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39개의 게시물을 찾았습니다.

  1. 2005/08/14
    In Exile (# 3)(7)
    no chr.!
  2. 2005/08/12
    In Exile (# 2)(1)
    no chr.!
  3. 2005/08/09
    In Exile (日 0 & 1)
    no chr.!
  4. 2005/06/24
    어제/오늘/木洞 집회...
    no chr.!
  5. 2005/06/22
    6.19 버마 활동날 #3 and more...
    no chr.!
  6. 2005/06/20
    6.19 버마 활동날 (updated)
    no chr.!
  7. 2005/06/19
    어제: 아름다운 平和 난장
    no chr.!
  8. 2005/06/18
    오늘: 平和 난장!!
    no chr.!
  9. 2005/06/17
    지금/어제... + 생각하십시요!
    no chr.!
  10. 2005/06/15
    no chr.!

In Exile (# 3)

The view out off...

...my new living room

The view out off our kitchen window

A part of my personally history (I found in my friend's bookcase/actually no comment necessary...)



First of all – I don’t want to write something anymore...

I just feel f... tired...


The party before y’day-> Actually Berlin (west) was a THE „hotspot“ of the opposition movement in the west – from Paris to Vienna/New York/“Hong Kong“...


But actually on the party just 3 of the activists (we expacted more than 10 friends) joined. Finally they, as I said before, are complete frustrated from everything...


Even they were activists against the capitalist „development“, they believe in the new „left party“ – and this organisation – minju-nodong-dang will like it – will.. – well, I don’t know...


I’m getting more and more... You know, what I mean??? ....


I see what’s going on „at home“ – but...


I’m just desperated (???)... and I hope tomorrow everything is better...


About 4 years ago my friend „ordered“ me:




And now it is to late... – it’s done.., or whatever...


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

In Exile (# 2)

First of all: the rate of unemployment in Berlin is about 20%...


Before yesterday (local time) I visited a former neighbour in the house where I was living before I returned the last time to my “home”. And surprisingly he offered me a room in his flat. So from Saturday I will live in the same house I was living long time, before I was giving up my flat there. The only difference: before I was living in the 1st floor and now in the 4th.


But also this friend, who will give me now the room is complete frustrated from all the political developments here, so he just gave up even to be interested in the stuff, what’s going on here. Actually it is very frustrating to see the people acting – or better not acting – like that!


Today (local time) in the house where I’m living right now my friends want to make a party and many of my former comrades, all were (are ???) strong fighters against the political system (a.k.a. capitalism), are invited. I’m rally eager, what they’re doing now, how they developed themselves…


Right now is election campaign here, but that’s just crazy, what’s going on during that. Just one thing is clear, after Sept. 18 (the day of the parliamentary election) nothing will change (more detailed about it soon).


A friend in her blog reminded yesterday at the nuclear bomb attack on Hiroshima. Her headline: “No More Hiroshima”. But perhaps exactly this the planners of this war crime wished were wishing 60 years ago.

And my friend ended her contribution with “No more Iraq”. Possibly the bastards in the Pentagon, especially after the official “end” of the war there, exactly are wishing that day and night…

Anyway, it’s good that people are reminding this dark chapter of the history!


I have to finish now, because the friends, where I’m staying now, don’t like when I use the Internet to long…







진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

In Exile (日 0 & 1)

About the time in Mokdong deportation center I'll write a detailed report tomorrow or after tomorrow. Now since Saturday I'm in Berlin. The evening before I arrived in Frankfurt (it was f... cold - I arrived there just dressed with a t-shirt) and there on the airport I had to spend the night. On the next day (Sunday) I took the train (because the lack of money I had to use a very slow connection) and after about 8 hours I arrived in Berlin. Here at first I had to find some of my friends, to find a possibility to sleep in the following night. Because I had just 5 Euro (about 5.500 Won) left, the following hours I just was walking (a subway ticket here is about 2.500 Won). Ha, after 5 weeks without any possibility to move around - in Mokdong we were "living" like "sardines in cans" - it was not funny, not really (even today still my muscles are paining (uhoo, cry, cry...). Because I had not even one telephone number I was running around without any success - no one was at home... Finally, after five hours and a 10 KM walk I found friend who were at home. Here since that time I spend the nights. On Monday I had to do the first steps to begin my new life in exile: at first I had to get a new I.D. card and other stuff like that. In the afternoon I visited other friends and I had to hear their laments about the self-destruction of the political movement in Germany, and it seems realy deplorable (about that soon some more detailed...). And now I'm sitting in one of Berlin's main universities and struggle with the computer system (here is the only place to use Internet for free, but even here the machines are very slow and the mouse seems to be 20 years old, it is not possible to upload pictures - y'day I made some, but I don't know what to do with this stuff now...). The next steps for me are to find a flat for me and a kind of work (here are about 14% of the population unemployed!). After tomorrow I will meet friends in the night and perhaps they can help me to find something. As I wrote before I start here on the point cero - everything what actually you need to create your daily life I lost in the last years, or other stuff is still somewhere in Seoul. But fortunately one friend of mine kept a video camera for me, so soon I can start to continue to work... Intersting things I found out in the morning on Frankfurt Airport: the majority of the "ordinary" workers there are migrant workers. Here in Berlin, sometimes in the subway the "Germans" are in the minority (later I will try to make some regularly reports about the living conditions of migrants here). Sorry, that this first article is more personal, but to write about political "developments" here I just must realy arrive... mi-anh hae-yo... Because on that comuter it is not possible to save files (f... OLD Europe!!) and I'm worrying that the computer just went off, I'll finish now. LATER MORE.
진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

어제/오늘/木洞 집회...

Before y’day I was asking – during the 1인 시위 - one of MTU’s leading activists about the weekly rally on Thursday (y’day) and I got the answer: “Of course, tomorrow evening, 7 pm” So y’day I finished my work earlier, for to join the rally. About 6:30 pm I arrived in Myeong-dong and when it was getting more close to 7 pm I wondered why no one of the solidarity groups showed up. A while later two All Together activists arrived full packed with big bags, they usually use to carry many pickets. In this moment I got it: the rally was canceled. Wow, how well-organized!!


Today was the protest rally in front of Mokdong’s Immigration “Authority”. Around 50 people, mainly KCTU activists, some students and members of other solidarity groups joined. Actually nothing really special was happen, except that Yeon Yeong-seok had to sing and play his guitar without to get amplifier access. The riot cops, unit 1022, were in readiness, but except a small incident – one of the KCTU comrades wanted to stop the cop’s cameraman to film the rally – they got nothing to do.


Some minutes ago I went out of RTV broadcasting station, our work place, to smoke. When I watched in the direction to the old Seoul Railway Station, just few meters away, I couldn’t believe, what I saw, because I saw nearly nothing. The air is so dirty now, its like Seoul is laying in a massive fog cloud, that I had really problems to recognize Seoul Station and all the skyscrapers in Myeong-dong disappeared.


Finally here one picture from before y'day's 1인 시위 (shot by숲속 홍길동 동지):


진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

6.19 버마 활동날 #3 and more...

Yeah, first of all – the rainy season not started yet!!

Actually y’day I wanted to catch in the evening a friend after her Marxists “lecture” in one of Seoul’s universities, to give her now finally the additional, but belated birthday present. But it came totally different, because I was called to a meeting with MTU.

The result, beside we all were a little drunken: today I made 9 hours, including two short breaks, 1인 시위 in Myeong-dong (to demand the release of Anwar Hossain, the chairman of MTU (more about it you can read here) It started in the morning at 10 am and I finished at 7 pm. In the beginning five comrades took care that no one will “kidnap” me. Even it was hard to stay mote than eight hours there, but because of the windy weather today it was a kind of o.k. In the beginning it was like a kind of meditation and a good opportunity to dream on the bright day. But later I made the mistake to demand music. And because they had just one tape there I had to listen over hours one of the most boring LPs from J. Lennon. Can you imagine, listen 10 times to “Imagine” or stuff like that, without any break? Before today I couldn’t, but since today I know: it’s torture. Anyway, thanks to the weather it was not so strange, but in opposition to the days I only was joining by visiting, where the rallies resembled more happenings today it was more boring, except the last two or three hours, after two university students begun to join and mobilized in a very funny way the citizens to sign our protest petitions.


The next protest events by MTU:


Tomorrow (木), 7 pm in Myeong-dong

our weekly night rally

After tomorrow (金), 2 pm protest rally in front of

Mokdong’s Central Immigration Office


The “slide show”: Y’day the file was to big to upload. Today my colleague reduced it. Now we were able to upload, but the "quality" now is really shit.

Actually it is my fault. When I got the pictures they had a size from 1.5 MB each and I just forgot to process them to a smaller size. Tomorrow I’ll try it again (finally I’ve to know the process in the sleep).

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

6.19 버마 활동날 (updated)

Yesterday Burma Action together with solidarity groups organized the “6.19 International Day of Solidarity a Democratic Burma” (a Korean text about this datum you can read here).



The event started at 5 pm INSIDE – but open air - the new constructed Yongsan Station (a really strange place, but not so bad for to get public attention). More than 100 people, Burmese, Korean and migrant workers from different countries – short after the finishing of the event, activists from MTU arrived – participated. The program – Korean music groups such as Baram (Wind/바람) and Heaven, Earth, Man (天地人) – but also many of the protest singers - who are still in strong solidarity, among other things, with the struggle of migrant workers (Park Joon, Yeon Yeong-seok and Park Hyang-mi) - and Park Seong-hwan were performing a really great show. Interesting it was that no one of all the so-called internationalist groups/organizations, such as DLP or All Together (다함께) shone by absence and just Peoples Solidarity (민중연대, actually, as I know, they’re more “NL”…) and few other smaller Korean groups supported event. Perhaps they (the self-called “internationalists”) don’t like the idea of the Burmese resistance to achieve at first just democracy. But, you can believe or not, for some peoples on this world, they have to suffer daily under bloody dictatorships, even the so-called “parliamentarian democracy” is a better solution (THE ONLY SOLUTION IS THE REVOLUTION… I know…) as the “life” what they have right now.


Just now I got hundreds of pictures (shot by Park Shin-woo/나눔문화. THANX A LOT!!) about y'day's Burma Action Day and here just three of them. Tomorrow you will see a lot more)





진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

어제: 아름다운 平和 난장

Yeah, yday was 아름다운 平和 난장. And how to expect it was just lovely!

Many peace/anti-war groups participated and where present with own information booths. Of course several of the invited groups/organizations yday I wrote that around 20 were invited didnt follow the invitation. Such as All Together - they sent just one activist for to make propaganda for their next anti-war event many of the invited showed no interest. Possibly they dont agree that to fight against war, but also in general against exploitation and oppression, it needs a broad mass movement. Maybe they think to fight against our enemy is possible just in their own organization But this is a huge mistake, if it is not something worse (counterrevolutionary!! Because the class enemy is happy about the everlasting splitting of the left)

But anyway, ydays event was well visited by at least 100 people, mainly ordinary citizens and many came with their children. A photo report yday you were able to see so many beautiful pictures - will follow tomorrow, if I get the requested stuff from one of my comrades.


In one hour a solidarity event to support the Burmese democracy movement against the military dictatorship is beginning and we, MWTV, want to report about it. It means nothing else then WORKBut it's work I like to do!

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오늘: 平和 난장!!

About 3 hours ago I got a TM: Thanks 4 nice documentary. But actually for me it isnt nice anymore. Before yday I really was a little proud of my work, because I thought, that I created something good. But yday, after the colleague who sent me the TM was working on it - I just was asking him, how to write the title the sense of the editing was complete smashed. Im sure it was not his intention, but finally the result was the same Next time, hopefully, when he wants to change something in my stuff hell ask me before

So next Monday Ill start to reconstruct (it has the advantage that I can practice for better editing) my docu and if Im able Ill upload the stuff here.


Today is 평화 난장, and hopefully it is not raining! More than 20 groups/organizations - including MTU, All Together - are invited by the organizers of the event Just lets see who is following the invitation


The small picture on the left: actually it is an animation, a friend created long time ago. But when I found it in the internet I just was able to copy it as a picture. Maybe sooner or later I again can find the animation





Finally here one picture from before ydays MTU rally in 明洞:

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지금/어제... + 생각하십시요!

While Mahbub is now also "working" (actually I wans't ask for this, but... Just let's see later the result) on my already edited stuff I’m since two hours uploading the announcement of our (MWTV’s) next (3rd) broadcasting tomorrow night (9 pm). Yesterday was MTU’s weekly rally in Myeong-dong and about 40 people, mainly students joined, but also a few unionized workers. Otherwise… nothing new, except: 다음 주 부터 장마 (a friend prophesied last night, perhaps it might be better when she would sleep in the night instead to act as a prophet... 하하~).







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…today I nearly finished (successful!!) my editing job for the next Migrant Workers TV. It will be broadcasted on coming Saturday at 9 pm on RTV. And just now I complete finished another contribution: about the “battle” on May 19 in front of Mokdong Immigration Office (here you can read the related report). Actually I really like the final product – nice pictures and good music! Yeah, just watch the program (a while later you also can find the stuff in the internet, of course here too). Tomorrow the final work on the documentary and than everything is fine …and we can start to plan the 4th broadcasting. Yesterday I joined the rally of irregular workers on Yeoui-do, maximum 500 workers and some students participated. Except it was f… hot, nothing special was happen. Oh, it’s not really true, because behind the stage, nearly on the end of the rally three explosions took place, one huge and two smaller. What was the really happen, I couldn’t find out, but perhaps three riot cops exploded …who knows!? By the way, when 500 peoples, S. Korea has 8.000.000 irregular workers – 60% of the entire working class here - demand “general strike” they really should ask themselves if this is realistic.
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