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게시물에서 찾기2005/12

1개의 게시물을 찾았습니다.

  1. 2005/12/08
    12. 1. 웨스트 파푸아의 독립을 기념하며!!
    another world

12. 1. 웨스트 파푸아의 독립을 기념하며!!

지난 1961. 12. 1 웨스트파푸아는 자체 독립을 선포하고, 국호와 국가, 국기를 정헀습니다.

그리고 독립을 완성하기 위한 절차를 진행했었습니다.

하지만, 유엔, 제국주의 패권국가들의 공모하에 이루어진 인도네시아의 침략으로, 인도네시아 식민지로 편입되었고, 식민정책으로 약 10만명이 사망했다고 합니다. (자세한 내용은 블로그 안에 있음)


2004. 12. 1. 웨스트 파푸아인들이 트리코라 광장에서 모닝스타(웨스트 파푸아 국기) 게양식을 가졌는데, 인도네시아 정부는 반란죄에 해당한다는 이유로 게양식에 참여한 두 명을 구속, 각 15년과 10년의 징역형을 선고하였습니다. 단지 국기를 게양했다는 이유로 말이죠. 하지만, 인도네시아 정부는, 웨스트 파푸아인들을 달래기 위해 만든 특별자치법에서 모닝스타게양을 허가했습니다.


올해는 많은 사람들이 차마 거리에 나오지 못하고, 교회에서 기도를 했다고 합니다.


하지만 지난 해 모닝스타게양으로 15년을 선고받은 필립 까르마가, 현재 수감중인 교도소 옥상에서 모닝스타를 게양하였다고 합니다.

국가폭력이 결코 자유와 독립에 대한 열망을 꺾울 수 없다는 것을, 인도네시아 정부가 하루 속히 인정해야 할텐데 말입니다...


아래는 관련 기사입니다.




Papua rebel leader flies flag in jail    joe collins 

  Dec 03, 2005 23:26 PST  



Papua rebel leader flies flag in jail


Jakarta Post.com December 04, 2005

Nethy Dharma Somba, The Jakarta Post/Jayapura


Although he spends his days and nights in a cramed prison cell, the spirit

to fight for Papua's independence still burns brightly in the heart of

convicted rebel, Filep Karma.


Disregarding the severe consequences, Filep proudly hoisted the Morning Star

flag on the prison's roof in Jayapura on Thursday as hundreds of Papua

independence supporters held street rallies to commemorate the independence

of Papua on Dec. 1.


The supporters themselves were prevented from displaying the outlawed flag

at Trikora field in town, as their attempts were successfully scuttled by

the Indonesian Police.


"I am being kept in jail, but it does not dampen my spirit to fight for

Papua's independence," Filep told The Jakarta Post. Filep, who was sentenced

to 15 years in prison earlier this year for committing state treason, said

he was willing to bear any consequences for his act.


He refused, however, to reveal who secreted the flag to him.


Filep climbed a building in the prison compound on Thursday afternoon and

waved the Morning Star from the roof while shouting "Papua Freedom!"


Chief of security at Abepura prison, Korneles Rumbairusi, said he had no

idea how Filep was able to climb the prison building and wave the flag, the

symbol of Papuan independence. He had no idea either as to how the flag was

smuggled into the prison.


Responding to the incident, chief of Jayapura police Adj. Sr. Comr. Paulus

Waterpauw said police were still investigating six security guards and a

woman convict who saw Filep waving the flag. "This stunt could very well get

him a fat sentence extension," Waterpauw asserted.


Filep was arrested last year for leading a ceremony commemorating Papua

independence on Dec. 1. He led a flag-hoisting ceremony in Trikora field in

Jayapura town, which ended with a clash between Papuan independence

supporters and Indonesian Police. Besides being jailed, Filep was also

discharged from his position as a civil servant with the Papua


Dec. 1 was declared Papuan independence day by separatists who proclaimed

the state of West Papua on Dec. 1, 1962.






Message from West Papua :

2 December 2005


"We only want Papua must be free"


This morning I stand near the road. Suddenly a lot of army from Java [came

by]. They just arrived by airplane.


All of Papua people think may be in Papua [there will be] a big war again.

Yesterday Philip Karma raise up Papua flag again in Jail.


All Papua make prayers only in chruch because many army not allow us to make

prayers in field.

Brother.... We don't want anything, we just want be free form Indonesia.


We also want to build up the peace in the world. We want to keep the world

safe all the time.

I respect you cos your members like to support us.


Please not stop to press Indonesia that they must get out from West Papua.

We only want Papua must be free.


Papua Merdeka!


Best Regard

[name removed]


Richard Samuelson

Free West Papua Campaign

Oxford, U.K.


E-Mail: samo-@aol.com

Tel: +44 (0)1865 241200



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