).

And the entire day I was really anxious to meet my new acquaintance (remember the paper with the name, phone...), I met the night before. This night a "complete strange and famous party", friends of mine promised me, will take place. And at least I remembered that we, the new acquaintance and me we wanted to meet there. Yeah, of course we met each other there, but, unfortunately, I got the idea to get in conversation with the "famous" (harr, harr...) director Kim Ki-duk, just for to arrange a interview with him about the movie "Address Unknown". My new acquaintance made the translation. Kim said finally nearly nothing. In fact he was not interested in a interview - I had to learn some days later, but I saw it at the time very well - but more in the translator... At the end she was complete fed up and just wanted to go home. Even I understand nearly nothing, because of language problems, but I understand well what was going on. So even for me the night was not funny anymore and only my friends were able to stop me, because I just was on the way to "kill" f... Kim (my friends told me: "don’t do that, because he is the only good director in this country"). So the SUPER FAMOUS PARTY, everyone expected, finished complete stupid...
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4 년전에 #1

Right now, four years ago (2001.11.12) - it was a Wednesday, around 8 in the morning - I was getting up (I just wanted to hurry up to get my first coffee and the tickets for the next film shows) in our backyard Yeogwan in downtown Busan. I was holding my head and thinking, "What the hell was going on last night?". And then it was coming like a bomb. The night before, during the 6th Busan Intl Film Festival, together with my friends we joined the so-called Korean Night. Ha, just a complete crazy event, but finally with extensive consequences... Actually in this morning I wasn't sure if the night before was just a strange dream or the reality. So I was checking my stuff in my jacket and I found what for I was searching... a paper with a name, in English, Korean and Chinese, the connected e-mail address, a home page address and a phone number. Wow, it wasn't just a dream.


This past night started just like the nights before: together with some friends from Holland, Finland and Germany we went to drink some soju after the film shows. Later one said that there is the so-called Korean Night... "c’mon let’s go there!". We worried what this will bring, because it was organized by the Korean Film Capitalists...

But, what a surprise, when we arrived there a Korean metal band was playing really strange stuff. Later we got in some talks with Koreans and the only thing what we had to do, except to drink more soju, to "defend" them, especially the women, from an annoying American, we knew him from before.

After a while the beer and the soju was complete finished and the only stuff what was left over: hundreds (I'm really not sure about the number...) of bottles of beakseju. Perhaps you can imagine how this night was continuing?! But finally, especially for me, it was funny and also very interesting... In fact in this night the fate - I know that such a thing isn't existing - was hitting me (the paper with the name and phone number...).

How? Actually this will be the next story.

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Still in Exile - Memories...

Wow, y'day I got from a friend hundreds of photographs I made during my first visit in SK. Really beautiful pictures... but strange memories... All this pictures I made during my first visit in SK, few days before, during and just a few days after PIFF 2001 - all together just during 3 weeks. It's really strange stuff - at least for me...(하하...). Just beautiful memories... Perhaps later I can scan some of it and upload here... And I also found many pictures about my first participation in the SK class struggle - such as the rally of public service workers 2002.05.26 in Daehakno (30.000 joined and I saw the first time 'ZEN' revolutionary 'pop' group... just one year later I met some of them nearly every day, at least in Myeong-dong)... or later in Sept. in the same year the strike of the hospital workers... All together just strange, but also many nice memories...
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9.11 and other stuff (u.d.v.)

9.11 in Berlin


Yesterday I was on the Action Day Against Racism, Neo-nazism and War, a.k.a. Day of Remembrance, Reminder and Meeting. The background: On Sept. 9, 60 years ago survivors of the German Concentration Camps and jails met the first time to remember the victims of the fascist barbarous terror system. Later in now called Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Fascism was degenerated to a kind of official organized ritual in the GDR, East Germany. In the West it was not held. After the re-unification of Germany it became a yearly event every second Sunday in September for anti-fascists, progressive people, but also for all kinds of so-called socialists and communists. Aeh... I mean they call themselves like that... Since at least 10 years the last-named groups and organizations, even they are very small and have totally influence are dominating this event. Finally yesterday you could find insane stuff like that: praises for Kim Il-sung and K. Jong-il, Castro, Chavez, Stalin about Trotskyism, Trotsky about Stalin, Lenin and Stalin about... bla, bla... Just insane!!! According to the organizers yesterday about 200 different groups participated, but I counted just around 60. But I think I made some good, crazy video recordings...




Chile, 1973.9.11


I think it is important to remember this date! On that day the Chilene bourgeoisie and middle class, backed and active supported by the CIA, toppled the socialist, or better the left social-democratic Allende government.




Complete strange this people here... When I was visiting (harr, harr...) Germany the last time, in the beginning of 2002, nearly no one had a “haendepon” (h.p.). But now nearly everyone has one – but they don’t use it. For example in the subway many people, especially the young, are pulling out their h.p., but no one get a call, nobody is calling. They’re just showing that they have one h.p. Or like today in front of my house one youngster he was using it just as music player...




New Orleans: Third World.... The text on one favorite T-shirt in the then New Orleans: “Third world and proud of it” Third world – YES! But perhaps not proud of it anymore!!!




Germany: Bad Chances for Young Migrants According to a daily here (Junge Welt, 9.7) about 40 per cent of the young migrants after the finished this year the school don’t get a apprenticeship (professional training/education – you need here to get a “well” paid job in the industry or service). “Especially in Berlin the situation is very dramatic”, so the German daily. Already several years ago in the district where I was living – ha, now I’m forced to live here again - (more then 50 per cent of the population are migrants, in some areas many more) about 70 per cent don’t got a professional training. One of the reasons: even the most of them were born here, but they don’t know the German language, not really. Usually when they were/are little children their grandparents took/take care of them. So, when they come in the school they don’t know German. In some schools are about 90 per cent migrant children... so the teachers have no chances... The main reason of this situation: the migrants were forced to find flats just in some few areas, because there the rent was/is very cheap. And so they were forced to create kinds of ghettos...

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Some Good News...

Beside my daily fight with the German bureaucracy ?Agency For 밯ork? but they don뭪 have any work for the 5.000.000 unemployed people here (maybe later more about it...), finding a room for me (now I have one, in the same house I was living before, at least until Dec.), registration... ?today I got a editing place. Ha, and directly opposite of my house. In a youth center/club, actually created for the youngsters of the migrants here. But actually the youth don뭪 use it, so I can use...

It뭩 really incredible that here in this big sunny room with many computers no one is sitting, except the staff of the center... and me. The youth prefers the 밣C-bang? where they have to pay... I really don뭪 understand!

But anyway, next week I can begin to edit my last stuff. And next Saturday there will be a big event, called 밶ction day against fascism, racism and war??and of course I뭠l join and report about it.
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In Exile. Bits... (# 4)


Today my 3rd week in Exile was beginning and now I also finished (nearly) all my “duty” stuff.


First of all I was running around nearly the entire week to get my unemployment money and some other social stuff. THEY BUILD BUILDINGS FOR MILLIONS OF EURO/$, BUT THEY TREAT THE PEOPLE LIKE SHIT&RUBBISH... LIKE EVERYWHERE IN THE F... (haha, there is no other...) CAPITALISM...

Before y’day I saw a poster about a street party on Sat. in our neighbor district. Around five years ago I was the last time there on this kind of party and as I was remembering the stuff was really shit (just a few complete drunken punx, bad music...). But y’day was the 15th anniversary?of the occupation of the first houses there (after the GDR gave up) and the event was much more better as expected... and I was so angry that I had no (video)camera (for to make a contribution for MWTV), but because of the days before ?running around to solve my own problems of existence ?to get my camera was the last problem I had...

So y’day I just was busy to get in contact with people who took pictures or video shots ?so, nothing with enjoying on the event... And there were sooo “beautiful” (I know you all would like it!!) pictures to shot... But hopefully the people I was contacting they will send me some stuff... you’ll see it soon... or not. Wow, and I got a contact with a Korean woman ?actually she’s German, but adopted ?and she want to go soon in the “country of her birth”... and she want to have my help to get some contacts and to learn some basics of the language (!!!???...haha).


Today was the same thing: in my neighborhood was a protest against the governmental crackdown against wall paintings (they call this in German “grafitti”) in the city. But I got in contact with a U.S. team, who made video shots ?just let’s see...


Today also the Anti-War Festival (or what ever) organized by “All Together” finished. Is there someone who joined it and can give me a kind of report/summary? In the last two days I was thinking several times about it, especially (see the present situation in Brazil!!!) their factor in the movement. Later this week (perhaps) I’ll write it more concrete!


Well, I think it is all for today....



I Think There will be no help from other camera/video activists...

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Poster of a Turkish "Revolutionary" Group in Berlin

...no comment!!


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