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So You Want To Be a Librarian

New from LJP: So You Want To Be a Librarian

So You Want To Be a Librarian

Author: Lauren Pressley
Price: : $15.00
Published: July 2009
ISBN: 978-0-9802004-8-5
Printed on acid-free paper.

Now on sale.

Librarians tend to love their work and consider librarianship a great career. This book is by a talented librarian who wants to introduce people to the profession. If you are attracted to becoming a librarian, you will find answers to a lot of your questions here:

  • What do librarians do?
  • What are the different types of libraries and professional jobs in libraries?
  • What is the story behind the profession?
  • What are librarians all about and what hot issues do they discuss in their professional lives?
  • What do I do to become a librarian?
  • What are some important things to know once I’m in a masters program in library science?

This book is an essential introduction to the profession for people who are at the point of choosing a career.

The author, Lauren Pressley, has the distinction of being selected as one of Library Journal’s “Movers and Shakers” of 2009.

Lauren has a blog to accompany the book - check it out.

Lauren will also be doing a book signing at the Library Juice Press booth at the ALA Annual Conference in Chicago next month. Sunday, July 12th, at 10am. Booth 1637 in the Exhibits Hall at the convention center.



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