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Kim Larsen - Jutlandia

마틴 아저씨 집에 놀러가서 이런 저런 음악도 많이 듣고 흥미로운 책들도 많이 보았다. 마틴 아저씨가 소개해 준 음악 책들을 사람들과 공유를 하고 싶은데 이런 식으로 하나하나씩 올려봐야겠다. 아래 노래는 덴마크 그룹이 부른 노래인데 한국 전쟁에 hospital ship으로 참전을 했다는 jultlandia 라는 배가 소재가 된 노래이다. 친히 마틴아저씨가 영어로 번역까지 해서 가사를 보내줬다. 씨익


It was in 1949 or circa there abouts
there was a war in Korea
a ship called Jutlandia came there abouts
for there was a war in Korea
taken from the cellar to sail
now a hospital

Hay ho for Jutlandia
she comes to the slaughter when called
home is the hunter
home from the hunt
and the seamen went home from the ocean

Where boys sail to the war
for women are banned
upon the red cross painted ship
and Lilli Marleen sings, Auf Wiedersehn
where they fell on the line
cannons play first violin
come on soldiers, sing with melody

Hay ho ......

She sails through the night with all her babes
alive and dead
white as a virgin and like an eagle brave
she goes to meet the war
nurses at 16 years old
look to the soldiers wounds

Hay ho.......

                                            words and Music:  Kim Larsen
                                             Translation:  Martyn Lowe

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