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39개의 게시물을 찾았습니다.

  1. 2005/06/13
    no chr.!
  2. 2005/06/12
    no chr.!
  3. 2005/06/10
    no chr.!
  4. 2005/06/09
    미안해요... (updated)
    no chr.!
  5. 2005/05/30
    Finally the last weekend wasn’t really lost…
    no chr.!
  6. 2005/05/29
    A Lost Weekend
    no chr.!
  7. 2005/05/24
    no chr.!
  8. 2005/04/11
    Y'day's view from our roof
    no chr.!
  9. 2005/01/31
    What I saw y'day...
    no chr.!


Yeah, 9 hours movie editing makes complete mad!! And tomorrow (after tomorrow at 1pm the docu must be finished) the same shit (and I also have to go to Yeouido/irregular workers struggle)… Ha, I already hate my movie/documentary! I will go home now!



진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크


Yesterday, before we’d the weekly


I joined the so-called “one person” rally in front of Myeong-dong cathedral. The atmosphere there was more like a happening (when I made the same in last year’s summer it was just torture, because there was no shadow and it was every day just f… hot, so I called the entire show: brain cooking). Several activists from Struggle and Rice group were on the spot, with guitar and bongo – and they collected many signatures, especially after my comrade Mahbub took the microphone to mobilize the by-passers.



After our MWTV meeting – the first time we got paid yesterday for our first broadcasting – we went to a nearby restaurant… and just a funny night begun. So today in the morning I was really f… off, but I had to work. So in the last eight hours or so I selected more pictures/scenes and music for my documentary which will be broadcasted next Saturday at 9pm. In my break I joined again for a while the “one person” rally and again it was funny there, even today it was so f… hot and the air in Seoul was complete dirty!

The music, you hear in the background: When I remember well it is from the soundtrack of “Take Care of my Cat” (고양이를 부탁해). I saw the movie during my first visit in SK in 2001 in Busan on PIFF. When I was back in Germany some weeks later a friend brought me a copy of the soundtrack and so nearly every day, until my next visit to SK was listening to the music and got really sad, because the movie is a kind of connected with some beautiful memories. Before y’day I found this music on my friend’s blog (actually she should know…).

Anyway, I will go home now.



진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크


Today actually I should continue to edit my stuff from last Sunday, but unfortunately I have to send our “Urgent Appeal” (to stop the process of deportation of Anwar) around the world (till now the appeal is in 27 countries in Asia/Oceania, Africa and Europe – now the Americas…).


Today in the morning I had already a small clash with civil cops: in front of our (in the building next to it is RTV, our present work place located) neighbor building, the former LG건설 at present GS건설(The names are changing, but the methods to exploit the working class are still the same!!), Gyeonggi-do Construction Workers Trade Union (경기도 건설 산업 노동조합, the shared last year with us the struggle place in Myeong-dong for about 300 days) held a rally. I went there to join for a while, but two civil cops wanted to prevent that and so some argues and scuffling were happen until they understand that I just wanted to use my political right to join a workers rally… (In fact I don’t have this right, because foreigners are not allowed to participate in political activities in S. Korea. Just some days ago, N. Vollertsen, a German,, who is involved/active in anti-NK stuff, was kicked out off SK.). Anyway, here you can read the leaflet for today’s protest against GS건설.

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

미안해요... (updated)

Yesterday actually I wanted to join a “Marxist Forum" 진정한 민주주의란 무엇인가? , organized by a friend (?) and her comrades in one of Seoul’s universities (하하, just two years ago she told me that she don’t need lectures about politics… and now she gives lectures…). But because I was working nearly 12 hours – pre editing one of our next contributions for MWTV – I was not able to go there. I’m sooo sorry…

Before y’day MTU started in Myeong-dong the “One Person Rally” campaign – the presently chairman of MTU, Shakil, was the beginner. Actually it is a many person rally (when I, together mainly with Myeong-ho from ETU, made about 60 days 일인시위 in front of the National Assembly nearly exactly one year ago, it was not allowed to stay with two or more people there – just one was allowed)… Just times are changing…


Today in the evening, 7 pm, we’ll (MTU) have the next rally in Myeong-dong and everyone is warmest welcome!


Excursion (lecture…):

What is real democracy?

Democracy (Ancient Greek: peoples power. But the cops are peoples too, the capitalists and even Mr. Bush and Rumsfeld also…) is a form of state, but the state is the instrument of power of the ruling class. In the present time the ruling class is the capitalist class. The bourgeois democracy is mainly protecting the rights of the bourgeois class. In the socialist society (after the REVOLUTION!!) the proletarian democracy will protect mainly the rights of the working class. But as you can see, both kind of democracy are not “real” democracies. “Real” democracy you’ll have just in the communist (or how ever you wanna call it), classless society. But, because in the classless society there will be no nation, no state (no police, no army, no party – ruling/opposing…) and of course no classes anymore – just freedom for everyone of the collective – there, in fact, will be also no democracy anymore… Everything is clear???


Right now Mahbub told me, that today is no rally in Myeong-dong!!


So I'll just edit my stuff until the evening/night.

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

Finally the last weekend wasn’t really lost…

Yesterday first we, the video activists ”Hong Gil-dong from the Forest” and me, joined for a while the founding meeting of the Seoul section of the Migrant Workers’ Trade Union (MTU). At about 3 pm we went to Ansan to join the 8th Migrant Workers Culture Festival (for the next Migrant Workers TV I’ve to make a short report about it). One and a half hour later we arrived there. Like usual in the last months the festival was held in a small park near the Ansan Station. Many migrant workers were in the audience, but like the last time they were just staying or sitting on the edge of the park or just on the street in front of the park. The majority of the audience were migrant workers from China (for the next festival we will prepare propaganda material in Chinese language). For a while I distributed leaflets and many people were very interested in the stuff. After we finished the festival and took all the stuff in the car, we, the most of the Korean organizers ,participants and me, went to a near restaurant, where for 5.000 Won one person can eat as much as you want/can. After that we had a final getting together in front of the office of Construction Workers Trade Union in Ansan. We evaluated the festival and everyone had to sing a song – so finally we’d a lot of fun.


And now the new work week is beginning: today we've to make a interview in a hospital, tomorrow a special friend has birthday (actually her birthday has nothing to do with work, it's just fun) and after tomorrow  in Suwon activists who are defending their homes/basis of existence (철거민) will have their protest in front of Gyeonggi-do police headquarter because of the last attacks against the struggling activists in Osan... and of course we'll join and report about it.

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

A Lost Weekend

Last Friday actually I wanted to go to Ulsan (I had the possibility to join the construction workers from Gyeonggi-do). But finally I wasn’t able to go there, because a friend, who wanted to go with me to there only said “Sleeping more” (he was in my house)… and after two hours trying to get him up, I just gave up. So we spend two days just with eating, drinking, sleeping, eating, drinking… Already last Thursday we, Mahbub, my colleague in Migrant Workers TV, and me, met him on the last evening of the 9th Human Right Film Festival. After we spend there a while we said, “Just let’s drink somewhere a bottle of Soju”. On the way to find a shop, where we could sit outside and drink something, our friend said, that the activists who protested about hundred days in front of Jongno-gu Office (the story about their struggle you can read here) against the destruction of the basis of existence got a new restaurant. So we got in contact with them and 30 minutes later we were sitting in their new restaurant. It’s only great there, it’s just 5 minutes away from the old place and the building is much more beautiful than the building before (later more about it, the location, and so on…). Finally not really revolutionary, not at all… Anyway, now I have to start with the serious stuff again – I have to go to Ansan, making a report about today’s Migrant Workers Culture Festival (please see that).
진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크


Y’day night, after I came home – before I saw in 인권영화제 3 movies (one docu about the horror of the ongoing war in Iraq, one docu project about the irregular workers struggle last year in S. Korea and one about a region in Romania, where a multinational company will exploit gold resources, with massive damages there for the nature and the people, who are living there/beautiful pictures, but a sad story/but the people there are fighting back!!) – I sat on our roof and many pictures passed my head. It was a kind of strange: funny, but also a little sad. Funny, because I was remembering last Thursday’s rally in Mokdong, actually not the rally itself, but… A little sad: when all the time passed, after I came the first time to S. Korea (Nov. 2001/부산국제영화제)… During this time on the roof – remembering but also a little dreaming – I watched the night skyline of 성동구/중구 and in my back the almost full moon…

Just some minutes ago I made a report about our last efforts to get international solidarity for the struggle of MTU and especially for the struggle to get released Anwar.

Ha, and funny: yesterday, before we went to the H.R. Film Festival I bought 평양담배 and my street dealer gave my discount, because I’m “such a faithful customer”!

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

Y'day's view from our roof

This: just some hours ago

진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

What I saw y'day...

...on my long walk from 연의동 to 광화문:
진보블로그 공감 버튼트위터로 리트윗하기페이스북에 공유하기딜리셔스에 북마크

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